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Coup D'etat (217)

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    I have to say, I really enjoyed this ep. It's going to be very interesting to see where the Genii go from here.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      I hope they don't turn them into allies. That would be a waste of a perfectly good enemy.

      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


        Originally posted by GatetheWay
        I hope they don't turn them into allies. That would be a waste of a perfectly good enemy.

        Finally! An Atlantis episode I could once again enjoy.

        I’ve always thought the Genii were much more interesting enemies than the Wraith (which is pretty pitiful considering the Wraith were supposed to be such big bads in this new galaxy but their cartoonishness did them no favors).

        Though like others have noted, now since the Daedalus is almost our cure-all now in the Pegasus galaxy, the Genii realistically don’t pose that much of a threat any more like they did in Season 1. If we really wanted to get ugly, just beam their gate into orbit. Problem solved.

        Yeah it had some problems, but they were ones I could overlook considering the almost unwatchability of the last 2 or 3 episodes.
        IMO always implied.


          In tonight's episode, Coupe de' tat,
          Teyla is givin a pouch with pictures of atlantis members in which weir confirms all of them have the gene. How do the genii know who has the gene and who doesn't? One example, on another atlantis team, there were pictures of the members of that team that had the gene and the 4th member wasn't in the photos b/c he/she didn't have the gene. How do they know this? its not like its common information to other worlds.
          Last edited by Skydiver; 22 February 2006, 04:15 AM.


            Originally posted by GatetheWay
            I hope they don't turn them into allies. That would be a waste of a perfectly good enemy.
            I wouldn't mind them as allies. And besides, isn't there some plan in the works to make another race of baddies?

            As far as the episode goes, i liked it alot. I enjoyed Weir's handeling of the situation, and I really liked the Investigation that Ronon and Teyla headed up. The jokes were enjoyable, too. I felt cowen's death was a wee bit too abrubt, but overall I was satisfied.


              It's been a while since I saw it (I'm in Canada), but I'm pretty sure they explained that Genii spies have been keeping track of who's piloting the Jumpers, and of course, whoever pilots must have the gene.


                its still a leap...not many people know that atlantis is still there..and only one person flies the jumpers....for the genii to know all the people capable of flying the jumper and who has the gene and who doesn't, its highly unlikely. to assume that one person can't fly the jumper just b/c he doesn't jump in the drivers seat, would be bad intelligence.


                  Originally posted by TOA
                  Ok so here goes...

                  The episode is great - as in it actually works unlike many of the episodes post "lost boys". The sets are good to excellent, and the genii are all genii like.

                  I would say this episode is the best one since Critical Mass and in some ways is a better story.

                  Mini Summery is as follows:
                  - One of the off world teams is under fire on a planet which was being assisted by an Earth agriculture specialist.

                  John & the gang go in to get them out, but only the lone scientist is left. The house they had been in is burned out. Upon investigation they find the other team dead in the house.

                  They bring the bodies back and then the gate activates "Unscheduled off world activation" (everyone drink 2 shots) and when no idc (2 more for prosperity) is sent the gate guy realizes that a narrow band UHF signal with audio video is present.

                  Up pops genii scientist guy, and proposes a trade for a new ZPM in exchange for some light weapons. He explains he wants to get the genii leader (colm Meeney - cant remember his characters name). After much hestiation they split Johns team - Teyla and the big R go off in search of answers for the dead team members and John & Mckay go grab scientist guy.

                  Team TR:
                  Back on the poor planet Teyla and Ronon investigate the villagers and realize they are all acting really strangely - very guarded. When they press a bartender (everyone drink) he states they are being watched and wont talk.

                  They start back to the gate when the bartenders wife/daughter/friend/employee... approaches and "returns Teylas lost pouch"

                  Upon investigation they realize that it contains photos of the missing atlantis team members along with John & Mckay. Hmmmmmm.... Fishy....

                  Team Kirk:

                  Meanwhile Weir and John decide to follow the better the devil you know method - so they goto the Genii home world and warn Colm Meeney. He lets them go.

                  Upon return they scout the planet where genii scientist guy is and realize that Colm was accurate so they decide to take the trade, but trick the scientist guy to steal back their zpm.(thinking its the one from the brotherhood) (Remember: My Name is Earl : Karma!!!)

                  They grab 12 genii prisoners while they trick and trade with the scientist guy.

                  Its realized that all the genii prisoners (which I forgot to mention above prior to going to the planet) all have some type of cancer from poor sheilding used on Genii nuclear weapons. Beckett realizes he can save 8 or so of the 12 prisoners, including scientist guys somewhat attractive younger sister.. Hmmm I wonder when she'll be back...... (see season 3 for details NEWAYS..

                  Beckett starts the healing thing.

