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Grace Under Pressure (214)

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    I loved Grace Under Pressure. David and Amanda did a great job together. I have liked the McKay/Carter banter since McKay was first on SG-1. I also enjoyed the Zelenka/Sheppard scenes. Over all fun enjoyable episode for me.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Originally posted by Bobthespirit
      Introduce some new plot elements! Some wraithe that aren't just like all the other wraithe! Make the genai more of a threat, make some other hostile force threaten Atlantis.

      Stop copying earlier Stargate episodes!
      Just pointing out that you asked for a Tok'ra Wraith and an Antlantian Replicator, but then ask that TPTB stop rehasing SG-1.

      This episode actually had some terrific writing in it (it was far closer in form to what you would see on a major network show, like lost or 24, than any previous atlantis episode in a while).

      However, besides this ep, I do agree that S2 of Atlantis has been, for the most part, completely inferior to S1.


        Originally posted by tsaxlady
        I loved Grace Under Pressure. David and Amanda did a great job together. I have liked the McKay/Carter banter since McKay was first on SG-1. I also enjoyed the Zelenka/Sheppard scenes. Over all fun enjoyable episode for me.

        I wholeheartedly agree. David and Amanda were great in this episode! And kudos to Martin Gero for the writing. I enjoyed this episode from beginning to end. The team showed real concern for Mckay, and the Mckay/Carter banter was so much fun and so well done!!

        One of my favorites so far this season too!


          The ep would have been a lot better if it focused on McKay dealing with the pilots sacrifice instead of him fantasizing about Carter. Instead of hallucinating Carter, he should have seen the pilot. And been forced to deal with the fact that he wimped out at the crucial moment while Gibson steped up. But instead, we got 45 minutes of McKay trying to decided if he's smarter than Carter. We should have been treated to McKay coming to terms that he's a coward among heroes.

          This is something that Atlantis does alot. It gets close to a real subject and then totally wimps out. As soon as it brushes up against a good issue, it takes the easiest way out possible. Instead of exploring self sacrifice, lets get Carter wet!



            I want to see McKay deal with the fact that he's a Red Shirt Killer. Just about every non-major character who goes on a mission with him winds up dead. The man should have a complex about it by this point.


              Wow I thought "The Hive" was the worst episode ever but I was wrong, this is!

              Gee the jumper is sinking and wee need to find them and save them! Its too bad we dont have a giant wanking spaceship with sensors and some kind of exotic alien device for remotely capturing matter and transporting it to another!

              Sheppard and McKay have been theorizing using the jumpers for submersibles? Convient that they just mention this now.

              Boy Sheppard, shielding the jumper is a great idea! Its too bad we have to jury rig one. Makes you kinda wish that the jumpers had one already. Oh wait! They do!! Sheppard ran face first into it in "The Defiant One"!

              Let me get this straight. The shield they are using is jury rigged using the cloaking system. Its very low on power. But we are going to be able to extend it around the other jumper in the couple seconds it takes to land. Gotcha.

              Thank god for the giant four flipper whale! Im glad that was the best idea the writers could come up with.

              I also love how bipolar all the characters are in a chrisis between one episode an another. In "Epiphanies" everyone is paniced to find sheppard because he is trapped in an area were time is going faster. Even after they see that the area is green and lush from above, they are killing themselves to find a solution. However McKay is trapped in a sinking jumper and will be dead in an hour and Weir is calm as a peach. "Oh thats all you've done so far, narrowed it down to 6 miles? Oh ok, keep on it then, take your time."

              So let me get this straight. Jumpers can take shots from wraith darts and retain structural integrity, yet the tiny bump it takes as it hits the bottom is enough to fracture it all along the bottom and food it with water?

              Even ignoring Daedalus' sensors that can detect life signs and ships 1,000's of light years away, what about the sensors on Atlantis itself? They can detect weapons fire between two small wraith crusiers 1,000's of light years away over top all of the stars, planets, and back ground solar radiation, yet they don't have sensors to scan and monitor the immediate area around the planet and distinguish different forms of life? Boy I hope the wraith dont land on the mainland and come at us on boats, we would never stand a chance.

              This was just another example of how the writers just like pulling stuff out of their collective ass and making us humans so much smarter than the Ancients. There is a theory that the Ancients and the Gatebuilders are two different groups and Im starting to subscribe to it because if the Ancients arent even smart enough to have an emergency beacon on their jumpers that can be picked up by Atlantis, it is no wonder they lost the war.

              The only saving point of this episode is that the interaction between McKay and Sam was chuckle worthy at times, and even then only occasionally.

