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Before I Sleep (115)

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    Originally posted by the_Ancients

    so is it possible that the time ship puddle jumper in good to be king is Janus's ship?
    Just watched the episode on Sky One and had to say it was great. When they said "So where is the time ship now?" I was shouting at the TV "It's already on Earth!"

    I really enjoyed this episode. It showed us a back story to their arrival on Atlantis, gave us a bit more of a look at Elizabeth (as she hasn't done much in previous episodes) and some nice sparring between Rodney and John. It was touching when she was talking to everyone. The only bad piint i would say with the episode was that it once again showed that there is little use for Ford and often Teyla.

    It was nice to see a bit more of the Ancients, though the only question it left me with was that the chinese woman must have realised that Janus had left Elizabeth as, if memory serves correctly, she was the one who left the message about why they had abandoned the city. If they thought no one would ever come, why would they leave the message?

    My only other thing I noted (and this only comes up because I watched Enigma today) was that the high council of the Ancients reminded me of the Tollan, which may implicitly suggest why the Ancients are now "No interference in human affairs."

    I'm gonna give this a 9/10 as it was a lovely episode that had a lot of human emotion, brought us some back story and some good character development.


      I liked this episode, though it's not my fav. I think it tied in well with 'It's Good to be King'.

      Seems in the past, things were a wee bit different. With all the different city changes, flooding, etc. Though I liked the general idea of the ep -- and I look forward to seeing what else Atlantis has to offer.



        Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful

        Best episode of the season so far, better than Rising

        Janus is the man. What a legend

        ANCiENTS & TOLKiEN
        One race to found them all, one race to zap them,
        One race to guide them all, and in the universe transcend them

        ODE TO JOY
        Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium,
        Wir betreten Feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.

        Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng geteilt;
        Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.



          1. There's at leat one guy around online who would have said that this ep destroyed the last 10000 years of time, looping between the timeline where the Expedition drowned and the timeline the show is set in. I personally prefer the multiverse theory.

          2. Interesting how the two Weir's wre slightly different.


            this was one hell of an episode, i loved the scenes with the gateroom flooding and the whole story behind the episode was excellent really interesting and resulted in me geeking out in a convo bout multiple branching universes.

            I love the insight into how the ancients arent all the same and its good janus built a second machine.

            The whole dialogue between mckay and sheppard about who died best was great though, loved it and the references to Back to the future!
            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


              I adored this episode! It was amazing on so many levels and has now taken position as my favourite episode of the series so far.

              I loved the emotional storyline of it all and the intensity of it. I loved watching what happened when the Atlantis mission originally went wrong. It was heartbreaking seeing what happened to the characters we have all grown to love and to see the reactions each of them had to learning about their orignal fate particularly McKay. He was so shocked to learn how he died trying to save others and I think that was a wonderful moment.

              The actors all did such an amazing job in the episode. Beckett was sweet, John and McKay were hilarious with their arguing about who died more heroically. Joe and David really play off each other amazingly well and I love the scenes that they share. David Hewlett portrayed so much emotion in the scene where McKay discovered how he died and that has to be one of my favourite parts.

              In my opinion Torri Higginson was totally incredible in this episode and did some of the best acting in the series here. Seeing her portrayl of the two Elizabeths was just wonderful to watch. She managed to portray them with subtle differences and yet still make them the same person and she played both with such sensitivity and so much emotion. I loved the scenes where the two Elizabeths interacted, particularly the one where the older version of Elizabeth was telling her younger self to not be so hard on herself and to live her life. I loved that scene. I loved the insight that it gave into Elizabeth and the insight which the whole episode gave us into her character. I think it was a well written and incredibly well acted episode with a great storyline and I really hope that after this Torri gets some more amazing episodes as the show carrys on.



                I loved John's constant referances to Back to the Future, those was the best parts of the episode for me.

                Shep: "Not to mention a really nice Delorean."
                McKay: "Seriously, don't get me started on that movie."
                Shep: "Hey, I liked that Movie!"


                  One more thing - at one point McKay claims that time travel is only theoretically possible but it's clear from earlier eps that he's read up on SG1 mission reports. That being the case, how come he didn't know about SG1's trip to 1969?

