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Ronon Dex Discussion Thread (possible spoilers)

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    I don't know that I agree with you that a good actor can do wonders with a badly-written role. It might be true to a certain extent, but in my opinion sometimes a role is too awful for ANY actor to make it palatable. Sure, they can throw in their own quirks- if the director allows them to- but even that isn't always enough. Sometimes I just wind up feeling sorry for the actor.

    Did you have something against Jason before his role on Atlantis? If not, have you seen him in anything else? It's a bit harsh to judge an actor's abilities based off one role. Although if they make a pattern of it... *shrug*

    Personally I don't have any problems with Jason as an actor, it's just the role he's in that gives me problems. I doubt that anyone could have done much better with what he's been given, but I can think of a few people who would have made it worse. Kevin Sorbo, for example.


      I'd agree with Shadow that some roles are just so bad that they can't be saved.

      I've never seen Jason Mamoa in anything else, so any critique of his acting would be fairly narrow in scope on my part, as it would be based only on his Atlantis appearance. But I do find his performance to be one-note and uninteresting, which I think contributes to my antipathy toward Ronon.

      That said, there are many, many, many people out there who would likely far, far worse playing Ronon, and Kevin Sorbo is certainly one of them.
      Theoretically spoilerish:
      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


        hey people. i just read this.

        what do people think? i really love reading jason m's pov on ronon. things are a lot clearer. i particularly love how he spoke about ronon's wardrobe.

        read it it's a great interview.


          Hi eri-chan and Radu - what a great discussion - I can only ITA!
          Ronon's character has changed, he has opened up a lot more and especially with Teyla I think he has a great friendship. Would like to see more Shepp bonding though.

          And I agree, I hope Ronon and Rodney can grow a bit closer, just hope their friendship won't be ruined in Tracker - I'd hate to see that happen. The Team is the reason I watch the show and I hope TPTB won't destroy it with what they think is "funny"!


            Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
            hey people. i just read this.


            what do people think? i really love reading jason m's pov on ronon. things are a lot clearer. i particularly love how he spoke about ronon's wardrobe.

            read it it's a great interview.
            You're right, I love to hear some background stuff on Jason and Ronon. Wasn't it too funny that it was him who came up with the idea of punching Sheppard on the nose in BT?

            Originally posted by Lenas View Post
            Hi eri-chan and Radu - what a great discussion - I can only ITA!
            Ronon's character has changed, he has opened up a lot more and especially with Teyla I think he has a great friendship. Would like to see more Shepp bonding though.

            And I agree, I hope Ronon and Rodney can grow a bit closer, just hope their friendship won't be ruined in Tracker - I'd hate to see that happen. The Team is the reason I watch the show and I hope TPTB won't destroy it with what they think is "funny"!
            Have you read the spoilers for Tracker in GW's Episodes section? The way I read them, I hope more for Rodney/Ronon bonding and pulling together towards a common goal. I think that whole love triangle thing is completely overrated, I'm pretty sure it will be hardly noticeable on the show.

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
              hey people. i just read this.


              what do people think? i really love reading jason m's pov on ronon. things are a lot clearer. i particularly love how he spoke about ronon's wardrobe.

              read it it's a great interview.
              Oh thanks so much for posting the link to the interview! It was really great! I've always loved hearing what an actor thinks about the character, and to see how they've contributed to the actual development of the character!

              I only read that one segment, but saved it and will head back to read the other two parts later today!

              Originally posted by Lenas View Post
              Hi eri-chan and Radu - what a great discussion - I can only ITA!
              Ronon's character has changed, he has opened up a lot more and especially with Teyla I think he has a great friendship. Would like to see more Shepp bonding though.

              And I agree, I hope Ronon and Rodney can grow a bit closer, just hope their friendship won't be ruined in Tracker - I'd hate to see that happen. The Team is the reason I watch the show and I hope TPTB won't destroy it with what they think is "funny"!
              I've always loved talking about Ronon... analyzing what the episodes bring out. I remember really thinking that I wouldn't like SGA because I'd been watching SG1 all the way through, but I was hooked from the first episode. Toward the end of season 1, though, I started to wonder if I wanted to see more. When I saw 'Runner' I was so thrilled! Who was this guy? Are they going to keep him around? I don't read 'coming attractions' so I had no idea that there would be a Ronon, or that he'd become a main character! There's never been IMO, a character like him. He's SO outside the box of traditional characters that it's such a pleasure to watch the show now.

