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Ronon Dex Discussion Thread (possible spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Lt. Aiden Ford
    Given that the show is about an international team, the fact that all the principle (non-alien) characters and most of the secondary characters are all white is very conspicuous.
    It's very disappointing. They keep pimping the internationality of the expedition and yet most of the people we see (discounting random background people) are all white. And while I understand that it's hard to consider Anglos as "exotic", I'm also getting tired of how the "aliens" tend to be non-whites. Teyla, Teal'c, many Goa'uld and other random aliens, and I thought Ronon had a bit of color to him but I can't say I've looked very closely. There must be something different about his appearance, though, if he's playing an alien.

    I hope we get more info on the character soon, because I still hate the descriptions I've heard of him.


      One thing I noticed...on SG-1, Louis Gosset, Jr. was being considered as a new addition, and something told me he'd be Jaffa. Guess what? Everyone always huffs when someone brings up the "color issue", but like Lt. Aiden Ford said, it is. Actually, Jason Momoa is a "non-white", but he's characterized as an alien/other. My not-so-tiny wish is for Atlantis to show someone minority with the Ancient gene.


        Originally posted by ¤Denial-OF-Life¤
        I'd have to re-read the spoilders for runner but I remember vaguely. I personally think Lt. Ford needs more acting lessions, his on stage is slowly getting better each time but still is a bit lack luster of a movie vet. I like to see a more action packed year, more intense fighting and more character developments instead of a bit here and a bit there. If ford happened to leave now I wound not be too pissy, if he was replaced by a better actor.
        yeah... I'm taking lessons. WHAT?


          Personally, I don't want to see "space battle of the week" all the time. Didn't we go to Atlantis as "EXPLORERS"? Which is why it wasn't military in the first place.

          While I'm curious about the Ronan Dex character, I don't want him brought in at the expense of Ford. And as for Rainbow's acting abilities - I think the feeling is unanimous that the writers never gave him a chance. Season 2 sounds much more interesting for Ford and will give Rainbow a chance to show fans what he's got. .and hopefully he won't be totally removed from the show.
          Last edited by FoolishPleasure; 25 May 2005, 07:14 AM.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Didn't we go to Atlantis as "EXPLORERS"? Which is why it wasn't military in the first place.
            Indeed, we did.

            While I'm curious about the Ronan Dex character, I don't want him brought in at the expense of Ford.
            Neither do I. It happens too many times on other shows.
            And as for Rainbow's acting abilities - I think the feeling is unamious that the writers never gave him a chance. Season 2 sounds much more interesting for Ford and will give Rainbow a chance to show fans what he's got. .and hopefully he won't be totally removed from the show.
            That is very true.


              I don't want it to be a space battle of the week kinda show, either. I'm more interested in these antiquated things called PLOTS and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT than in explosions, fancy effects and sexy bodies in skimpy outfits. Sure, the occasional explosion is nice and SFX are great when they serve an actual purpose and I can be as shallow as the next girl when it comes to ogling guys, but not ALL THE TIME and not if it serves no purpose except to be an explosion, an effect, or a sexy body. I'm very old-fashioned, I prefer my stories to have some meaning to them and I like my characters to be more than a slab of meat parroting convenient bits of dialogue.

              I can't say that my feelings about Dex have changed much, but it's still more to do with my severe distrust of the writers than the actor. I still have issues with that, too, but that's a personal bias.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                While I'm curious about the Ronan Dex character, I don't want him brought in at the expense of Ford. And as for Rainbow's acting abilities - I think the feeling is unanimous that the writers never gave him a chance. Season 2 sounds much more interesting for Ford and will give Rainbow a chance to show fans what he's got. .and hopefully he won't be totally removed from the show.
                Yea, Francks's character was never really given the chance to evolve. Very early on, we saw hints of both he and Teyla developing into well-rounded characters. It didn't happen the way I think a lot of people were hoping. Francks as an actor seems fine to me. Maybe the adversity of the upcoming season will let him shine more.

                What worries me is that we could get a well-rounded character that then isn't allowed to return for some reason. That would be the worst of all worlds.


                  Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                  yeah... I'm taking lessons. WHAT?
                  You tell him Rainbow, this guy (Denial of Life) is ohhhhhhhhh sooooooooo wrong! RSF is a great actor!!


                    Originally posted by purpletoo1
                    You tell him Rainbow, this guy (Denial of Life) is ohhhhhhhhh sooooooooo wrong! RSF is a great actor!!
                    you tell him purple! rainbow is the best actor on the show! he has fabulous natural acting ability.
                    Co-Prez F.O.R.D.
                    Fiend Queen Extraordinaire!!!
                    My life is weird. Read my Fiendish blog


                      i will admit, and i have said it on other threads, i am coming into this a little prejudiced against dex. i can't help my feelings. but i am gonna try to be open minded and give him a chance.

                      but i still expect to see Ford back fulltime in s3!
                      Co-Prez F.O.R.D.
                      Fiend Queen Extraordinaire!!!
                      My life is weird. Read my Fiendish blog


                        Originally posted by Snow_Crash
                        i will admit, and i have said it on other threads, i am coming into this a little prejudiced against dex. i can't help my feelings. but i am gonna try to be open minded and give him a chance.

                        but i still expect to see Ford back fulltime in s3!
                        Go Snow! Go Rainbow!!


                          Originally posted by Snow_Crash
                          you tell him purple! rainbow is the best actor on the show! he has fabulous natural acting ability.
                          As you can see Rainbow, Snow Crash is FORD's cheerleader. She will defender Ford's and your honor anywhere and anytime. No wonder you love her! And so do we!
                          Proud member of F.O.R.D.

                          Thanks *E*K*R*!


                            Originally posted by Fordfan25
                            As you can see Rainbow, Snow Crash is FORD's cheerleader. She will defender Ford's and your honor anywhere and anytime. No wonder you love her! And so do we!
                            As will we all!!!!!!!!


                              I hate to say this but...

                              This isn't really the Ronon Dex discussion thread but the lets thrash Ronon Dex thread

                              Almost no one on this thread have been willing to give this character a chance, half the posts are about how much people will miss Ford. I know Ford was liked by alot of people(including myself) but its not like the writers are sending him off screen and just saying "Oh by the way Fords dead". Ford didn't have much to do in season one and without a radical change I could see that continuing, maybe this is the best for the character

                              The other half are about the more reasonable worry that Dex is nothing more than a Teal'c rip off. I share this concern too but I also remember before season one everyone said Sheperd was nothing more than a O'Neill rip off.
                              The early spoilers for the character have mentioned his brutal honesty and his sense of humor. It took how many seasons for Teal'c to make a joke(not that I'm thrashing Teal'c just trying to point out there differences)

                              For those reasons I going to wait and see before I make up my mind about Dex
                              Last edited by Steve_the_Wraith; 26 May 2005, 03:23 AM.


                                Tell you what: you give us some actual concrete details on what Dex will be like and we promise to discuss the possibilities within those details.

                                And the sense of humor thing... I dunno. That gets thrown around and used too much for me to take it very seriously (if you'll pardon the pun). Jack has a sense of humor, Shep has a sense of humor, Vala has a sense of humor, that bounty hunter dude SG-1 met had a sense of humor, aliens with senses of humor, bad guys with senses of humor... I tend to think of a sense of humor as something that is just naturally built into a person, not something that's a viable character trait. As others have said, we'll see how it pans out once we meet Dex. In the meanwhile, there isn't much we can do except what we've been doing.

                                I do agree that the Rainbow/Ford stuff should probably be kept to a minimum, though. There are enough threads already for discussing his character without hijacking another one. Maybe that's something the mods can enforce.

