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Allies (220)

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    You would have thought the Wraith would have tried to finish off the Daedalus. That way they wouldn’t have to worry about being pursued. Of course we also have the Orion, but the Wraith don’t know about that yet. The Wraith just better hope Hermiod doesn’t decide to call some of his buddies back home, because if the Asgard were to send just one ship it would be over so quick the Wraith wouldn’t know what hit them.


      True... but then how can the Daedy pursue the Hive Ship when they were crushed in battle?

      The Orion iis fine as far as I know.



        Whoa. Weir freaked me out yesterday in "Allies". I'm still in shock because of the fact she just let it happen, let the Wraith feed on the human-Wraith. She really is going dark, isn't she? The mention of the sedatives was well-placed, and the black that she's begun wearing... I just hope they focus on it a lot in season 3.

        I just don't know what to think about the episode. All I can say was, I was overjoyed when they asked Ronon's opinion, which I have been waiting for them to do since "Michael".

        Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


          I thought their hyperdrives were ok. Wasn’t the Daedalus getting ready to jump out of there when the Wraith suddenly broke off and left?


            I overall agree that Weir had no choice... But I also agree Teyla was completely right in her decision regarding Michael since the episode he first appeared in.

            I couldn't believe they allowed Wraith on Atlantis... I couldn't believe Weir even working with a Wraith Hive Queen... This episode had my jaw dropping all the way through.

            I agree this is a domino effect for Atlantis....



              Are the Wraith heading for Earth? If so how? I thought the hyperdrive on their ships was terrible. Just curious.


                They apparently got the Aurora hyperdrive engine mod specs from the Atlantis database, along with the location of Earth. How they managed to modify their hyperdrives, I don't know. I don't even know *if* they modified them yet...maybe they are going to have McKay do it. Ah well, hopefully they'll explain it in the first episode of season 3.


                  Originally posted by CalmStorm
                  Okay this has been bothering me so I'm going to rant here just a bit...

                  ...the wraith queen in HIGH HEELS....what the h***

                  Okay, I'm sorry but I absolutely hate high heels. Perhaps there are some women out there who just love them, but I'm not one of them. They are completely uncomfortable, a bit difficult to walk in, and are most certainly not made for any activity other than a very uncomfortable casual walk. I can't imagine the appeal of them./rant
                  I'm comfortable with some heels, not all but never mind that. I don't think she was wearing them to be fashionable. I think it had more to do with the fact that the wraith, as a general rule, seem to be taller than humans and the actress was probably too short to tower over anyone menacingly. It's just a tool.

                  "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                    oh ok, i wasnt sure so that helps.


                      The things I circled in red look like the trinity cannons or possibly some kind of point defense weapon. Or a secondary weapon in case the drones are depleted.

                      Best Stargate quote:
                      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                      Green is your friend.


                        I already posted about that a few weeks ago, I said that they were energy cannons. Which is from the pics they appear to be.

                        Most likely it's simply due to the fact that the Aurora class ship is so large, I say it's around a third the size of a Hive ship. So wheile it's in combat, the main weapons on the front, which are the Drones, then those huge lances on the side, that I bet is a beam similar to the Sat weapons platform. While they are busy firing away, we know Hive ships release hundreds of Darts as a sort of fighter screen. All that combined firepower could likely do some good damage to the shields. Therefore I think they installed them all the way along the main portion of the hull to take out Darts when they swept in for an attack. Another use for them is when Cruisers come overhead to try & dock with it, it can do some seriosu damage to them also.

                        Hope they are cannons, although I can't see them giving it a full armoury of Drones, those lances that look like energy cannons, then turrets all along the body of it. With that sort of firepower, how the heck could the Ancients lose at all. This is why, they'll put in some sort of achilles heel to it. The first thing they've done is make it extremely slow, next they'll put some sort of limitations on the weapons, such as the ship not being anywhere near full power & them being unable to replicate the power source the ship uses, so they can't use the main energy weapons etc as it's too much of a drain etc.

                        Am looking forward to finally finding out if it's turrets or not though!


                          Well I just took a look at the trascripts and it clearly shows that rodney did something to their ship to enable to travel to earth.

                          spoiler warning:

                          (Glaring at the Wraith): Why aren't we dead?

                          (The Wraith moves to stand in front of Rodney.)

                          WRAITH: The Queen wants you to live long enough to witness the fruits of your labour. If it wasn't for you, Doctor McKay, we would never have been able to get there.

                          McKAY: What are you talking about? Get where?

                          (The Wraith leans forward and looks into Rodney's eyes.)

                          WRAITH: Earth.

                          So yeah persume rodney some how upgraded their hyperdrive, how else are they going to get to earth.


                            The wraith micheal said to Talla that that would be the last time they would see each other. I was wondering if that was a joke because Conner Trinner is supposed to retake to role next season. Him being the original micheal then due to a schedual conflict the role was taken over by Brent Strait for the season finale. So in a sense (Brent) Micheal won't be seeing her again.


                              This should be in the Season2/3 for Atlantis, not Season 10. Anyway, i think "Trip" retakes the role in Season 3. So he will see her agian, most likely. The whole speech thing was probably a screw up on TPTB part or to make it even MORE supprising when he does in fact return! Suprise!


                                Have we even had a clear shot of it? I don't have a very good idea of what it looks like.. hopefully an upcoming battle sequence can shed some light.

