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Critical Mass (213)

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    Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
    OMG that music was horrible. I muted the TV. But Caldwell as the goa'uld, there's a twist.
    How could you not like the music or the singing? I thought that was the highlight of the episode...

    The return of Dr. Zelenka (Shep: What did you do to him? Ronon: Nothing. He just fainted.), Caldwell turning out to be the Goa'uld, and Teyla's awesome voice? This had me on the edge of my seat and before I knew it, the episode ended leaving me holding my breath!

    Last edited by BigGator5; 20 January 2006, 07:30 PM.


      Wow is about all I can say. This is by far the best episode they have done. Col Caldwell! I would never have suspected. I had a notion that it wasn't Cavanaugh but possible Cadman...what's with all the C'?...anyway, I digress.

      Ok...this episode definately had me on the edge of my seat. I didn't even mind Teyla's "B" story for a change. I normally don't like anything that has to do with Teyla or Ronan...but this one touched me. Her singing was fabulous! It also added to the tension as they were trying to figure out the code. Perfect performance.

      Ok...I know I'll be jumped on for this one so I'm ducking as I type...Ronan...I'm still trying to figure out why he's even there. oooooh...he was so menacing coming through door. Oh well, I'll reserve any other comments on that matter. gets my best ever episode vote today.


        JUST seen the show and abosolutely LOVED it felt sorry for teyla loosing her grandmother figure and also thought pauls reaction was totally great!!!!!!!

        Abosolutely GREAT !!!

        anyone havent seen it i would strongly suggest this ep to see if you dont see any other ones in season two


        I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


          I liked this episode
          Gotta love Hermiod ***** slapping Cavanugh. That guy is just like everyone's favorite punching bag.

          I think I could have done without the singing though, the music was cool. It was nice to see more of athosian society, as well as their funeral rites. As Teyla said, its unusual for someone to die of natural causes around the Wraith.

          Liked the twist of Caldwell being a gou'ald but does that mean he's gone from the show? Because I was just begining to like his character. Will we find out when he became a gou'ald? Is Hermiod going to suceed in beaming the gou'ald out of his head?


            I loved this ep!
            The parts with Zelenka were so funny And I found it amazing how much he didn't like kids.
            Then when we found out that Colonel Caldwell was a Goa'uld was really cool.
            And I also loved the part when John comes rushing in and asks Ronon 'Whoa, stop!' and Ronon replies ' He fainted. I didn't even touch him'
            And best of all, I loved the part when Teyla sang. I knew that Rachel could sing, but I didn't know how good her voice was. That was the best part for me.
            And, you gotta wonder. Why did Cadmen want to stay in Atlantis all of a sudden. I would want to get as far away from Rodney and have some more time to myself. But, I'm quiet sure Rodney was thinking this: about Cadmen.
            And I think I speak for all when I say: I loved it when Hermiod told Kavanah to shut it!
            So all in all this was a great episode!
            *Rachel Luttrel* "Where are the bathrooms on Atlantis?" Now what the heck kinda question is that?


              The singing was lovely but it was way too overpowering. I wish they'd skipped the loud background music and just let her sing, in the room. Other than that it was pretty good. I don't think I could hate Cavanaugh more.

              The whole Caldwell thing was totally unexpected for me and then it just all made sense.

              Poor sweet Zelenka. I love that poor tortured man.

              "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                This episode was surprisingly good. I'm usually skeptical about crossover eps but this had just the right amount of the Earth. I thought it would just be like collateral damage in SG-1 where its only "find who did it". But I'm glad I was wrong.
                Good points:
                -McKay and Cadman interaction....hilarious.
                -Beckett and Cadman...cute.
                -Zelenka's face being painted was great!
                -Caldwell as the Goa'uld though I suspected it was either him, Kavanaugh (spelling?) or Cadman.
                -Surpisingly enough Teyla's singing. When I first heard her I was kinda worried it would be terrible but it added some nice drama to the episode at the end and the music was cool.So not too bad.
                -Weir and Shepp interaction and Weir's regret for almost using torture.
                -Heimdol telling Kavanaugh to stop talking...brilliant!

                Bad Points:
                -Like a lot of other people, I thought this episode was rushed. TPTB are beginning to make a habit of that. The ep spends a lot of time building up the plot but then only spends like the last 8-10 minutes resolving it. And that's really the only part that was wrong w/the ep.

                Overall 4.5 out of 5
                Mentally unstable like a fox!!


                  OMG OMG OMG. I'm an American who has remained unspoiled for the parts of Atlantis that have already aired in Canada.

