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    Not a bad episode, although it was the first one that I saw, so I was a little lost with some of the characters.
    A Quick Word from the Far Side of the Galaxy


      Because of hypothetical regulations though, they might only be allowed a primary firearm of the P90 or M-16, and for a secondary, the weight can be no more than x lbs including ammo, so depending upon the situation and mission, they might not be permitted to carry a secondary that has the same ammo type as their primary.
      Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

      Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

      Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


        Caught this ep at SG8 on the weekend.

        1. Nice work with the Athosian interplay here.

        2. "It's not going to be any of our people" Yeah right.

        3. Wasn't overly fussed about the 'pet Wraith'. As Sheppard says 'We can't meet their dietary requirements'.


          Sorry, yet again I'm in a thread with no time to read the backlog.

          Good ep, with some nice character development attempted. Weir didn't grate on my nerves as much as before - but thanks to Madeleine I spent a lot of the time shouting at Teyla to get a haircut, or at least find a scrunchie somewhere.

          Rodney - what can I say? fantastic. I'm looking forward to a lot more interaction between him and Dr. Z. Fab to see him with a honkin' great weapon (but as I may have mentioned, or maybe it was just to myself - I want to see the scientists go through a basic weapons training thing, and I want to see more training in general.... maybe we could have Atlantis on 24 hours a day? Please?)

          Oh and much as I love Major Sheppard - lay off the security sergeant, won'tcha!!

          Nice stuff between him and the wraith at the end too.

          But... what's with all the turkey sandwiches?
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



            I liked. Good concept. Good links to the first few episodes. Generally all good. Liked the bit with ford~: "actually i just hit my head"

            Good thing we know have a captured Wraith. (is this who the apprecition thread calls "Steve"

            Hopes he sticks around longer than Cammie did on SG-1.
            Banner By JME2


              Maybe we should start a "send scrunchies to Teyla" fund.


                A good episode. Moved the story along. I liked the bit in the Puddle Jumper about the inertia dampeners that without them your eyeballs would pop etc. Then Sheppard asks for the turkey sandwich. Classic


                  I though this episode was very decent. Some good plans and strategies were forumulated against the Wraith towards the end.

                  Capturing that Wraith was good. I can't wait to see what, if anything we learn from him. Like Sheppard said, "the Ancients were good a shields and stuff like that". Good stuff!

                  At the beginning of the show I though and entire planet just with a city? Bit much, but now they've discovered land! I'd love to see it explored as well as see what Ancient tech lies around the city.



                    I felt a little lost watching this episode. They've been there three months and been on nine missions? Why didn't we get to see any of this? Was it really all so boring?

                    I don't know - it just feels like they've done a lot of interesting stuff that we haven't got to see.

                    The security guy was like the least tactful person ever. And he was kind of rude to Sheppard. Didn't like him much - he's another one that needs pushing down the stairs.

                    On the plus side, I really liked Teyla in this one. I think a bit more of her personality got to come out, which was good. Though it would have been nice if she'd taken down the Wraith by herself, without Sheppard's help.

                    Oh, and I'm just loving action Rodney.
                    "Never give up! Never surrender!" - Galaxy Quest


                      Thought it was a solid episode. Interesting to see that the growing tension with the Athosians came to a head, and divided Teyla from her people. Teyla was even a bit more likable in this episode. Really couldn't stand that security guy.

                      Will be good to see where the story goes with the captured Wraith, but are they sure it's a good idea keeping one captive on Atlantis. Kind of makes the place even more of a target doesn't it.


                        Yes, what is it with turkey sandwiches? If they're so important why are there no turkeys in Atlantis? It would have made sense for them to bring some fowl for eggs and sandwiches and a couple of goats for milking.

                        Not to mention scrunchies.



                          McKay is now my favourite charachter.

                          He is genuinely funny.

                          ANCiENTS & TOLKiEN
                          One race to found them all, one race to zap them,
                          One race to guide them all, and in the universe transcend them

                          ODE TO JOY
                          Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium,
                          Wir betreten Feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.

                          Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng geteilt;
                          Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.


                            Originally posted by Major Clanger
                            Sorry, yet again I'm in a thread with no time to read the backlog.

                            Good ep, with some nice character development attempted. Weir didn't grate on my nerves as much as before - but thanks to Madeleine I spent a lot of the time shouting at Teyla to get a haircut, or at least find a scrunchie somewhere.

                            Rodney - what can I say? fantastic. I'm looking forward to a lot more interaction between him and Dr. Z. Fab to see him with a honkin' great weapon (but as I may have mentioned, or maybe it was just to myself - I want to see the scientists go through a basic weapons training thing, and I want to see more training in general.... maybe we could have Atlantis on 24 hours a day? Please?)

                            Oh and much as I love Major Sheppard - lay off the security sergeant, won'tcha!!

                            Nice stuff between him and the wraith at the end too.

                            But... what's with all the turkey sandwiches?
                            Yeah, I wondered about the turkey. Did they bring turkeys with them?

                            McKay is brilliant, I agree, he really brings the show to life. I also like Sheppard a lot, he's cute and he's good with the snarky quips. I love the way his hair just misbehaves continously.

                            I agree, Tey'a get that hair cut FCOL! It's really bugging me. When Tey'la was walking off with Ford, all you could seen like a huge beacon was all that hair, not v. good camouflage. I'm not overly fond of her character.

                            Weir is improving, a bit, still a bit stiff.

                            Good episode.



                                I love it!


