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The Tower (215)

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    Well we can sleep well with the knowledge that the planet is now defensless against the wraith and they will all soon die very horrible deaths.
    And give the Wraith access to a whole Ancient city!


      Originally posted by AGateFan
      Well we can sleep well with the knowledge that the planet is now defensless against the wraith and they will all soon die very horrible deaths.

      The drones might have been good against the occastional dart, but what about several hive ships. I doubt that they would have done much against the same kind of threat that Atlantis had at the end of season one.


        Originally posted by spg_1983
        Oh my dear and fluffy lord! Every week it gets worse! I honestly did not think it was possible to write crap this bad!

        Sheppard's new name is Kirk. Thats all Im saying about that, Im not even bothering to go into anything else about it.
        Wow the bald guy turned on them. OMFG I didn't see that coming! WOW what a plot twist!! OOOOhhh

        Geee the medievil chamber music and costumes, how original, its astounding how an isolated human civiliation descended directly from the Ancients mimics Earth cultural evolution so perfectly.

        Gods, just mark another one up to the monkey **** style of writing!
        Sadly, I agree with you.

        My expectations were ridiculously low after the promos SKiffy had been airing. And yet somehow the episode still managed to completely disappoint me.

        It seemed to me Shep definitely had sex with the girl. As others said, if they cut away after she shoves him onto the bed, the implication is that they had sex. At least to me.

        I know that was not the major plot point here, but as it's the second time he's gotten laid in so many weeks by a different woman I found it distracting. I especially enjoyed how they tried to disguise the nudity and sex by making it relevant to the plot.

        The sad fact is that other things did go on in this episode. But they managed to completely overshadow it with pointless Kirking.

        Truly a craptacular episode. Not even worth going into more detail about.


          Considering the reality that I'm having chronic *hot flashes* from (baby-boomer era) mid-life induced by extreme stress, the hourly hot/cold/thaw flashes had nothing to do with this ep, unless reading the previous complaints triggered it -increased significantly only a few weeks ago...

          personally, overall opinion of actual story:
          it was far much *better* than some of the spoilers I've encountered; and wayyyyyyy better than the complaining over this ep, too.

          Originally posted by Blitz:
          Did we see Sheppard shag her? Nope...we don't know it actually happened.
          thank you! more later...

          re: the *Royal* family: demanding half of the villager's harvest! Two words:
          *oink! oink!!*

          Sci-fi's week-long previews for the Tower: typical Sci-Fi channel...
          "Babe Magnet" - my foot! gullible is more like it.
          maybe it was a round-about way of advertising Shep's ancient *GENE*.
          ...still got a *gasping* eek with that one scene!
          BTW, "she" provoked and pushed him.

          anyway, lots of advertising was invested for something that lasted around one minute, and wasn't even "THE" (MAIN) storyline. Definitely reminded me of some Lexx ads, but the Tower was constructed much cleaner than the 10 minutes of Lexx that was spent on sex, gore or bodily noises (except for SGA's belch from the snide, young prince).

          And what I find extremely strange was reading well over 50 pages of nothing but severe and chronic complaints against Sheppard ("kirking"), on a scene that could have been completely missed if the phone rang long enough to distract a viewer from the TV for about 3 minutes tops...?

          all that complaining for a blonde royal who looked like a former co-worker of mine in her mid-20's (facial skin was thinning), chasing after Shep, but in reality siding with the devil, so to speak...?? hmmmm, me'd think Shep's spidey sense should tingle over when he's been duped, especially by attractive gawking females...

          and when he gawked back the first time (yeah, *that* controversial scene), makes one wonder what TPTB wrote on Marah's chest (Shep's surprise birthday cake girl?), or glued to her (sometimes those things *do* happen...). Gosh, if the DVD ever gets this ep reviewed, would Joe Flanigan ever reveal what he really saw?? I mean, Canadian filming is not as censored as USA, so there is more flexibility in what isn't revealed... but sometimes, depending on the actress/model things do get covered up in the strangest of ways...

          ...(TV show) "America's Next Top Model" secrets reveal all: secrets of filming that is...

          hey! and what about the brunette who pinched Shep at the dinner table. Nice staring down contest afterward by Shep! and she never flinched.

          as for the rest of the ancient storyline: it was very good...drones, ancient chair, ZPM, Rodney's need for food again, Ronon's one-man army physical might, duplicate city with *Star-drive* ability... goodness! LOTS of good and interesting things (that weren't even part of the entire TV ep's advertising campaign).

