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Say you, the biggest fan, were suddenly made producer of atlantis...

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    Say you, the biggest fan, were suddenly made producer of atlantis...

    Say you, a big fan stargate atlantis, were suddenly (and strangely) made producer, and are now in control of everything that comes and goes into the show.

    What would you do? Would you just grant every single wish the fans ever had or would you keep the show as it is? What would you modify?
    My heart beats in 13/8.

    Yeah, I would have it totally fan-driven. Choose a different fan's email pitch for each episode. Produce it, sit back and enjoy the resulting chaos. Bet the fans wouldn't be any happier.
    "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


      Great Question!!

      I'd definatly go to websites like this and see what the fans think because they keep the show alive. Anyone who cares enough about a show to come to places like this and share opionions would be key to determining which plots and characters are wins compared with those that are not.

      I would keep the separation from earth and the playful banter between the characters. It is fun to see the one liners and expressions between them. The chemistry between them works. I'd keep the ships and the city and continue to explore the gate network.

      As far as changes, I would:

      Introduce some romance but not too much to make it a "soap" - but it would be hard to work with others that closely and not form bonds. They are - after all - human.

      Explore the city more and make the ancients not as "nice" as we thought adding some intrigue about what really started the war in Pegasus.

      Beckett would have ascended. We would have to fight the asurans and he would help us and get kicked out. (OK - it's a Daniel plot rip off but so what - he could come back!!) - Actually - I'd pay writers big money to come up with a good plot to get him back! I'd have a contest to have fans help with that. The winner would get a walk on.

      Introduce some new species - some good, some not good.

      Find a new food source for the Wriath -Again, I'd pay the writers to come up with a good plot - alot of them could be found in fan fic's and in this forum. thus allowing us to explore their culture more and get to know them better. (Common Ground, Allies etc.) Then we would have an alliance of sorts to fight icky bad guys.

      More the Genii - I would have them win a few small battles to keep them around.

      No more Lucious or however his name is spelled.

      Build more on Teyla and her people. How can such a "simple" people have mastered fire like they do and what's with that abandoned city on the planet where we first found them? They have a neat histroy to explore.

      Close up some loose ends - lots of other threads on that.

      OK - this is getting too long, but those are some things. Not so much changes, but things I'd like to see.
      Atlantis Girl

      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


        First and for most, get the show off Scifi and onto a channel which will treat the show with more respect.

        I'd try to fill in the open stories from the past, specifically the ones that fans want while coming up with new and original to carry on overall story.



          What I would do is study the neilson research, see what kind of shows are popular, see what kind of shows people want to see, and review all of the canceled shows from the past 3 years to see what didn't work (while at the same time reviewing their DVD sales, to see if any became cult classics and why).

          I would than sit down with the writers and find out what their plans are for this show, not this season this show. Find out their personal goals, and reasons for the episodes that they would be writing. I would than have them decide what kind of show they want this to be. Lets clearly establish is this a comedy/action, action adventure, action/drama, dramedy, character driven action, and inform them all that whichever decision they decide on they all must agree upon and not decide to do, "something totally different for the series." Okay, this is only season 4, let's have some consistancy, the show has not been on long enough for those "out of the box" episodes, this IS NOT SG-1 or a continuation of which. We have to take in regard that there are people who never watched SG-1 however watched Atlantis and became fans, and still continued to not watch Atlantis.

          Than I would have them all CLEARLY establish how each character is going to evolve this season. Is someone going to feel like they don't have any support, how about bitterness towards another character, and also how long this these feelings last and which point in the season are they going to work on that. As well as sitting down with each actor and seeing where they see their character by the end of the season, what they feel are their strengths and weaknesses, and what they think should be touched upon.This will all be done before the overall story of the season is ever established. Finally since they will know that how each character is going to be at the end of the season, than deciding on the this season's primary story, and then COLLECTIVELY deciding how each character's development is going to strengthen the main story, and on which episodes which animosities and friendships, and fights would happen.

          I would also enforce that the writers work collectively together. Because currently I think the only time SGA's writers talk to each other is when they need a plot device to make a scene work... And they feel that's working as a group!? They don't even keep the characters consistent! That is what's so painfully annoying... I hate it when a character has an amazing episode, and it's very emotional and you think that it has changed their character forever, than the next week seeing them acting like nothing happened. It takes away the emotional significance of the privious episode when the very next one has the character acting like nothing happened.

          The reason why the show isn't getting as high of ratings as it should is that magical reset button. Stand alone episodes are good to attract new viewers, however new viewers want to feel like they know who a character is after 2 episodes... I've been watching it for 3 seasons and I don't know these characters! There is no reason to watch a show if you are not emotionally attached to the characters, and how can you become attached when you know that no character development that happens in an episode matters at all. It takes away from every aspect of the show. How is a plot going to matter if the characters don't?


