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    Originally posted by SGFANATIC
    well i dont remember them saying anything about updating the wraith ship with anything, myabe ill watch it again, Never trust the damn wraith
    I also don't recall them saying anything about McKay upgrading Wraith systems.


      Originally posted by vaberella
      First I really don't understand how firewalled comps protect you from all virus' which is something I thought McKay would know; especially unknown alien virus'. Not to mention Weir made it a point to even say we have to make sure it was secure.
      I'm a bit of a tech-not, but Weir questioned what happened and Zelenka mentioned that the information was "safe" as scanned by their equipment (virus protection/firewalls, etc.), and apparently the Wraith virus was so imbedded in the signal they didn't detect it, and the info was downloaded into their main system.

      I mean Weir made disastrous mistakes in Michael at this point there's nothing really you can do but make a choice between monumentally bad and just plain old damned awful.
      Sheppard told Teyla that they ALL agreed to the experiments on Michael. Weir takes the heat as she is in charge, but EVERYONE was game to try it - Beckett came up with the idea in the first place.

      And let me ask this..guys?! How many of you thought it was odd that Ronon went on that Hive ship?
      That was Sheppard's idea.

      I wonder how SG-1 is gonna be alerted.
      I think SG1 has their own problems at the moment.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        You never know with McKey...
        He might had time to download it

        McKay: Crap.
        Hermiod: What did you do?
        McKay: I just ran it through a translation program. It's Wraith.
        Hermiod: Crap, indeed.


          Originally posted by macktheknife
          Singlehandedly saved Season 2.

          And now to discuss what was wrong (is it any different ever?)
          I think on 1) above, maybe after a while they "trusted" them and needed the PC's networked, or it used it's U8eR WR@I+H c0mpu+0r VIru$ 1337ness sK1llZ to haxor a PDA or something (with wireless), and invade the other systems.

          2) I would have had them being hard copied, screenshots and printed, or pictures or anything.

          3) Yeh, but I suppose the choice between "Help this wraith" or "50 hive ships a few weeks" I'd probably choose "Help this wraith". Well, if it was reality, I'd just leave and nuke atlantis, but then we'd have no show.

          4) Yep, but I guess thats where explanations of 1) come into it.

          And honestly, teyla needs to go. Ronon has shown up and become a better character in a third of a season than she has in 2 full ones. Especially that she won't be the "love interest". Sora, Cadman, Super Ford, off the top of my head, could probably be better.

          Good Moments (among others)
          Asgard. He is cool.
          Beckett and Zelenka with the Wraith.

          Here is another scenario…
          Go to the planet “Dagan” (appeared in The Brotherhood)
          Grab their ZPM and tell them they soon will be back with it.
          Power-up the star drive and go to Dagan…

          They will be protected by Atlantis for their trouble…

          But are they this SMART?????


          McKay: Crap.
          Hermiod: What did you do?
          McKay: I just ran it through a translation program. It's Wraith.
          Hermiod: Crap, indeed.


            I don't remember seeing this mentioned in the thread, and I apologize if it already was, but there was an interesting spoiler in the most recent GateWorld "Briefing." Or, at least, it's interesting in light of the finale.

            SEASON 3
            Apparently, Walter will be appearing in the season premiere. So apparently there is at least some contact made with Earth.
            Jewel Staite Thunker | Secondary Women of SGA Thunker
            Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show and I should really just relax."


              Originally posted by Mach1
              Their ships dont even have shields?
              I don't get this, then why are they trying to Beam the Nukes into the ships, when they can simple beam the Nukes outside the ship and do some damage?
              Tycoon in the Making.


                Originally posted by ideadman
                I don't think they have any idea about the asgard. As of now it seems like all they can focus on is getting to earth one way or another.

                The virus they have only probed the worlds in the Atl database and the Aurora reports. Other than that they haven't learned about the other races in our galaxy, they never really questioned us about it, they just wanted to know how many humans were here. Hell, I don't think they've even been outside the Pegasus galaxy so they probably have no idea what they are in for.
                Actually, Zelenka said they downloaded info on all the worlds in their database. He wasn't specific that it was just worlds in the Pegasus Galaxy. I would guess that Atlantis may also have data on all the worlds in the Milky Way that have been charted by SGC. So, the Wraith *may* also have data on all the planets in MW as well.


                  It sounds like they want Earth all to themselves. They can stock up on humans and than go to war.


                    Originally posted by Ogden2k
                    It sounds like they want Earth all to themselves. They can stock up on humans and than go to war.
                    Yeah, but what ever happened to that Ancient superweapon in Antarctica? Wouldn't that protect the planet from the Wraith?