                  Overal a good ep - that scene with the gateroom flooding and everything being new to the characters in a complete cackstorm was very good indeed.
                  I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                    Originally posted by Matt G
                    One more thing - at one point McKay claims that time travel is only theoretically possible but it's clear from earlier eps that he's read up on SG1 mission reports. That being the case, how come he didn't know about SG1's trip to 1969?
                    I'd assume that the SG1 mission reports will have been read heavily by many atlantis crew members. After all, if i were sending a crew off to another galaxy, possibly with no way back, I'd give them all the help they could get, including critical info.

                    But as we know, mckay is quite an arrogant guy who likes to be right, and may overlook the empirical in favour of what he sees as being right.

                    I'll admit I haven't read all the stuff on this thread, but it's a very good Weir episode. And you get to see mckay's "Hero under pressure" thing.


                      I don't really like episodes without much action, but I really liked this episode. I thought the writers did a brilliant job.
                      Parap pup pup paaa ... I'm Lovin' It!


                        I don't know if this has been talked about, but if the ancient scientist Janus (sp?) closed all incoming wormwholes except from Earth, how do the team redial Atlantis from other places in the Pegasus Galaxy?

                        Was it so that as soon as a wormwhole was established with Earth then this failsafe would stop?

                        No-one in the show seem to have even questioned it, so has this failsafe simply dissappeared with the team's arrival?
                        The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
                        The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
                        Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
                        All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
                        Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
                        An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
                        Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


                          I have a question, why must the Ancients in Atlantis and the plague happen before or after each other? Why not at the same time, roughly.

                          Okay, so say some of the Ancients want to go exploring what they haven't discovered yet and catch a flying city and others decide to remain behind. A decade later or two, the Plague hits and the Ancients in the Milky Way galaxy are almost wiped out and they get message to the Atlantis Ancients not to come back.
                          They loose touch and paths diverge. The Milky Way Ancients eventually either ascend in order to escape the plague or somehow survive and evolve into us. (eer...maybe.)

                          The Atlantis Ancients populate the Pegasus galaxy and then get into an all out battle with the Wraith.

                          Back in Milky Way, us humans live primately because for some reason or another, we don't get to keep the really cool all-powerful weapons. Ra arrives in Egypt, and thus enslaves humanity.

                          The Atlantis Ancients find themselves loosing against the Wraith and decide to go back to the Milky Way, assuming since its been millions of years since the warning of the Plague, they assume it safe.

                          The come back to Earth to discover that the Gao'uld have enslaved their descendents. They're pissed. They fight back.

                          For the next thousands of years, they find themselves in another war against another enemy. However this time, they meet other advance races that have evolved technological and biological in the millions of years since they've been gone.

                          Oh, and then they ascend as well.

                          Okay, not actually the most well-thoughtout idea I've had, but I don't see the evidence that says that the Atlantis trip and the Plague happened linearly or whatever.
                          *Insert something really cool here*


                            I'm so glad they explained why the Ancients lost.

                            There's still one missing piece though. If the wraithe were that numerous in the past, why aren't they that numerous now? I know about the 60 hive ships and such, but even knowing that they seem to have much less now than before. Maybe they started starving and dying out or something. I'd really like that explained, because if there were as many wraithe then as there are now, I don't buy that Atlantis isn't blown up yet.

                            I hope they don't overuse time travel. First It's Good To Be King, now this, and then Moebius. Star Trek overused time travel and it made me totally board of it.

                            One of the original things that gave Stargate charm is that they had modern-day technology mostly. Now they have everything they have in Star Trek, and if they get easy access to time travel, it will be lame. They do have that ship in It's Good To Be King back in the Milky Way.


                              Oh, by the way, is it obvious to anyone else that this friend of Weir's is *responsible* for the pillar in It's Good To Be King?


                                Originally posted by Bobthespirit
                                I hope they don't overuse time travel. First It's Good To Be King, now this, and then Moebius. Star Trek overused time travel and it made me totally board of it.
                                Well, truely Before I Sleep, It's Good to Be King, and Moebius are all ONE time travel arc.