              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              You're right, I love to hear some background stuff on Jason and Ronon. Wasn't it too funny that it was him who came up with the idea of punching Sheppard on the nose in BT?
              Yes! I was laughing at the convo they had about it. I thought it was a really insightful interview!


                Okay, this is totally random, but a few of us outed ourselves as Harry Potter addicts on another thread. Which begs the question (or does it?):
                If Jason got a part on HP, which character would it be? I'll spoiler my reply, so no peaking until you've made up your mind!
                In spite of the hair, it's NOT Hagrid in my book, it's Sirius Black.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                  What I love about Ronon is, for a character that most people see (obviously they're blind) as one dimensional, he has so many layers!
                  There is so much more to him, but I really think that he's one of those characters that you either get from the off; or you just don't get him. There'll be the exception to this rule but I've seen so many people saying they don't like him or care very little about him. Mad people!!!

                  Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                  I think I love his angst possibly more than I love his intensity, humor and tender sides. He does it SO well and not all whiney or anything, but brooding, and quiet. He is possibly one of the most facially expressive characters on the show! (jmo)
                  I love it all, the whole package!!

                  He does do the moody, growly angst very well... but I also find that to be one of the funny sides of his character too. Or maybe it's who he's growling at. Dunno on that one now so I'll shut up lol. I love his sense of humour, and yes there is one. It's mostly in his dead pan face. Look at Adrift - after they've given Elizabeth the nanites & Shep's going off on one at Rodney, Ronon comes up in the background, sees them arguing, stops & turns in the other direction. I didn't spot it 1st time round but I was killing myself laughing when I did spot it!!

                  Originally posted by eri-chan View Post
                  it's kinda interesting to see how he can so easily chat to teyla too. they've become so close and i'm assuming that most of their bonding happens off screen.
                  They've had that from the off though, and I think that's one of the reasons I warmed to Teyla. She's not one of my favourite characters, but I love the dynamic and friendship between them. She was the person he went to speak to in Duet when he was deciding whether to stay or not; and when Teyla told him & Shep she was pregnant (I forget which ep) I loved the way Ronon took her hand and took her to the infirmary. That was such a lovely moment for me.

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Okay, this is totally random, but a few of us outed ourselves as Harry Potter addicts on another thread. Which begs the question (or does it?):
                  If Jason got a part on HP, which character would it be? I'll spoiler my reply, so no peaking until you've made up your mind!
                  In spite of the hair, it's NOT Hagrid in my book, it's Sirius Black.
                  I love HP. In fact on every other forum I go on I have a HP quote in my sig but for some reason I decided to stick totally with Stargate here. Hmm, I'm sorting out image rotate so I'll have to included something

                  Dammit, I saw your spoiler when I quoted the message. Grr, totally my fault. If you're talking about playing a part similar to Ronon, then I think that's the obvious and perfect choice. Although I think the person who's in the role has done an excellent job.

                  If you're talking about Jason himself, I'd have to think about that one.



                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    Have you read the spoilers for Tracker in GW's Episodes section? The way I read them, I hope more for Rodney/Ronon bonding and pulling together towards a common goal. I think that whole love triangle thing is completely overrated, I'm pretty sure it will be hardly noticeable on the show.
                    Oh, ok *clings to Stars clear reasoning*
                    One can only hope...I'll read the transcript first though, to be on the safe side.

                    Even though it doesn't matter so much now..when the end is near...I know I shouldn't go there.

                    The Shrine however seems to have som really nice Rodney/Ronon bonding, I look forward to that.
                    Ronon carying Rodney when he is not able to walk anymore

                    That is Ronon, always looking out for others, putting himself last..


                      Originally posted by Lenas View Post
                      Oh, ok *clings to Stars clear reasoning*
                      One can only hope...I'll read the transcript first though, to be on the safe side.