                  So John goes off with Mckay and some others (knowing Mckay is super soldier) to take out the remaining few genii on the planet. The capture them all but when they surround scientist guy in a small warehouse he hits them with knock out gas... leading to:

                  Team TR:

                  Back on atlantis we now know that the missing people arent dead just missing. And the photos were actually "wanted: big reward" - we are also told (obvious point) that all the folks in the photos have the ATA gene.

                  They cant get hold of john (hes been nocked out after all). And weir starts worrying.

                  Team Kirk:

                  John wakes up and lo and behold Colm is there. They explain they want puddle jumpers... So using Johns walkie talky they contact were and say they want all the PJ's. Then Johns takin to the cell where all the others are - including Mckay and the presumed dead team members.

                  John tells scientist guy that the pj's are useless to the genii because they dont have the gene. Scientist guy has been drawing samples from all the atlantis folks and is actively working on gene therapy for the genii. (hmm I wonder if this will crop up in season 3.....)


                  In either case Weir refuses so Colm orders scientist guy to kill John. John explains Beckett can save scientist guys sister, so scientist guy orders John free.

                  Turns out he really was planning a coup. Theres a nuke under the building and scientist guy was using John & the earthers all the time to trick Colm into a trap and be able to kill all those oposing him.

                  They escape - Colm is nuked, Kolya is missing (the whole episode... too bad I liked him), Scientist guy is reunited with his sister (who had a TOOMAR).

                  The lantian's (ie earth folks) agree to help the new genii leader heal all those aflicted with radiation poisoning provided their are no further deaths (which apparently there arent).

                  The End..

                  Oh the ZPM was actually found on the Genii homeworld in their archives... Its depleted.. <SIGH>

                  Overall a great episode and a nice lead in to the final 3.

                  Next monday: Michael.!!!
                  Just wondering but why did you call part of Sheppards team team Kirk?
                  oh and what does the reputation thing do?
                  Meet your Ninja star doom


                    Well, we know that the Genii spies spread across the galaxy, and I'm pretty sure the photos didn't include everyone with the gene.

                    I mean, all it takes is a few spies reporting that they saw a few puddle jumpers for the Genii to realize that the rumors of Atlantis being vaporize is false.

                    As for only one person flies the jumpers, while, there are plenty of pilots in Atlantis, meaning each will probably pilot a jumper at least once, and if a spy catches them doing it, then they'll know he has the gene. I guess the main point is that Genii spies are EVERYWHERE.


                      not just the jumper, theres other ancient tech used, like the Life signs detector


                        This episode was good. Nothing was overly exciting to me, though. I'm happy that Genii leader guy, played by the star trek dude is dead. He was annoying, and arrogant.

                        I'm glad that there's an ally with the Genii, now. It's sort of surprising, actually.

                        It seemed the writer was able to get to the core of human nature in this episode, that love can prevail over personal ambition. The guy saved Sheppard and the Alantis people because he believed that his sister could be saved.

                        I like Ronan and the tough guy soldier thing he's got going on, but when they turn him into a mindless thug without intelligence, it urkes me. Like when the bartender guy wouldn't give him and Teyla the info they wanted, Ronan thought he would just threaten him bodily harm and then get what he wanted. No, it doesn't work that way, especially on people who have done no wrong. Not to mention, it doesn't paint a friendly picture of the people who come from Atlantis. It makes Ronan a bad guy, not a good guy. I think if you can kick the crap out of someone it just makes you that much better if you can get what you want without threatening bodily harm. It also seems that Ronans answer for everything is to attack. Like when he wanted to go in and attack the Genii. Or, when he told Weir, "Send me in, i'll figure something out." Oh, yeah lets just send you in alone without any plan or having thought anything through, you can save the day Ronan! You're invincible! The same way you thought things through, were naive with Sheppard, and got yourself shot by Weir in the last episode. I know Ronan isn't a real person, but the writers are abusing his ability as a warrior, and are being irresponcible with his character in this way. A warrior is only as good as his ability to think. I think Bra'tac said something along the lines of that in some SG-1 episode one time.


                          Just imagine it as an episode of Stargate: Genii that doesn't get aired, where they do something clever and sneaky that we just don't get to see.


                            The Genii fast-fowarded through tonights episode to see who they should take prisoner!

                            Seriously though, this would seem to imply there had been a spy in Atlantis, which makes no real sense. Maybe Ford sold them the information?


                              I enjoyed this episode but sucks they killed Cowan off, he could have been a decent enemy. And hopefully Kolya surfaces sometime in the future. I laughed so hard when the strike team was going in and Rodney says 1 tango in the middle of the room and Shep just looks at him like WTF. But Wier is right, often coup's replace corrupt regimes with the best of intentions but then turn as bad or worse than the regime they replaced. I wouldn't count on the genii being allies any time soon. And they could have at least mentions Sora, like said she went missing with Kolya.


                                Well they could of got the information from the storm when they took over atlantis.