                  I really was NOT expecting Caldwell
                  to be a Go'a'uld.

                  Mitch Pileggi played that perfectly. I was very encouraged that
                  they were working to save him from the invading Go'a'uld
                  at the end.

                  I am really hoping and praying this is not the end of Mitch Pileggi's run with the series. It was much stronger for his presence.

                  Anyone know what's next for Caldwell?
                  not so ancient


                  PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group


                    It was a good ep - "goa'uld infiltrators" always makes a good episode.

                    One thing bugs me though - just how strong is Ronon? He totally creamed the Caldwell goa'uld, but in Season 6's "Prometheus" the Colonel Simmons goa'uld was beating the crap out of both O'Neill and Tealc. In desperation, O'Neill opened the airlock in order to kill him.

                    I guess he would have to be stronger than a normal human, since he went toe-to-toe with a juiced up Ford. I guess it's a case of Ronon having superior fighting skills, but it just bugs me that a goa'uld had the crap kicked out of him so easily.


                      I don't know if anyone else noticed it or would agree, but when Teyla began her ritual song, and they cut away to other scenes on Atlatnis, it almost felt like an episode of BattleStar Galactica. Especially with the bombshell of Col. Caldwell being inhabited by a Goa'uld. I can honestly say I didn't see that coming. It was obvious, with both Cadman & Kavenaugh being seen early in the episode, that they would both be suspects to some degree. (And I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll hear from Kavenaugh about what happened. At least he was never actually tortured.)

                      It was good to see Gen. Landry & Walter in this ep, but I was REALLY glad to see Agent Barrett. I always liked him and still think he & Carter would be good together.

                      BTW, I absolutely LOVED the scene in which Dr. Lee is explaining how they can communicate with Atlantis, and he mentions the Twilight Bark from "101 Dalmations." Everyone looks at him blankly. Then, inspired, Lee said, "Oh, I have it. It's like in 'Lord of the Rings'....." And suddenly, everyone in the room, mostly scientists & mathematicians, understands exactly what he means. A great geek reference. Loved it!

                      And by the way, I've been gone from the boards for a while, so may I just say these are the craziest icons.


                        great ep but the BSG ep after it owned all tonight.

                        teyla can really sing damn.
                        ronon seems to be as strong as a wraith without the drug.


                          Originally posted by jyh
                          BTW, I absolutely LOVED the scene in which Dr. Lee is explaining how they can communicate with Atlantis, and he mentions the Twilight Bark from "101 Dalmations." Everyone looks at him blankly. Then, inspired, Lee said, "Oh, I have it. It's like in 'Lord of the Rings'....." And suddenly, everyone in the room, mostly scientists & mathematicians, understands exactly what he means. A great geek reference. Loved it!

                          And by the way, I've been gone from the boards for a while, so may I just say these are the craziest icons.

                          yeah that was absolutely awesome and funny as hell.

                          too bad there's no more hermiod muttering in asgard anymore that was funny


                            Originally posted by doombringer333
                            It was a good ep - "goa'uld infiltrators" always makes a good episode.

                            One thing bugs me though - just how strong is Ronon? He totally creamed the Caldwell goa'uld, but in Season 6's "Prometheus" the Colonel Simmons goa'uld was beating the crap out of both O'Neill and Tealc. In desperation, O'Neill opened the airlock in order to kill him.
                            Well, if I remember, Caldwell didn't even try to defend himself.


                              goauld arrogence did that. didn't expect ronon to own him with his strength. caught off guard if you will


                                One more thing I forgot.

                                This is small, but honestly, it's getting distracting.

                                Someone please, for the love of Goddess, do something about Torri Higginson's hair. It needs to either curl or be straight. It needs to be short or long but not where it is now. The current look makes Atlantis's leader look like she spends 20 minutes a day asking McKay to iinterface Ancient technology with a bad 1970s curling iron. She needs to drop back to earth for a cut, condition and stop making her hair look like a poorly fussed with mess.

                                And her shade of lip gloss is amazingly, astoundingly, horrifyingly wrong. She has auburn hair and hazel eyes. She wears red. She cannot wear peach gloss. Run, don't walk, and get a tube of Clinique Black Honey. It'd look great on her. We have the same colouring, except my eyes are brown. It'll work, trust me.

                                Torri Higginson is a lovely woman and a good actress.

                                Elizabeth Weir is a good character and also a lovely woman.

                                The show is doing them a huge disservice with this current look. It's just not acceptable.
                                not so ancient


                                PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group

