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Grace Under Pressure (214)

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    I think Stargate in general just needs more creatures in it! Oh yes...

    But to me the whale looked like a very large humback with two tiny fins on it's chin. Rather odd indeed. I really couldn't pick out a long neck from what I saw.


      Originally posted by ZPM_Plant
      I would go so far to say that the whales were "carter," that Mckay wasn't halucenating, that the whales were communicating with him to help him.

      Sort of like dinosaur whales with telepathy.

      Don't tell me they were ascended dino whales!
      I have said the exact same thing in the thread for the episode :

      the "hallucination" appeared about the same time as the "whale" did, the hallucination did everything it could to get McKay to wait for help, while the whale marked McKay's location so help could find him. I think the "whale"was definately using the Carter hallucination to communicate with McKay and I hope we see more of these sea creatures as the series progresses.


        Originally posted by Liam Kincaid
        I have said the exact same thing in the thread for the episode :

        the "hallucination" appeared about the same time as the "whale" did, the hallucination did everything it could to get McKay to wait for help, while the whale marked McKay's location so help could find him. I think the "whale"was definately using the Carter hallucination to communicate with McKay and I hope we see more of these sea creatures as the series progresses.
        Are you trying to tell me that the PLESIOSAUR is psychic or has telekinesis?
        That would mean it was the PLESIOSAUR who was making out with McKay...interesting....

        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by Liam Kincaid
          I have said the exact same thing in the thread for the episode :

          the "hallucination" appeared about the same time as the "whale" did, the hallucination did everything it could to get McKay to wait for help, while the whale marked McKay's location so help could find him. I think the "whale"was definately using the Carter hallucination to communicate with McKay and I hope we see more of these sea creatures as the series progresses.
          Good catch Liam. Vaberella extrapolated well: PLESIOSAUR kissing McKay. What a sight.
          Janus: “What is it you called them?” Dr. Weir: “ZPM, Zero Point Module.” Janus: “Yes” Janus: “They're designed to operate in parallel, all three providing power to the city simultaneously.” Janus: “However, used in sequence, it may be possible to sustain the power for the needed time.”


            Morning all,

            Just watched this one today.

            Noticed a few others on this forum came to the same conclusion.

            Was it the whale thing cetamorph that made McKay hallucinate?

            Another good episode.



              I think McKay's concussion was most responsible for his hallucination. However, the whale may have had some influence on the purpose of the hallucination, as the whale would have known the best thing to do would be to sit tight and conserve power.
              SQUEE like no one's listening.


                In general, I liked the episode, but I thought it lacked something. I will not comment on the science as I am too busy suspending disbelief. The special effects were wonderful. Rodney was excellent as always. I loved Sheppard's little boy enthusiasm when confronted with heavy machinery and building something really, really cool.

                I finally decided that I have gotten so used to TPTB compressing two or more story lines into every episode, I think they have given me some type of story line ADD. Perhaps had the writers beefed up the "resue Rodney b story" it could have added that little tweak to the episode.

                I enjoyed the whale. Why not add more story to the whale. Give it some type of special ability or sentience that can be used in the future. Or follow the whale, save Rodney, and find something else neat. I know, I know, adding a little continuity is too much to ask, but well I'm asking.


                  Well actually, the whale could be followed up in
                  a season 3 episode named "Echoes"


                    I really liked this episode, both for the insight into McKay, the showcase for Sheppard’s best qualities, and Zelenka’s chance to get his feet wet on a mission and come through brilliantly.

                    I like that Psychic Alien Lassie Whale idea. It would explain a lot.

                    But I agree that the whale was probably broadcasting something like: “Please remain calm. Help is on the way. Don’t do anything reckless,” and was an influence rather than cause of the Sam Hallucination. She was McKay’s subconscious, not a personification of the whale.

                    I thought Amanda Tapping and David Hewlett were great. I loved the Not-Quite-Sam Hallucination, with the glossy pink lipstick and perfect hairdoo. And McKay spending so much time arguing with Sam—essentially his subconscious self—was both brilliant and funny. And he doesn’t listen to Sam’s good advice, he can’t quite bring himself to trust in it, but at least in the end he admits that he should have. I know a lot of people who insist on learning the hard way, but learn they do.