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      the weapon in Antarctica is powered by a ZPM, which was very much depleted in the battle with Anubis. The only ZPM they have, AFAIK, is the one powering either the Daedalus, or some gizmo on Atlantis.

                      Correct me if i'm wrong.
                      'A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." '
                      --Neil McCauley


                        Originally posted by rarocks24
                        Yeah, but what ever happened to that Ancient superweapon in Antarctica? Wouldn't that protect the planet from the Wraith?
                        Not sure if they know that...and even if thats the case, the Wraith do have experience to combat advanced defenses so they could have tactics to try and beat that.

                        'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                        'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                        Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                          Originally posted by JackGyver
                          I don't remember seeing this mentioned in the thread, and I apologize if it already was, but there was an interesting spoiler in the most recent GateWorld "Briefing." Or, at least, it's interesting in light of the finale.

                          SEASON 3
                          Apparently, Walter will be appearing in the season premiere. So apparently there is at least some contact made with Earth.

                          Good good..there's going to have to be some contact made. Cause this is detrimental. Especially even with the slightest chance of the Wraith making it to hyperspace with the knowledge of earth...dude it has to be put in check.

                          And thank the gods Caldwell is around, he'll keep things in check and he's normally by the book; I have no clue what happened to him in this ep.

                          He won't allow Earth to be taken over, and at this point he won't underestimate the Wraith as they did before. Even with the slimest chance of it happening, he'd have his people notified and aware.

                          Long live Caldwell and the Daedy!! I wove them both! Oh and hermiod.

                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Okay this has been bothering me so I'm going to rant here just a bit...

                            ...the wraith queen in HIGH HEELS....what the h***

                            Okay, I'm sorry but I absolutely hate high heels. Perhaps there are some women out there who just love them, but I'm not one of them. They are completely uncomfortable, a bit difficult to walk in, and are most certainly not made for any activity other than a very uncomfortable casual walk. I can't imagine the appeal of them.

                            So why, why, the wraith queen of all creatures wearing them?????

                            Also, I like Weir's knew outfit....kind of uniform, kind of dressy.....but lose the black hill type boots and replace them with some flat black boots. Let's face it, if you get caught in a situation where you need to run, hurry, etc (especially with all of those stairs around), I would think it would be prudent to lose the heels.

                            Last edited by CalmStorm; 11 March 2006, 01:09 PM.


                              Originally posted by CalmStorm
                              Okay this has been bothering me so I'm going to rant here just a bit...

                              ...the wraith queen in HIGH HEELS....what the h***

                              Okay, I'm sorry but I absolutely hate high heels. Perhaps there are some women out there who just love them, but I'm not one of them. They are completely uncomfortable, a bit difficult to walk in, and are most certainly not made for any activity other than a very uncomfortable casual walk. I can't imagine the appeal of them.

                              So why, why, the wraith queen of all creatures wearing them?????

                              Also, I like Weir's knew outfit....kind of uniform, kind of dressy.....but loose the black hill type boots and replace them with some flat black boots. Let's face it, if you get caught in a situation where you need to run, hurry, etc (especially with all of those stairs around), I would think it would be prudent to loose the heels.


                              Hahahah....I'm loving this it's all about Wraith Queen gear.

                              Are we putting human ideals on a Wraith...? Well I walk in 4 inch heels..actually me and a friend can run in times of need even the impractical turn practical. But she looked great and sorry maybe they have better balance than we do. I've seen Wraith agility and their pretty good.

                              The leather and those look like Jimmy Choo did you see them? It was not rant for me..I was like where did she get them...much like Teyla has an Athosian Macy's...I'm starting to think there is a Wraith Gucci somewhere...cause their clothing looks a bit more high end than Teyla's..and Ronon's is just straight from $10-a-lb (those stores where you can get clothing that is priced by weight!!).

                              Respect to Wraith Queen no.4? or should I say no.3...since we don't know if Wraith Teyla was a queen or not! Hahha!! I loved her gear..oh and the duster..and she was wearing know how many people cannot carry white leather? Fabulous!

                              Didn't Weir still wear a red top though? I'm rooting for Weir in pink or yellow to shock me..but I can handle purple..just anything besides red. I'm through with red. But she looked nice in her suit...didn't she wear that gear in 'Home' ? It looked similar to her attire in McKay's fantasy.

                              Thanks for starting this...I loved the gear...hmmm!

                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Originally posted by Mitchell82
                                OMG.! we are so screwed! Twice! Not only are we gettin g our butts kicked by the Ori but now the wraith! Excellent end to a great season. Bring on season 3!
                                but with wraith hyperdrive it will take them awhile to get to earth.

                                as for the episode it was good not worderful but good great rodeny asguard moments

