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The Siege, Part 3 (201)

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    even if they do get 2 more zpms they are still the under dogs so i dont see much reason they will not try avoid the wraith because within 3 weeks of constant bombardment would drain the zpms.


      I dont think we will not leave before the Wraith is no treat for us anymore..
      We only have this one chance to explore this galaxy, we have atlantis, and it have strong defensive shields.. So we need it in pegasus to defend the people ho live there.. just like Steve_the_Wraith sayd.. We have the responsibility to protect and help people, and will try so.. We wont run like the ancient did

      And we can maybe make an alliance with other races in pegasus to make peace after the wraith is gone Maybe we see an more powerful enemy this season or another season..


        i agree. IT WAS AWESOME!

        dissappointed... hm.. i wasn't. I thought the daedalus was awesomely sweet!!!!


          sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet it was
          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
          love Torri


            Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
            I got that impression as well. It seemed as if TH was suggesting that the conflict between Caldwell and Weir over Atlantis' leadership might inspire some sexual tension between the two. Which is fine by me. Better Caldwell for Weir than Shep, in my opinion. Shep should stick to the Captain Kirk routine.
            Either way, it doesn't much matter... the original poster wanted to know if there was going to be conflict... and yes, there is...
            "Sexual energies are always fun but now we're joking here... Caldwell and her , you know... always butt heads"

            As for Kirkesque relationships... I've had my fill of those love 'em and leave 'em relationship from episodic scifi... They always seem to end up being meaningless episode fillers.
            Here's hoping that scifi has matured to a point that we don't return to that kind plot device. If the writers want to introduce romance, I'd rather see something we can sink our teeth into rather than some flash in the pan thing.
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              Personally, I'd do away with all but the faintest traces of romance completely, like SGA has done so far. Shep and Chaya pulled the romantic thing off nicely, complemented by McKay's remarks, of course. Stargate isn't and has never been about romance, though, despite what a lot of shippers hope for, and I hope it continues to stay that way. Focus on the much larger problems of the Wraith and all the adventures rather than things like love and romance. Maybe my being a guy has something to do with that stance, though.
              Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
              Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
              Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
              Jack: ... They're lying.


                Originally posted by maxrpg
                Well i loved that episode alot and even watched my recordings of part 1 and 2 before it came on sci fi just to catch up


                but yes im also disspointed really because it kindof took away what atlantis was aiming for. the atlantis team were sent to atlantis and there goal was to get a ZPM to open the stargate so they could go home and/or get 3 ZPM's to power atlantis and fly it home.
                Eh... no...
                I've never thought that that was what Atlantis was about...
                If you think back to the end of Rising... Weir asks that Sheppard assemble a team and "go back out there to do what we came to do". Exploration and making contact with the Ancients was always their priority. However, to survive on the planet, they need the ZPMs... like they need food, water and ammo...

                I asked Joe Mallozzi a while back if we would see more exploration of Atlantis and he more or less indicated that that would be the case.. And I asked him if we would see any water-based vehicles and gave the usual cryptic answer: Check out Season 2...
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
                  Personally, I'd do away with all but the faintest traces of romance completely, like SGA has done so far. Shep and Chaya pulled the romantic thing off nicely, complemented by McKay's remarks, of course. Stargate isn't and has never been about romance, though, despite what a lot of shippers hope for, and I hope it continues to stay that way. Focus on the much larger problems of the Wraith and all the adventures rather than things like love and romance. Maybe my being a guy has something to do with that stance, though.
                  Well... let's agree to disagree...
                  because IMO that whole Chaya incident was mostly forgettable...
                  In fact, that whole episode was quite ordinary...
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Works for me. There are inevitably going to be episodes that some fans like while others don't. That's the beauty of having a whole season of episodes to watch.
                    Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                    Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                    Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                    Jack: ... They're lying.


                      Kicked a_s. That is all I gots to say.

                      And of course the Hickup girl wasn't hickuping anymore.
                      *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
                      *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
                      *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
                      *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
                      *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
                      *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
                      *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


                        I like daedalus and hermiod. I didn't like pileggi's acting, he was far too calm and collected for the first battle when he didn't know how good the wraith were. Novak was cool.One quesiton bombardment means the ZPM can last only days, those four hours must have drained it quite significantly at the en dof the episode we see htem decloaking thereby conserving power once the wraith are gone. but what will they do a second time? We learn one of the people who comes to atlantis via daedalus is a goa'uld who tips off the wraith, they won't fall for the same trick twice and the info they give in this episode causes concern for how they get out of it next time. Ford will be cool, running his own personal war against the wraith.


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          Well... let's agree to disagree...
                          because IMO that whole Chaya incident was mostly forgettable...
                          In fact, that whole episode was quite ordinary...
                          Quite ordinary? Sanctuary? Um, no. As far as I'm concerned, it's the biggest piece of crap Atlantis has ever produced in its albeit short history. There was about as much "romantic chemistry" between Shep and Chaya as there is between a john and a hooker. Sorry, but I loathe and despise that ep and everything it tried to say about the characters.

                          And I would dearly love it if TPTB could get it through their heads that not all of their audience are as obsessed with ship as they are and if they would STOP TRYING TO PAIR OFF THE FRACKING CHARACTERS!!!

                          That's beginning to be a bit of a sore spot with me. Especially now that I'm reading about this Caldwell/Weir BS. For god's sake, people, can't ANYONE interact without it being flirty and fraught with sexual tension??

                          Jeez. And I was actually looking forward to season 2.


                            Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
                            Shep should stick to the Captain Kirk routine.
                            Uh. No.

                            I got through "Stanktuary" once - it is the only SGA episode I can't stomach through a 2nd viewing. Last thing we need week after week is "John Sheppard - male space ho". And after hearing rumors from the San Diego Comic Con about all the romo SGA is supposed to have this season, I'm getting a bit "concerned".

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              Uh. No.

                              I got through "Stanktuary" once - it is the only SGA episode I can't stomach through a 2nd viewing. Last thing we need week after week is "John Sheppard - male space ho". And after hearing rumors from the San Diego Comic Con about all the romo SGA is supposed to have this season, I'm getting a bit "concerned".
                              You actually sat through it once? I only made it about halfway.

                              And please, say it ain't so....NO frelling ships in SGA! Well, ok, Novak and Hermy make a good pair, but other than that, none, nada, zip, zilch, zero.

                              Now, what's the topic again? Oh right, the Seige, Part 3. Good epi! (hums "A hug is just a hug...." as she leaves)
                              On fighting:
                              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                                One thing that kinda bugs me regarding the ZPM's. It seems like they drain down way too quick, compared with most of the early info we had on them. I got the idea they were a very long lasting and very powerful source of power. But now, it can be depleted in a matter of days/weeks, just holding a shield in place, yet can last for thousands of years powering the city on minimal power usage. It seems like, if they're so susceptible to draining, then there would be many of them available.

