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little countdown for u SG1 and SGA fans!

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    little countdown for u SG1 and SGA fans!

    as the title says heres a countdown!!!

    The countdown is off by at least a day (1 day and 4 hrs). The shows will be aired Thursday, according to this countdown. In reality is Friday.
    I think someone got very enthusiastic.
    The one who made it misunderstood how the time zone works.
    School is overrated.


      I thought they premiered on the 14th?


        Originally posted by jenks
        I thought they premiered on the 14th?
        the fourteenth is a Friday!
        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
        encounter on the strange journey.


        2 Cor. 10:3-5
        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


          It's a misscalculation.
          School is overrated.


            hmm. i think i set it for it stops on midnight on friday. ill re-calculation it, due to me being in a -10GMT it may be off or over your time zone.


              The counter is off by a whole day and 3 hours here in the pacific TZ (-8 GMT)

              You should make different versions for people in different timezones.
              If only we have Zidane on Stargate.....
              **Mentally replace that deathstar with an Ori ship**


                its off some. but its the thought that counts
                SAVE SG-1

                Proud Member of F.O.R.D.
                Say No To The Six Month Hiatus


                  hehe, i just checked it again and it says its on right now.

                  wish it was


                    Don't need the countdown now! Weeeee! Just... what, eight and a half more hours until SG-1? Seven and a half if we count the Science behind SG-1?

                    Either way, who cares? It's Friday! Yaaaaaaay!
                    thankee toasteronfire


                      What ever man it's on Friday 14th July and theres only a few hours left!!
                      I HATE SY-FY


                        Originally posted by Ace-SG1-
                        hmm. i think i set it for it stops on midnight on friday. ill re-calculation it, due to me being in a -10GMT it may be off or over your time zone.
                        ....kinda late, but....
                        I did keep in mind the time zone. Here is GMT+2, in the US (Eastern Time) where it's aired it's GMT-5. So when I did the calculation I equivalated the 9:00 PM Eastern Time with the time here 4:00 AM (Saturday). And used that moment as the T minus zero of the real cowntdown, and that cowntdown was off by more than 24 hours (which is too much no matter the time zone I would have been).
                        School is overrated.