                      Even though it doesn't matter so much now..when the end is near...I know I shouldn't go there.

                      The Shrine however seems to have som really nice Rodney/Ronon bonding, I look forward to that.
                      Ronon carying Rodney when he is not able to walk anymore

                      That is Ronon, always looking out for others, putting himself last..
                      If you want - and if you can wait that long - I can watch it first and tell you which parts to skip. I'm doing the same for Lahela.

                      I know, I was squeeing when I saw that scene in the promo trailer! And I capped it, of course.


                      I also loved the similar scene at the end of Tao of Rodney. I also shows how powerful Jason is. It's no mean feat carrying a dead weight like that around. And he does it with such ease... I mean,
                      he carried Teyla around for quite a long time on S&R. Good for him that RL is such a lightweight...

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        Okay, this is totally random, but a few of us outed ourselves as Harry Potter addicts on another thread. Which begs the question (or does it?):
                        If Jason got a part on HP, which character would it be? I'll spoiler my reply, so no peaking until you've made up your mind!
                        In spite of the hair, it's NOT Hagrid in my book, it's Sirius Black.
                        I am an HP fan, but only of the movies. I read book one and after watching my hubby suffer thru the length of each successive book, I decided to just stick with the movies, so I'm not sure I know enough of the characters to actually say. Let me confer with the resident HP expert Will get back to you.


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Have you read the spoilers for Tracker in GW's Episodes section? The way I read them, I hope more for Rodney/Ronon bonding and pulling together towards a common goal. I think that whole love triangle thing is completely overrated, I'm pretty sure it will be hardly noticeable on the show.
                          Yeah... but...
                          Rodney goes to the gate, Ronon goes after K... sounds to me like they'll be apart for a lot of the ep

                          Originally posted by Lenas View Post
                          Oh, ok *clings to Stars clear reasoning*
                          I do that too

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          If you want - and if you can wait that long - I can watch it first and tell you which parts to skip. I'm doing the same for Lahela.
                          For which I am eternally grateful


                            Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                            Yeah... but...
                            Rodney goes to the gate, Ronon goes after K... sounds to me like they'll be apart for a lot of the ep

                            I do that too

                            For which I am eternally grateful
                            *huggles Lah* It's the least I can do, hon! With only 15 eps to go, we need every little snippet we can get... Why can't I stop thinking about it? It's like self mutilation.

                            What really worries me is that both press releases have mentioned several of the characters/actors, but not Ronon or Jason. And all this talk about no available info on which of the actors would work in the movie. OMG, you don't think they're going to kill Ronon off in the last episode? Please tell me I'm being paranoid!

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              *huggles Lah* It's the least I can do, hon! With only 15 eps to go, we need every little snippet we can get... Why can't I stop thinking about it? It's like self mutilation.

                              What really worries me is that both press releases have mentioned several of the characters/actors, but not Ronon or Jason. And all this talk about no available info on which of the actors would work in the movie. OMG, you don't think they're going to kill Ronon off in the last episode? Please tell me I'm being paranoid!
                              Mallozzi said
                              Obviously, I can’t say much about it at this point but suffice it to say that it should include the entire cast
                              so I'm hopeful... although he also said a few days ago that there was a scene written for the final ep that CB and MG loved but he and Mullie hated - they'll film it and then decide whether to include it... given that CB and MG are the ones that write ship and death, I'm concerned


                                Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                                Mallozzi said so I'm hopeful... although he also said a few days ago that there was a scene written for the final ep that CB and MG loved but he and Mullie hated - they'll film it and then decide whether to include it... given that CB and MG are the ones that write ship and death, I'm concerned
                                Gaaah, I hate contradicting, cryptic statements from TPTB!! One minute you feel better, and then you fall into a deep pit again. That 'should' worries me, though. Hopefully it's just to send a signal before they get talking retainers. Let's hope too that if they kill somebody off it's not somebody of SGA-1. It could be Woosey - aren't Malozzi and Mullie great fans of the character? Or it could be the person I know you would like to see kick the bucket...

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

