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    Originally posted by Ouroboros
    So now you're boarding a Wraith ship with weapons that only shoot maybe 20 feet and take hours to work instead of guns and this is supposed to improve your chances of not getting killed horribly?

    The whole virus plan is bunk anyway. Like I've said in numerous other threads; turning them human agaisnt their will is not going to make them hate us any less, nor is it going to make all their ships and technology vanish. The only thing it will do is remove the one reason they have to not exterminate us outright.
    In other words, feed them til they hibernate again?


      Originally posted by rarocks24
      lol...yeah that would be nice.

      Just out of curiosity, what exactly would happen if a human was exposed to Beckett's retrovirus?

      I'm almost absolutely certain nothing would happen, but still...
      you have obviously forgotten that sheppard was exposed to beckett's retrovirus when the wraith ellia attacked him in instinct and he began to change in conversion.


        Originally posted by TechnoWraith
        In other words, feed them til they hibernate again?
        I wonder how many people it would take?

        Earth has plenty of enemies we could turn the Wraith onto if we weren't trying to play goodie two shoes all the time.

        Remember the ones from SG-1 that tried to sterilize us? They had a whole multi planet civilization apparently.

        There's also the Ori galaxy.

        Expecting to resist the Wraith with any sort fo direct military force is stupid. We've got 2 ships.


        ...and they're tiny.

        ...and their weapons don't even work on Wraith ships.

        Time to explore other options.

        Appeasing them is something that should probably actually be looked at. Just about everything threatening they do toward us seems to be solely motivated by their hunger. If Earth and it's allies could cook up some sort of way to feed them without sacrificng huge swaths of people they could potentially even become another ally like the Jaffa one day. Or at the very least they'd mellow out a bit and figure Earth was now more trouble than it was worth with the new foodsource available.

        That might be a far away and distant dream but it's still a more realistic solution than "oh it's ok we'll just fight them all till they're all dead because we're super heros" which just isn't going to happen unless we force the Asguard to do it for us somehow.

        Earth isn't powerful enough to take on a faction like the Wraith and none of our allies are in very good shape to do it for us or help us either.

        Then there's the whole issue of genociding an entire sentient species that some people don't seem to have a problem with but I personally tend to kinda frown upon.


          many bad things with those suggestions there

          1) the Aschen can make their bio-weapon target anything biological, seeing as the Wraith are living, breathing objects then the Aschen can take them out with their virus thingy

          2) The Ancients were far superior in advancement to them, look what happened, they got pushed back to Earth

          3) The Wraith unless totally annialted like the Goua'ld will allways pose a threat

