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The Magic... (Spoilers for Tao of McKay)

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    The Magic... (Spoilers for Tao of McKay)

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this episode... But something about it really bugged me.

    Spoilers for Tao of McKay and Prototype

    Part of the appeal of the Stargate Universe is exploration, discovery, and the unknown. But what happens when the unknown is explained away? Something that appealed to me, wayyyy back in "Maternal Instinct" on SG1 was Ascension. It was a facinating subject to me and I really enjoyed every small tidbit that came out every now and again. A path to spiritual enlightenment on a ScFi show.

    Now it's like Ascension-ville. On SG1 you have the Ori and the Ancients, on Atlantis we have Asurans and the Ancients, Ascension is all over the place. Fine. I still enjoy the concept. But between S9 of SG1's "Prototype" and S3 of Atlantis' "Tso of McKay", I find all the scientific explaining away of Ascension annoying. It's like they're taking all the mystery out of things. While McKay was explaining away the "magic of Ascension" to Carson, I was getting really annoyed.

    One of the best things about the show is that we grow and learn, but some of the mysteries and the discoveries we're making are being done so very quickly and not being replaced with newer, more wonderous things. You can even see this with the characters, it's very rare that they don't solve the problem or are awestruck by a discovery. Now they skip past black holes and cross galaxies, the mysteries, the wonderous cosmic events are losing their luster. We don't really fall anymore. What happened to the lessons we learned from the races we meet like the Asguard or the Nox? What happened to the times we're saved by some other race? I miss those days of discovery. Even on Atlantis, it quickly disappeared...

    JMHO, but I think that's one of the things that keep shows like these fresh.
    Last edited by AncientOne; 08 January 2007, 11:08 PM.

    Ascension has never been magical. Ever since, well, "Ascension", we've known that it's not something magical or religious. Since then, we've learned a lot more.

    We've known that it's a genetic thing for a looooong time. Nothing magical about it. It was just not 'til "Prototype" that we learned the specifics.

