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Critical Mass (213)

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    ok they said in critical mass that the zpm needed fail safes to prevent an overload when they dial home. they have so far dialed pegasus twice from the sgc using a zpm. did they know enough on earth to put failsafes in or is this just one of those things we dont ask questions about.

    then if that is the case that their device had failsafes then why couldnt they have used the device from rising that they put the zpm in to power the gate (im assuming they can build one on atlantis if they dont have one or take the one out of the deadelus that was used to bring that to pegasus) to power the city and wire it similarly to the way that they wired the naq. generators up.



      The ZPM had been rigged to explode upon dialling of Earth. The ones that the SGC used in 'Rising' & 'The Siege II' didn't have a tainted system like that of Atlantis. That's the simple reason why it didn't explode.


        see thats wrong. mckay said that the failsafes were in place to prevent any system from drawing too much energy from the zpm and creating an overload. he also said that opening a wormhole to another galaxy was significnatly enough to cause an instantaneous overload as opposed to when the dampeners started which were slowly causing the overload. the zpm wasnt rigged to explode when they dialed earth it was rigged to allow an overload to happen. had they not dialed earth and say raised the shield or started another system of equal power requirements it would have still gone boom. my question is since mckay said that there was sufficenetly enough power taken to open the worm hole then why did it not happen on earth and why could they not have used there own zpm interface to power the city.


          Humans Reverse engineered the power intergration system from the ancient outpost 'Atlantus' with built-in failsafes to stop the zpm from over-loading and exploding.
          And stop being so snobby.


            ok that answers the first question...thank you.

            but that brings up my second question...why couldnt they have utilized something like that and interfaced it with the power of atlantis to prevent the explosion? they proved they can interface with the power with the naq. generators.


              I LOVED THIS EPOSIDE

              lol macay - hey, look whos back, mr mum how was the kids
              and also Teyla had an awesome voice


                Uh because they didn't have the time - Critical Mass took place over a couple of hours, while they were preparing for the Atlantis expedition for months


                  You guys ever thought that you're too smart for your own good?
                  Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                    dialing to pegasus isn't drawing that much power to cause that


                      Caldwell is the Gou’ld?

                      Ok. If he is a Gou'ld and want Atlantis to blow up then why he ordered the ship to turn around and relay the message? If he did not relay the message to Atlantis then his plan would have suceed. If he is questioned by his superior then he can just tell them that he didn't want to risk his ship blowing up with the hyper drive modification. It would be a better ending if somebody else was a Gou'ld though I have to admit that wasn't expected.


                        But they would never accept that excuse, since it's possible that it WON'T blow up.

                        Also, hundreds of people's lives were at stake.


                          OMG that music was horrible. I muted the TV. But Caldwell as the goa'uld, there's a twist.


                            Up until the 'musical number' i was thinking this is a good episode (not great).

                            Then, the musical started off poorly, so I was thinking a bad ending was to follow...

                            Then the number sort of worked, until the ceromony that teyla was performing had no meaning, then it went back to not working...

                            then the episode ended with a good theme...

                            i'm torn - right now, i won't recommend the episode - 2 1/2 stars.

                            but it's possibly 3 stars. i'll have to rewatch it...


                              Zelenka and Mckay problems with the relationship?
                              Hey Agent Barrett
                              Hey Dr Lee…. I guess that answers the whole transmitter debate.
                              101 Dalmatians… LOTR…. LOL, LOL… that was great.
                              Pony tail boy is back… he’s already annoying me
                              Good Hermoid. Slap down pony tail boy LOL, That too was great.

                              Zelenka stuck with kids.
                              Ronan - Gou’ald they that was actually pretty much what I figured his reaction would be. I guess Telya and Beckett were sent off so as not to be in this ep?And just as I say that we get some Beckett\Telya.
                              Some Beckett and Teyla story.. It’s nice. But teyla needs to learn to let go.

                              Why transmit to call the wraith if you don’t want the wraith to get the city. Hmmmm
                              Walter…. Lots of SGC in this episode.

                              Goa’uld wouldn’t kill themselves? Lt Cadman, Rodney, Rodney, Rodney... he needs to let the Cadman thing go.

                              Caldwell and Weir still don’t get along.
                              Pony tail boy has no friends…ooohhh poor pony tail boy. Why is he still wearing a communicator? Dang he is freaking annoying… This actor does a great job because I HATE this character… kudos to him.
                              Nice little Teyla back-ground.

                              Where are the hiccups Novak… there we go.
                              Hermoid…was she going to say Hermoid? oh pony tail guy…kinda creepy… haha.

                              Like a Dam.. and a spillway… funny interaction.
                              Mckay can be as annoying as pony tail boy sometimes.

                              Dang pony tail boy is JUST ANNOYING.
                              Oh, here we go… we had this storyline on B5…hope Dr. Beckett makes a better decision then Dr Franklin.

                              Ronan volunteers to talk to pony tail boy. Shep and Caldwell on board.
                              Cadman is trying to help save Atlantis. Bet she helps save the day just so Mckay can get shown up again.

                              Morals… does no one have morals anymore? Poor pony tail boy.
                              Ok, now I am sick of the Teyla thing…. Lets get this over with before I have to mute my TV.

                              Haha, Cadman to save the day!
                              God I despise it when people sing on TV shows. I mean Despise. I think I hate it worse then shipping people.

                              Pony tail boy fainted…. Funny.
                              Caldwell? Actually, sadly, I already new that.
                              Hes a Goa’uld that sinks.
                              Now, Ronan kicking his az that was fun.

                              Last second they save the day.
                              Zelenka… ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
                              Beaming out the goa’uld… why not just use a Thors Hammer?

                              That was good, not awesome or anything but nice and fun… Good Job Carl Binder.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                That was amazing! Truly the absolute best episode of this season IMHO thus far. First off, it won massive points for me by bringing that LotR reference (the twilight bark? What was Lee thinking?). The parts with Hermie were classic, as was seeing hiccup-girl doing her thing once more. Laughed my head off in her interrogation. The constant back-and-forth of how the Goa'uld was going to destroy the city. Liked also the fact that they still do acknowledge that the city is really a spaceship.

                                The emotional story of Teyla was very good. I really liked how they are continuing to flesh out her character. The slight glimpse that we got into Athosian society was cool. I liked the old lady. She was sweet. I really felt for Teyla here. I loved the last ten minutes. The dress Teyla wore was beautiful (my sister is wishing she owns it) and the song was wonderful. The way they incorporated the song with the rest of the story was absolutely teriffic. I do hope that Caldwell will be alright.

                                Of course, the humerous parts were good, too. Zelenka was brief, but O so sweet. Kavanaugh fainting was excellent, though I wish that he would stay that way forever.

                                Overall, this is actually the first episode of Atlantis that actually ties with SG-1, and it is a definite improvement over last week's episode. I give this its fully deserved five out of five stars.
                                Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                                Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?

