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I am hoping that this season is AMAZING

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    Originally posted by SGFerrit
    I personally don't know what everyone is complaining about. I loved this season, It had some amazing episodes (Trinity, Inferno, Instinct, Critical mass, Grace under pressure) and the ONLY thing that let me down was the performance by Chelen Simmons as Mara in the tower. She was'nt TERRIBLE, but I do think she could have been much better. I have not been disapointed this season, and I for one can only hope that next season will be half as good as this one has been. It has lived up to and beyond my expectations.
    I agree with you. I loved this seson.


      Originally posted by Eoin
      I dunno about anyone else but i found season 2 great...and i hope season 3 is much better than season 1 + 2

      Ditto...just a different flavor...but I think it's great..and I loved seeing anti-hero shep..could be why I liked 'Lost Boys' so was good...I definitely think it was better than season 1.
      Click statement above to read article.


        Season two was mediocre at best, right up until its dying minutes when it got a bit better, so yes - I really hope it improves in season three, gets back to the darker, desperate feel of season one and regains some of the integrity it lost when it became about as nerve-wracking as Happy Days by installing a reset button.

        I want to see consequences, and I want to see it matter when things go wrong.

        I'm extremely loyal to Atlantis, so short of bringing Vala in as a regular, it would be hard to make me abandon it - but loyalty can wane if it's not fed with rewards...

        Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
        ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


          Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
          I want to see consequences, and I want to see it matter when things go wrong.
          That would be great, to have them feeling the losses instead of just shrugging them off.
          I'm extremely loyal to Atlantis, so short of bringing Vala in as a regular, it would be hard to make me abandon it - but loyalty can wane if it's not fed with rewards...
          I am loyal to a point, point being they have to at least entertain me, I can put up with a lot if it is entertaining on some level but if I see another episode like The Tower, ew!


            I've like this season, and I say bring on the 3rd
            Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


              same here.. season 2 wasn't as good as season 1. So I'm hoping for season 3 to be as good as season 1.. if not better.


                They seriously need to stop making everyone braindead to have a plot. It weakens the characters and frustrates the viewers.

                Those are supposed mankinds best, they are not clowns, or stupid, they are proffesionals.
                Stop making them morons just to have a plot lasting longer then 5 minutes.

                Then, and only then season 3 will be amazing, otherwise it will go down the drain.

