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We are all caught up in the intoxicating frenzy of mass berserker rage.

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    We are all caught up in the intoxicating frenzy of mass berserker rage.

    Ah yes Atlantis Fans
    Or Should I Say LEMMINGS!
    WE should all be very Carefull.
    Lest We turn into a Crazed MOB!!!!
    Because We are "Ill Informed" About all the Changes on Atlantis
    We can only Speculate and Use our Gut instinct.
    (Which of course makes us Ignorant and Cretins... According to JOE)
    He's updated his Blog
    First he somewhat brags about the hits to his Blog increasing!
    Then he makes some Statements about us
    Here are a Few Quotes...
    /QUOTE/Speaking of grousing, I couldn’t help but notice that certain remarks in yesterday’s blog have engendered a rising tide of frothing fan fury. Some accuse me of hating the fans, the forums, anyone holding a negative opinion of the shows. In their, dare I say it, lemming-like stampede rush to hysterical judgment, they failed to take one tiny thing into account: what I actually wrote. Even though the quote has found its way onto the various forums, no one has bothered to actually read it, caught up as they are in the intoxicating frenzy of mass berserker rage./
    And another /Quote?
    If you want to feel persecuted for no good reason, by all means go for it. After all, there’s nothing more satisfying than a good mob rage. (Ultimately, I’m sure this won’t change many minds. Joining together with like-minded individuals in a screaming chorus of blue murder is a heck of a lot easier than admitting you’ve made a mistake.)
    End Quote/
    This is the link to his Blog.. Go read his whole statement
    My Opinion is.
    He Just likes to keep digging his hole Deeper!!


    since there is already a thread discussing Joe's Blog I am going to close this thread
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