          ...maybe all the previous (and seasoned) viewer complaining actually *HELPED* promote this story more than hindered it. DVD's reveal all...
          Last edited by SGalisa; 04 February 2006, 07:33 AM.


            Worst Atlantis episode by far - ever. A pretty thing who looks 15 strips in front of a 40 year old Air Force officer and he can't control himself. I've had enough of the Sheph0r. Did he actually "shag" the girl? I think he did. Fade to black, then at the conclusion he can't even look Weir in the face while he says he didn't do it. Hoping Mitchell doesn't fall into the same pit over on SG1.

            Bad, bad, bad writing and acting - all the way through this episode. The only interesting character was Peter Woodward's. So good in "Crusade". Good to see him again.

            That is all. Someone take the Master print outside - and burn it.

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Brain candy. This episode was as fluffy as the son's cravat. Actually liked the guest actors and the rest of the teams interaction better than Shep's out of character behavior. I don't begrudge the man nookie. I just hope the rest of the expedition is also getting some lovin'. McKay's guide was a nice balance to his snark. Peter Woodward is always fun. How could anyone not enjoy seeing Harlan. Take exception to the vapid daughter. You have strong women characters and the writers revert to a blond joke.
              Brain candy.

              Sorry wee man. Go Beckett.

              Hope they revisit that city at a later date, so much to story fodder there.
              It's my first day. -Homer Simpson


                I expected fluff from the promos and that's what I saw. Not terrible, just silly, IMO.

                Have to say that those that zeroed in on Woodward did just as I did. At one point when he was talking so earnestly to Shep I thought I was listening to a Shakespeare passage; only when Shep spoke and broke that mood did I recall this was SG Atlantis! Love him.

                Just sayin', a lot of unexplored potential (underground city-why? Scolding from Elizabeth for messin' with indigenous society? Spare parts for Atlantis?). Maybe this was exposition for future eps.
                Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 04 February 2006, 04:25 AM.
                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                  Originally posted by AGateFan
                  Well we can sleep well with the knowledge that the planet is now defensless against the wraith and they will all soon die very horrible deaths.
                  Yep, another job well done. Definitely nothing special about this ep. Just average, at least IMO.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Wow! After reading all the reviews i expected this to be terrible, but i REALLY LIKED it. Last time i listen to those people. To being resupplied with jumpers and drones. Atlantis has shields and weapons now! Thats Huge!

                    I really like how atlantis is soo episodic. Other than the finallies and mid finallies u can pretty much jump into any episode just knowing the premise and enjoy it. Try explaining the Ori to you friends who r noobs.


                      I think tonights SG1 episode actually beat the SGA episode. Hasnt happened in awhile!
                      ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                        Fast-forwarding through most of the stuff that takes place with the royals helps ...

                        Ronan and Teyla ... good stuff. How many times is Ronan going to go off and kill someone unnecessarily and how many times is she going to cover for him? "We've had an altercation" That's an understatement.

                        Rodney and Baldrick in the catacombs ... nice to see Rodney go out on his own to make sure business gets taken care of.


                          Peter Woodward was great. Seeing Jay Brazeau (Harlan) was nice.

                          Shep and the tootsie babe; puleeeese.

                          I did make it all the way through to the end.


                            Yet another completely safe, completely predictable, completely episodic Atlantis episode.

                            What happened to Atlantis?! It's like ever since The Siege, other than the introduction of Ronon and the Ford eps, Atlantis has been content to settle for mediocrity in script writing.

                            Why can't we get an episode or two where the ending isn't obvious within the first five minutes?!


                              ouch you all are one tough audience. this was a we spent too much money on previous ep's episode and need to a answer a few questions we didn't and lay ground work for a thing or two we will see later this year.

                              take it for what it is. it wasn't meant to an Oscar worthy show[i know Oscars aren't for TV so keep it to yourself] so let it be a filler it was supposed to be.


                                Originally posted by spg_1983
                                And give the Wraith access to a whole Ancient city!
                                They probably wouldn't find too much though. A dead ZPM, no drones, no jumpers, much of the city disabled and prone to cave-ins. Seems like something we'd tip the Wraith off to as a sick joke.