                    The Sam Hallucination says that McKay neither trusts nor listens to other people, which is true enough. I really am starting to wonder why McKay is like he is. He’s the only one who fixates on assigning blame during the crises, first to Griffin and then to Zelenka. McKay even states adamantly “…. It’s not my fault!” Well, of course it isn’t. But why is he so obsessed on this point? There’s got to be a story there…

                    When Griffin sacrifices himself to save McKay, I can’t help but see the parallel to what McKay did in Hide and Seek. There have been many situations where someone from Atlantis risks all to save others. Here McKay is shocked at Griffin’s action, but what I think he is most shocked by is that Griffin would give his life to save him. McKay really has some serious insecurities and self-worth issues.

                    Sheppard was one of those characters I wasn’t sure if I would like when I first started watching Atlantis. Pretty boy with the standard Stargate Leader Guy characteristics (and it doesn’t help that every time Joe Flanigan is trying to do a serious scene, my husband starts jumping around the room singing “pretty white boy!”). But Flanigan plays it well, and Sheppard’s best qualities come through in this episode. His optimism and energy rub off on the other characters. He really makes the rescue happen. I really like how he won’t give up. If plan A isn’t working, come up with Plan B, and Plan C and D if necessary. He’s always thinking, and encouraging others to think of innovative ways to succeed.

                    Off on a tangent here (because there doesn’t seem to be a JS Character Discussion thread), but I had read in another thread that TPTB had originally wanted Ben Browder for the part of Sheppard, but couldn’t get him at that point. Now, I can totally picture Browder as the Atlantis lead, mostly because there is something very generic about the Stargate Leader Guy role as written, and Browder himself is a terrific and charismatic actor. But I am soooo glad they ended up with Flanigan instead! I think what he brings to the role as an actor is what makes the character. The writing aside, Flanigan plays his character as playful but mature, energetic but focused, and he really manages to exude a personable charm that is a handy attribute for the leader of offworld missions to have. He also delivers his sarcastic lines with a softer, friendlier, and more playful edge then I think Browder could manage. I’d have a real hard time with Browder’s Sheppard and Hewlett’s McKay sharing screentime. That much highly-strung, chaotic energy every week would be too much, and I don’t think the dynamics would have worked half so well as what Flanigan and Hewlett conjure in their scenes together. In fact, I wonder if we would have even got Hewlett if we had gotten Browder, and then we probably wouldn’t have seen David Nykl’s role grow, because I think that mostly has to do with how great McKay and Zelenka play off each other.

                    Okay, back on topic-- David Nykl gives a very nice performance in this episode. There’s just this very understated worry and hopelessness to his lines, making it clear he doesn’t think a rescue is possible. But when Weir tells him that Sheppard has a plan that will be ready in a few hours, Zelenka’s hopeful “Really?” was very cute.

                    And finally, I read far too many mystery novels, so I can’t help but notice that Griffin thought if anything was going to go wrong it would have before they were on the return trip to Atlantis, and now the wreckage is conveniently sitting on the seafloor where it can’t be examined to determine what went wrong. So, plot device—or sabotage? On the downside, I can’t imagine who could possibly want to bump off Zelenka, who would be the likely intended victim, so probably nothing there, but my brain can’t help it, because if this were a mystery novel, those would be major red flags.



                      Sheppard was one of those characters I wasn’t sure if I would like when I first started watching Atlantis. Pretty boy with the standard Stargate Leader Guy characteristics (and it doesn’t help that every time Joe Flanigan is trying to do a serious scene, my husband starts jumping around the room singing “pretty white boy!”). But Flanigan plays it well, and Sheppard’s best qualities come through in this episode. His optimism and energy rub off on the other characters. He really makes the rescue happen. I really like how he won’t give up. If plan A isn’t working, come up with Plan B, and Plan C and D if necessary. He’s always thinking, and encouraging others to think of innovative ways to succeed.

                      Off on a tangent here (because there doesn’t seem to be a JS Character Discussion thread), but I had read in another thread that TPTB had originally wanted Ben Browder for the part of Sheppard, but couldn’t get him at that point. Now, I can totally picture Browder as the Atlantis lead, mostly because there is something very generic about the Stargate Leader Guy role as written, and Browder himself is a terrific and charismatic actor. But I am soooo glad they ended up with Flanigan instead! I think what he brings to the role as an actor is what makes the character. The writing aside, Flanigan plays his character as playful but mature, energetic but focused, and he really manages to exude a personable charm that is a handy attribute for the leader of offworld missions to have. He also delivers his sarcastic lines with a softer, friendlier, and more playful edge then I think Browder could manage. I’d have a real hard time with Browder’s Sheppard and Hewlett’s McKay sharing screentime. That much highly-strung, chaotic energy every week would be too much, and I don’t think the dynamics would have worked half so well as what Flanigan and Hewlett conjure in their scenes together. In fact, I wonder if we would have even got Hewlett if we had gotten Browder, and then we probably wouldn’t have seen David Nykl’s role grow, because I think that mostly has to do with how great McKay and Zelenka play off each other.


