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SALT WATER !! - Weapon against the wraith??

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    SALT WATER !! - Weapon against the wraith??

    Excuse me for being stupid, but why havent the Atlantis Team realised yet that salt water MAY kill the wraith??, or be used as a weapon against them.
    In the episode 38 minutes John Sheppard gets bitten by the Aratis bug, when they poured Salt followed by water onto it, it kind of dried up a bit and stopped feeding, as it became weakened.
    I would like to see this explored alot more in upcoming episodes.
    It seems to clear to me that one of the original reasons why Atlantis was sunk beneath a massive Salt Water Ocean, was because they Lanteans knew the wraith couldnt come into contact with the salt water, and thus could not gain entry to the city.
    Seems like a very primitive buy easy to utilise weapon against the wraith to me (low tech versus high tech argument...)

    "Furlings" is an anagram of "Fun Girls"
    I wish we could finally get to see the "fun girls" !
    They must be really sexy cos the Asgard said you'll know 'em when you see 'em!!

    I would assume that the physiology of the fleshy part of the bug (which is what they could affect) was is similar to a slug. They are susceptible to dehydration and putting salt water on them causes osmosis to occur, drawing water from their cells.

    Because the physiology of the Wraith is much more advanced it's unlikely they suffer the same.
    by Kaaatie


      oh no not another one of this
      Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


        Really I am sure the writers have thought up an explaination of why it would not work. It would be one of the things that I am sure they would have tried in real life but is too boring to show on TV.

        Also, lets say that they were to use salt water, all it really did was to make the bug more agressive in its attack, while hurting it. If it did would on the Wraith it would probably only be painful and would probably piss them off in the process.
        Weir: He's just a boy!
        Jinto: I am Jinto.
        Sheppard: She's pleased to meet you.

        I miss Jinto.


          the conclusion in the other forums was that that weakness was lost due to their incorporation of our DNA. and we dont know if the salt made the problem or the salt water
          Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


            I hope they don't use salt water as the Wraiths weakness. It would be totally lame.

            I mean come on!
            An all new Stargate spinoff presents

            Stargate: The B Team

            The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


              i cant see SGA carrying waterguns,,....
              DAM YOU SCI FI.....DAM U TO SCI HELL arghhhh.....


                If salt water kills the Wraith, then one thing is for certain and another makes sense...

                CERTAIN: If salt water kills the Wraith then the Ancients and very, very stupid, lazy (for not finding a way to deploy this as a weapon), and unobsevant.

                MAKES SENSE: Why the Ancients submerged Atlantis underneath an ocean of salt water... if salt water kills the Wraith, then they could never get to Atlantis.

                Also proof for this arrives in the fact that the Wraith attached to Ford in the Seige pt. 3 died instantly. This could have been from the grenade or the fall, but salt water is an option.

                who knows.


                  Originally posted by Arturis
                  Also proof for this arrives in the fact that the Wraith attached to Ford in the Seige pt. 3 died instantly. This could have been from the grenade or the fall, but salt water is an option.
                  I think that wraith died from the grenade exploding next to it and hitting the surface of the ocean from a great height. The only reason Ford survived is because he got a massive dose of the wraith enzyme.
                  "At least my heroes exist. If this was a Trek convention, you’d be all dressed up like a Klingon."


                    The wraith have evolved since the iratus bug days by the way, they develop immunities.


                      Try nanites and salt water. The topic of salt water as a weapon has been discussed in the past.

                      Can we beam Wraith DNA w/nanites? Or harvest enough nanites to use as a weapon?


                        if this is the weakness, then its a major plot hole, why would something like that be classified of such a high classification that the captain of the aurora wouldnt be allowed to know?

                        it seems a bit stupid to say the very least, im pretty sure its not this

                        as previous people have said, they now incorperate human DNA which would be resistant to this.

                        Submergin atlantis wouldnt really do anything to support this, because the wraith were using ships to destroy atlantis, not their hands, and their ships would be made out of the shell organic parts of the wraith not the fleshy bit, so doesnt really make sense, other to add another 'shield' of protection to the city.


                        ...Valtharus of the Asuran...


                          It would be fun on Atlantis 100th, seeing the team with water-guns chasing some scared wraith
                          "For NASA, space is still a high priority."
                          ...George W. Bush, 9/5/93
                          "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system."
                          ...George W. Bush


                            They could have evolved!
                            I HATE SY-FY


                              i think they should do a salt water torture on captured wraith to make them talk they would be like no anything but that hisssssssss

                              thanks to and leelakin for the pretty sig.

