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Aurora (209)

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    IIRC, the crew had initially forgotten going into stasis. They thought they were still out and about on the ship. Perhaps because of the damage to the ship they could not operate it at all, and thus put themselves into stasis in hopes that someone from Atlantis would come pick them up. Obviously that never happened.
    SQUEE like no one's listening.


      what ever the case, its too damn bad that they had to blow it up in the end. it could have been a beneficial ship to the atlantis expedition, despite the damage.
      Get YOUR P90 Here!
      Am i alone in hoping that the Seaquest seasons with the DeLuise brothers are finally released on dvd??

      Nice hair!!


        Let it be our secret... At least I didn't call him a knight in shining armour...
        But I'm glad you got it...
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          I actually thought that maybe the crew of the aurora spent the whole of the trip in stasis.
          When you think about it, ancient technology is so inteligent and self maintaining that it could probably essentially run itself. The point in the interactive network between the pods might have actually run a simulation of the ship wich output to the real ship so the crew could still run the ship normally even when in stasis. This would explain how the entire crew was in stasis, even those in parts of the ship exposed to the vacuum of space. Its possible that the battle that left the aurora in such a state was fought entireley while the crew where in stasis, damage resulting from the battle could have damaged the neural interface and made it so the crew where unable to wake them selves up voluntarily. The wraith stumbled accross the aurora and after a while repaired the neural interface but not before modifying it so the crew couldnt recall entering stasis in the first place.


            Originally posted by Fonzavitch
            I dont want to seem like a sissy but did anybody else cry when the captain was making his final speech addressing his crew, and back at Atlantis as the memorial toast to their contributions. It was just heart breaking.
            Im so glad you posted this, I thought it was just me being too emotional at the time when I watched it. I didnt actually cry but I could feel myself fighting back the tears. The only other film I have felt like that with recently was shawshank redemption (dont know why I waited so long to watch that film).


              Did anyone notice the new & longer opening credits of Aurora?


                Originally posted by Comblin
                Yeah.. I also thought about that. The selfdestruct code must have been the same in the VR and in reality. So, when sheppard sent the code from thier own ship, some part of the damaged aurora must have picked it up and triggered a selfdestruct in the real world.
                The Wraith changed the program so that the captain and crew would concentrate on the hyperdrive upgrades. However, the Captain would still retain his personal memories because it is his brain that's connected in the pod not the wraith's... get it? Therefore, the Captain would know the ship's self-destruct code.

                The virtual reality Aurora is the same as the real life Aurora. Therefore, when Sheppard got out of the VR, he said "hold on" to Caldwell and then he and McKay went to one of those outlet things we saw in the VR Aurora and they put in the code.
                Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


                  Originally posted by Zrbyte
                  I actually thought that maybe the crew of the aurora spent the whole of the trip in stasis.
                  ..........Its possible that the battle that left the aurora in such a state was fought entireley while the crew where in stasis, damage resulting from the battle could have damaged the neural interface and made it so the crew where unable to wake them selves up voluntarily.
                  Very interesting points. I had not thought of that as a possible explanation. Thanks


                    Didn't cry......but I thought it was a very good ending....from the speech to the toast.


                      Originally posted by Filipino
                      Did anyone notice the new & longer opening credits of Aurora?
                      We didn't get it here in the States. :-(
                      "There is simply no other choice than this: either to abstain from interference in the free play of the market, or to delegate the entire management of production and distribution to the government. Either capitalism or socialism: there exists no middle way."
                      -Ludwig von Mises


                        Originally posted by CalmStorm
                        Which also brings up another question......if this info was so important and the possible undoing of the wraith.....why did they not send a faster vessel?? ......or have a puddle jumper on board that could gate to Atlantis with the information the first gate they came to?
                        good point. Maybe they couldn't send a different ship because they rest of the ships were either destroyed or trying to evac the remaining ancients. But why werent the drive mods taken place b4 the ship went there?


                          I like the new opening, but it's kinda weird.

                          They should change the beginning bit, where it's just a gate in orbit, then the pjumper, then an explosion (rinse and repeat).

                          How retro do the Ancients look! I like!


                            I would imagine that if they had wanted to ascend, it would take more preparation than a few minutes. Being physiologically advanced only won't cut it. I can't help but think that the state of mind is critical when you're about to die, so the death can't be sudden. They just might not have had enough time.
                            I knew it! I knew it! Well, not in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know!
                            - Buffy the Vampire Slayer


                              Originally posted by CZA
                              I like the new opening, but it's kinda weird.

                              They should change the beginning bit, where it's just a gate in orbit, then the pjumper, then an explosion (rinse and repeat).

                              How retro do the Ancients look! I like!
                              Lucky CANADIAN b*****d(Just Kidding) but you are lucky...
                              Jackson: Oh Please! Teal’c’s like one of the deepest people I know. He’s so deep. Come on! Tell em how deep you are. You’ll be lucky if you understand this.
                              Teal’c: My depth is immaterial to this conversation.
                              Jackson: (Excited) Oh!! See?
                              O’Neill: No more beer for you.

                              "Nu ani Anquietas"
                              We are the Ancients


                                It's hard to tell where that ship started out at or whether the info was stumbled upon by accident or if they were working on it for awhile. It could have been the only ship left either on or close to the planet and they figured the info was important enough to start out right away and they could've modified the drive on the way to Atlantis. I don't remember, did they say they were working on finding a weakness or if it was just found (accidentally)? It's also possible the Wraith were attacking or going to attack this mysterious location, so no time could be spent on the necessities.

                                They could've also been attacked before they went into stasis and were forced into stasis for the ride home to survive the lack of atmosphere. They might have just thought that they needed to take their chances. Who knows, maybe the crew thought Atlantis knew of it's condition and would've sent backup had they backup to spare. Heck, maybe Atlantis did send backup and it was destroyed on the way there. Many possibilities though I like Zrbyte's better.
                                I knew it! I knew it! Well, not in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know!
                                - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