              I used to like McKay despite his assines, but that was with the expectation for him to grow. He has not changed one iota since the first episode. He is still the exact same self imporant, arrogant, ass that he was. Which is the purpose of the character but he needs to be shown to be growing somewhat as a person, and he hasn't, none of the characters have. And its not the actors faults, its the writers, the Actors can only do so much with the drek the writers give them. this is definately another example of the monkey **** theiry of writing the writers appearently subscribe too. Get a bunch of monkey's. feed them chille, tape the blank sctipt papers up on the walls of their cage. Piss the monkeys off, they start throwing their ****, whatever sticks to the pages is the script for that episode. My hat is off to you, Atlantis writers, no one slings monley **** like you do!


                It was a lot better then I thought. I think I liked it going in with nothing thinking I am not going to like it.

                I wonder who Sam is going to be kissing on next week.
                *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
                *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
                *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
                *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
                *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
                *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
                *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


                  Originally posted by LORD MONK
                  It was a lot better then I thought. I think I liked it going in with nothing thinking I am not going to like it.

                  I wonder who Sam is going to be kissing on next week.
                  Well, technically Sam wasn't kissing Rodney. She was back here and the SGC and I'm sure Rodney was the last thing on her mind. Remember, it was a manifestation of Rodney's.


                    Originally posted by nccjones
                    Well, technically Sam wasn't kissing Rodney. She was back here and the SGC and I'm sure Rodney was the last thing on her mind. Remember, it was a manifestation of Rodney's.
                    That is somehow kind of comforting.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by AGateFan
                      That is somehow kind of comforting.
                      Actually, I found they have a good chemistry together. I wouldn't mind seeing a relationship between the two develop


                        Good episode...

                        I loved how McCarter acted towards McKay... she seemed to have elements of both Carter we know and and McKay.

                        This week, however, SG1 gets my vote.



                          I love David Hewlett's portrayal of McKay. He's so fully drawn, so human. I hope the writers develop all the characters this well.

                          And I hope they allow him to show some emotional growth, hints of it here and there, as has been suggested. He can't have gone through all this in Grace Under Pressure without consequences. I hope the effects will show up in later episodes. The writers have shown a few times that they are capable of that sort of continuity. I'd like to see them tackle it wholeheartedly, with the desire to make all these characters all the more real to us. We will love the show all the more for it.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            This was MUCH better than "Grace". We actually had a PLOT this time.
                            hey, Grace was *wonderful*. it had a plot; sam realizing that she 'needed' more out of life than work, all the while coming to terms with this while suffering a massive concussion, chatting with aliens (maybe...) and trying to stay alive. that's a LOT of plot.




                              Originally posted by spg_1983
                              Gee the jumper is sinking and wee need to find them and save them! Its too bad we dont have a giant wanking spaceship with sensors and some kind of exotic alien device for remotely capturing matter and transporting it to another!
                              Yes, and we know that the Daedalus wasn't on route between Earth and Atlantis because...?

                              You can't transport something you can't find.

                              Sheppard and McKay have been theorizing using the jumpers for submersibles? Convient that they just mention this now.
                              Why would they mention it before?

                              Boy Sheppard, shielding the jumper is a great idea! Its too bad we have to jury rig one. Makes you kinda wish that the jumpers had one already. Oh wait! They do!! Sheppard ran face first into it in "The Defiant One"!
                              Hmmm...maybe that's why it was so easy this time? Or maybe because that was a Wraith one (not sure about this one though).

                              Let me get this straight. The shield they are using is jury rigged using the cloaking system. Its very low on power. But we are going to be able to extend it around the other jumper in the couple seconds it takes to land. Gotcha.
                              So what? They would just have to hightail it out of there before it collapses.

                              So let me get this straight. Jumpers can take shots from wraith darts and retain structural integrity, yet the tiny bump it takes as it hits the bottom is enough to fracture it all along the bottom and food it with water?
                              Remembering, of course, that it has been pressed on by very intense water pressure all the way down.

                              This was just another example of how the writers just like pulling stuff out of their collective ass and making us humans so much smarter than the Ancients. There is a theory that the Ancients and the Gatebuilders are two different groups and Im starting to subscribe to it because if the Ancients arent even smart enough to have an emergency beacon on their jumpers that can be picked up by Atlantis, it is no wonder they lost the war.
                              Just guessing, but maybe it got damaged in the crash?

                              Oh yeah, I haven't seen this episode in months (I'm Canadian), so maybe I got some of the details wrong.


                                Originally posted by nccjones
                                Actually, I found they have a good chemistry together. I wouldn't mind seeing a relationship between the two develop
                                I'm done with carter relationships of any kind.
                                I was never a shipper but I was not an anti-shipper so I would always just happily ignore the ship stuff and go on. But with her it’s getting to the point of seriously damaging her character. I say no more ship for her period.

                                Plus I think if McKay just has to be with someone... it needs to be someone who is very, very patient and maybe not the sharpest tack in the box and who adores him completely. Like Teyla……………..just kidding
                                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

