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No Man's Land (spoilers)

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    Originally posted by satnamboll28
    yes, your right, there is..but i was speaking know..without explicitly mentiong the word..then i realised the missing spoiler tag.oh bugger....i could blame my 15month old son for keeping me distracted (hes greasier than an oily fish) but hey. stuff happens....
    so..any ideas on whether we will see some new weaponry being used?
    Hopefully soon.

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.


      personally, i'm hoping for something similiar to the energy bursts from the cannon in trinity..perhaps pulsed energy lances or something exotic? i want to see those turrets in action...
      just one week left to go..the wait is nearly killing me..
      strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


        I'm trying to remember something, cuz I missed both Michael and Ellia. Is the virus permanent after a certain # of doses, or are the injections a life long thing?

        Because, they're sort of acting in "Misbegotten" like it is.

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          i think they have to keep giving them doses


            Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper
            Well, in Misbegotten, they change an entire hive into humans, including Michael.
            Well, let's hope Beckett hasn't succeeded in making the effects of the retrovirus permanent because I Connor looks good as Wraith Michael


              Originally posted by rarocks24
              I'm trying to remember something, cuz I missed both Michael and Ellia. Is the virus permanent after a certain # of doses, or are the injections a life long thing?

              Because, they're sort of acting in "Misbegotten" like it is.
              In Michael the retrovirus wasn't permanent and Michael needed daily injections to keep his wraithyness suppressed. Beckett told him the injections were insulin injections because he was diabetic

              In Instinct the retrovirus wasn't perfected and it suppressed Ellia's human aspects and made her more like an Iratus bug. She was supposdely killed (I say supposedly because Mr Defiant survived a gernade going off at his feet (turned him extra crispy thou) whilst super-wraith Ellia was taken out by a few P-90 shots and at the end of the ep they seemed to turn away from her body and leave).
              Maybe she survived and is now terrorising (sp?) the planet's inhabitants? Even if the effects of the retrovirus aren't permanent and she reverts back into a Wraith, she'll still have to feed on the inhabitants


                Originally posted by Demonique
                Well, let's hope Beckett hasn't succeeded in making the effects of the retrovirus permanent because I Connor looks good as Wraith Michael
                The wraith Michael in Allies was played by Brent Stait.

                Best Stargate quote:
                Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                Green is your friend.


                  Originally posted by freyr's mother
                  The wraith Michael in Allies was played by Brent Stait.
                  Right. It was Connor's voice, but Brent Stait was the one in the make-up.

                  That is one thing of many things I am looking forward to seeing on Friday, Connor in the make-up. I just want to see how they do it...

                  Sheppard: You think it's worth checking out?
                  McKay: Any significant energy emission generally indicates technological civilization.
                  Sheppard: So... you think it's worth checking out?
                  McKay: [sarcastically] I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.


                    Originally posted by abharding
                    Right. It was Connor's voice, but Brent Stait was the one in the make-up.
                    Why would they do that? If connor was available to do the voice, then why wouldn't he just play the part?

                    Best Stargate quote:
                    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                    Green is your friend.


                      Originally posted by freyr's mother
                      Why would they do that? If connor was available to do the voice, then why wouldn't he just play the part?
                      He and his wife were expecting their first child and her due date was right around the time Allies was being filmed. (I think the kid was born after filming ended, but there was not much time) Atlantis is filmed up in Vancouver and Connor lives in LA and did not want to away when the baby came.

                      The voice was looped in at a recording studio in LA. Connor was asked about this weekend and he said that it was a lot of work - as Brent's way of speaking is very different then his own. He also talked about Wraith makeup. He said at first he felt like a real bada** - the make-up, the coustume, the boots. Then they put in the contact lenses, he lost his peripheral vision and he started walking into walls. So much for being "The MAN"

                      A a Vulkon in Cleveland a while ago he did say that for part of his work this season he had his wife and son with him - and that was about the time the kid was just learning to sleep through the night. So if there are times when Micheal seems just a bit out of it, there is a reason for it. Connor wasn't getting much sleep.

                      Spoiler for Misbegotten
                      Maybe that was the real reason for Micheal's actions towards Carson. Connor was really cranky and someone had to take the brunt of it....

                      Sheppard: You think it's worth checking out?
                      McKay: Any significant energy emission generally indicates technological civilization.
                      Sheppard: So... you think it's worth checking out?
                      McKay: [sarcastically] I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.


                        [QUOTE=Avatar28]Whoo! Looks like a lot of dreams are going to be coming true this season. It seems we'll finally get to see the Orion in action against a hive.

                        Yeah- look how THAT turned out.

                        The Man


                          I'm affraid I have some bad news for you guys I already saw Atlantis

                          The Orion takes out one of the Hive ships with its drones but it had to take power from the shields to do it and went boom. I should point out it took a hell of a beating.


                            the show rocked
                            SAVE SG-1

                            Proud Member of F.O.R.D.
                            Say No To The Six Month Hiatus


                              Originally posted by AshGray
                              I'm affraid I have some bad news for you guys I already saw Atlantis

                              The Orion takes out one of the Hive ships with its drones but it had to take power from the shields to do it and went boom. I should point out it took a hell of a beating.
                              ah crap, thats devestating, we lost a the korolev. how much more are gonna loose? that was supposed to be the most powerful ship in that galaxy! when are we gonna start gaining, bad days all around?
                              Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


                                screencaps anyone?