          P.S. Sorry about the all caps right there (first time I've ever written more than just a single word in caps ever o_o; ), it's just extreamly frustrating and I'm sure that all of you understand that frustration just like I do.
          Last edited by Mikaeru; 04 February 2007, 08:18 AM. Reason: Added a space between ; and ) so that my sweatdrop didn't become a winking face -_-;


            I would somehow let the Wraith find out about the Ori and the trillions of humans living in that galaxy. Then I would send the Wraith to said galaxy and eliminate the followers of the Ori. The SGC can get back to gathering advance technology and building more intergalactic battleships. When the time comes, the SGC will release a biological WMD on the Wraith and kill them all. The Holy Grail weapon will get sent to the Ori galaxy in a gift basket. The SG program will go public and that video shot in Heroes will be released. Show is over.


              Originally posted by metabog View Post
              Say you, a big fan stargate atlantis, were suddenly (and strangely) made producer, and are now in control of everything that comes and goes into the show.

              What would you do? Would you just grant every single wish the fans ever had or would you keep the show as it is? What would you modify?
              Interesting question. Very thought provoking. Of course I had this wonderful image of me sitting in some kind of important chair and just waving a stick at everyone telling them what to do but I am aware that's not a producer.

              Firstly, I think I would look at fans reactions to past episodes to kind of gauge what works and what doesn't, what's popular and what's not. Then, I would decide what I think works etc... because of course, it's not always about following what everyone wants since it's difficult to please everyone and I'd have to be mindful of that and be aware of what show I want to produce.

              I always think that fans as a whole, as a cohesive group, can be quite greedy. (Please don't think I'm offending anyone because I'm not, and if I were I was including myself in that ). It's best to always give fans what they want but in moderation and because ratings are important and the WHOLE season needs to work not just the first few episodes, then you have to give them something to want, something to watch for, a reason to keep tuning in if you will. So, I wouldn't give them that big thing they're after, like the end of the war or a certain pair of characters finally getting it on because if I did, they wouldn't watch anymore because they have no reason to; they got what they want and they're done.

              If I were a producer I think my head would pop off from trying to analyse everyone elses needs, and trying to make a show work. I'd go grey and wrinkly from all the stress because I'd want it to work a little too well. LOL.

              So, with all that in mind, the Wraith would still continue to be a BIG pain in the mikta, those shippy pairings would still have that undeniable UST, those annoying characters would remain true to themselves and the cast and crew would remain basically the same, with a few minor exceptions...

              BUT, there would be a few more action episodes and seat-of-your-pants storylines, and for those talented actors they'd be more character-driven meaty sub-plots to run along side them.

              That was my very long-winded answer.

              Made by the lovely Jakie


                • I'd cut Atlantis off from Earth, which means no SG1 characters going back and forth (and would not 'strand' any of them on Atlantis either uless they were brand new characters).
                • Put them back into that self-sufficient position and learn to utilize what's in the Pegasus Galaxy instead of depending on a supply run from the Daeadlus.
                • Let them find some technology that works and let them utilize it throughout the show.
                • Maybe let them find a spaceship and NOT blow it up for a change!
                • Bring back the Athosians and have them help/blend in with the Lanteans.
                • Develop the characters - give them backstory (but not go so far to the extreme as to turn the show into a soap).


                  I would hire someone with creative integrity and business sense, then fire myself immediately.


                    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                    I would hire someone with creative integrity and business sense, then fire myself immediately.
                    LOL. That could work if you can find someone to fit the role.

                    I'd certainly keep the cast the way it is, without reducing anyone to recurring.

                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      I still can't understand why they chose J.J. Abrams (or whatever) to direct and produce the next star trek movie when he himself stated that he doesen't like star trek. Felt that was needed even tho it's a tad off topic.

                      Apparently the people at paramount believe that as a person who is not a great fan will be better at creating an original story. Do you think that applies to stargate?
                      My heart beats in 13/8.


                        Woah woah, where did you hear he doesn't like Star Trek?!

                        (sorry about the off-topicness)


                          In my opinion I do not think any "biggest fan of Atlantis" or the biggest fan of any show should ever get that kind of power. It is not all about the die hard fan base. They also try to appeal to the regular general audience to get more people interested in the show. If Atlantis only had things the die hard fans would understand that is taking away from getting more potential fans interested in checking out the show. It is not just about the die hard fan base. It is alot more then that.
                          Last edited by Starxgate; 04 February 2007, 12:14 PM.


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            Woah woah, where did you hear he doesn't like Star Trek?!

                            (sorry about the off-topicness)
                            I was researching some interviews the other day and I remember reading about that. He said he never really cared much for the franchise and did not become a trekkie/fan. He watched the show pretty much like anyone else but stopped eventually. I think the movie will be great but will upset a huge number of fans by changing the tone of the series. And i have to agree with starxgate that no huge fan should ever be allowed behind the controls of any sci-fi show.

                            It's just that... we want so much, we dream too much that the show should give us outrageous stuff that would be very unlikely to happen in a real life situation.
                            My heart beats in 13/8.


                              Originally posted by metabog View Post
                              I was researching some interviews the other day and I remember reading about that. He said he never really cared much for the franchise and did not become a trekkie/fan. He watched the show pretty much like anyone else but stopped eventually. I think the movie will be great but will upset a huge number of fans by changing the tone of the series.
                     you mind PMing me the interview? I don't think that's right.