                      I am a huge Joe Flanigan fan, but I have to disagree that Ben Browder would have not been able to play Sheppard well. JF brings so much to the character of Sheppard that I believe is his own unique and exceptional talent, but have you ever seen Farscape? Ben is another acting genius. TPTB have not given him enough of a part on SG-1 or found his character enough as of yet for his true talent to shine through.


                        Originally posted by Serenity228
                        I am a huge Joe Flanigan fan, but I have to disagree that Ben Browder would have not been able to play Sheppard well. JF brings so much to the character of Sheppard that I believe is his own unique and exceptional talent, but have you ever seen Farscape? Ben is another acting genius. TPTB have not given him enough of a part on SG-1 or found his character enough as of yet for his true talent to shine through.
                        I have seen Farscape, which is why I said Ben Browder is a terrific and charismatic actor . But every actor will bring his own stamp of personality to the role he plays. Sheppard would have been different had Browder played him, and the dynamics with the other actors would have been different too. I just like what Flanigan brings to the role.


                          I just want to know how it is that GUP recieved an emmy nomination as opposed to like Camelot, Ethon, Allies, Inferno, The Hive. It really wasn't that good of an episode aside from the fact that we learn the PJ's can be used as submersibles. All I know is Camelot better recieve a hell of a lot of nominations.

                          Best Stargate quote:
                          Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                          Green is your friend.


                            Originally posted by freyr's mother
                            I just want to know how it is that GUP recieved an emmy nomination as opposed to like Camelot, Ethon, Allies, Inferno, The Hive. It really wasn't that good of an episode aside from the fact that we learn the PJ's can be used as submersibles. All I know is Camelot better recieve a hell of a lot of nominations.
                            GUP was nominated for Outstanding Music. I'm no audiophile, but I thought the music was very good (and the sound mixing was good too, for that matter; I really hate it when they take good music and make it too loud). It really has nothing to do with how good you might think the episode, or other episodes, or other series.

                            (And I liked GUP better than the other eps you mentioned, except Ethon, which I can't judge because I haven't seen it. But I don't think any of them are individually worthy of an Emmy, sorry. Of course, I could be wrong, because I don't watch enough TV to compare the shows to what else is out there. I just watch Atlantis because I like it. I wouldn't worry about the Emmy thing too much, anyway. I think it's cool when a show I like gets an Emmy nod, but mostly more mainstream television is going to win out, especially in things like the best show and acting catagories **shrug**)
                            Last edited by OutThere; 09 July 2006, 05:43 AM.


                              Originally posted by OutThere
                              GUP was nominated for Outstanding Music. I'm no audiophile, but I thought the music was very good (and the sound mixing was good too, for that matter; I really hate it when they take good music and make it too loud). It really has nothing to do with how good you might think the episode, or other episodes, or other series.

                              (And I liked GUP better than the other eps you mentioned, except Ethon, which I can't judge because I haven't seen it. But I don't think any of them are individually worthy of an Emmy, sorry. Of course, I could be wrong, because I don't watch enough TV to compare the shows to what else is out there. I just watch Atlantis because I like it. I wouldn't worry about the Emmy thing too much, anyway. I think it's cool when a show I like gets an Emmy nod, but mostly more mainstream television is going to win out, especially in things like the best show and acting catagories **shrug**)
                              Personally, I think Camelot and Ethon had much better music.

                              Best Stargate quote:
                              Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                              Green is your friend.


                                Originally posted by freyr's mother
                                Personally, I think Camelot and Ethon had much better music.
                                If I see Camelot again, I'll pay closer attention to the music.

                                Generally, I don't pay attention to such things unless it's jarring or there's something wrong with the sound mix. Like I said, I'm no audiophile. Real music lovers can judge better than me.

                                Who did the music for Camelot?

                                EDIT: Also, didn't SciFi have to submit an SG1 episode to the Emmy commitee for review? If so, I guess a lot would depend on what episode they used for the music catagory. I'm really not sure exactly how it works.
                                Last edited by OutThere; 09 July 2006, 06:01 AM.

