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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
    Judging by Sam's massive un-Samness in "Solo," I'm going to say head trauma. I mean, she did fall head-first eight to ten feet. (Yes, yes, should have broken her neck.)

    Either that or she didn't want to hear Rodney shrieking "you never did that with me" at the top of his lungs, and then demanding that if Radek got the full monty he should at least get a flash.

    Or something equally hoof-in-mouth.
    Oh God. The Rodney shrieking I can just imagine! LOL! He would be sooo jealous.

    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
    See. Radek was one of Carson's pallbearers. Don't tell me nobody likes Zelenka. *sporks A Certain Writer*
    Honestly! You could tell Carson was very fond of him. (Mmm, love him in that suit! Ronon's looks a little wrinkled there. Tsk. )


      Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
      Judging by Sam's massive un-Samness in "Solo," I'm going to say head trauma. I mean, she did fall head-first eight to ten feet. (Yes, yes, should have broken her neck.)
      Not necessarily. I had a neighbor fall off the roof of his house which was over ten feet high, headfirst and did not break his neck, though he did suffer a concussion which amazes me that they didn't even so much as have a headache! That definietly must have influenced their judgement, gotta be, everybody loves Radek!

      Originally posted by DragonLadyK
      Either that or she didn't want to hear Rodney shrieking "you never did that with me" at the top of his lungs, and then demanding that if Radek got the full monty he should at least get a flash.

      Or something equally hoof-in-mouth.
      She was probably secretly thinking how nice Radek looked in the full monty and didn't want Rodney to know!

      Originally posted by DragonLadyK
      See. Radek was one of Carson's pallbearers. Don't tell me nobody likes Zelenka. *sporks A Certain Writer*

      That particular writer was definitley out of touch with how the characters are preceived on the show.

      No Radek tonight! He's in the next episode in two weeks and I won't be able to watch.
      Well actually we had a flashback so techincally Radek was in the episode, just about everyone who has been in Atlantis since S1 had a screen clip in the Inquisition. Just no new stuff!

      He was lovely in Sanctuary tonight!
      Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 October 2008, 08:48 PM.


        Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
        She was probably secretly thinking how nice Radek looked in the full monty and didn't want Rodney to know!

        : Well, McKay, he's a bigger man than you.
        : Oh, just because he puts on that saint act is no reason-- wait. You mean bigger, bigger a bigger man?! Oh, that is just not fair! Lying. You have to be just pulling my chain.

        Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
        He was lovely in Sanctuary tonight!
        Alas, I must wait for the DVDs. iTunes does not carry Sanctuary. Twats.

        "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


          Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post

          : Well, McKay, he's a bigger man than you.
          : Oh, just because he puts on that saint act is no reason-- wait. You mean bigger, bigger a bigger man?! Oh, that is just not fair! Lying. You have to be just pulling my chain.
          LOL. Her face is just perfect!

          Originally posted by DragonladyK
          Alas, I must wait for the DVDs. iTunes does not carry Sanctuary. Twats.

          Well that's a bummer!

          His role was small.....but he has some great facial expressions! And it is always fun to see David in different roles! He could easily be a scene stealer if he wanted to be!


            Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
            He was lovely in Sanctuary tonight!
            Ooooo! Can't wait- hopefully I'll be seeing it tonight. It's such a fun show, too!

            Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post

            : Well, McKay, he's a bigger man than you.
            : Oh, just because he puts on that saint act is no reason-- wait. You mean bigger, bigger a bigger man?! Oh, that is just not fair! Lying. You have to be just pulling my chain.
            LOL! That was a spot-on Rodney voice there!


              Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
              Judging by Sam's massive un-Samness in "Solo," I'm going to say head trauma. I mean, she did fall head-first eight to ten feet. (Yes, yes, should have broken her neck.)
              8 to 10 feet might not be lethal. They fell from 8 to 10 meters. That's lethal if you fall head-first.

              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
              Not necessarily. I had a neighbor fall off the roof of his house which was over ten feet high, headfirst and did not break his neck, though he did suffer a concussion which amazes me that they didn't even so much as have a headache! That definietly must have influenced their judgement, gotta be, everybody loves Radek!
              Concussion numbs pain


                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                Concussion numbs pain
                Maybe, but not always. I've had a concussion before from a bad fall and my head hurt! The headache pain for two days is what got me to go to the doctor to get it checked it out!

                Course Dr. Radek helps take the pain away too. And I wouldn't mind having him Czech me out!




                  I've got my MacBook back. But with a fresh and new hard drive
                  At the moment I am trying to get my data back.
                  I am sure thet Radek would have found a cure for my problem without the need for total data loss.

                  (I know there is something like an backup, but the last one was from may..)
                  The cake is a lie!


                    Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                    8 to 10 feet might not be lethal. They fell from 8 to 10 meters. That's lethal if you fall head-first.
                    8 to 10 inches could be lethal if you fell on your head just right. You could also (more likely) break your neck, and in such a way that you'd suffocate before help arrived.

                    Radek contemplates these facts...


                      Poking around the gallery today, I found this:


                        Originally posted by belevision View Post
                        Here's the fall - much. much more than 10 feet......

                        And our poor Radek was hurt!

                        But not hurt enough to look around and save Atlantis!
                        Last edited by Rosehawk; 25 October 2008, 02:23 PM.



                          Originally posted by belevision View Post
                          Poking around the gallery today, I found this:


                          LOL. Lovely tongue shot!

                          Reminds me of my photo op with David. I asked for a silly picture and this is what I got. Needless to say as a fangirl I totally lost it and cracked up laughing. It was one of the funnest photo ops I have ever had (Chuck's was second!)


                          I took me out of the picture 'cause I'm not too keen on having me out on the internet!
                          Last edited by Rosehawk; 25 October 2008, 02:25 PM.



                            Ow, yes, I remember cringing at his fall in that ep! Poor baby.

                            That's a hilarious tongue shot! I'd be cracking up too. And you got an actual hug from your *THUNK*, you lucky girl!

                            Can I see the pic with Chuck? *offers you cupcakes*


                              Originally posted by belevision View Post
                              Ow, yes, I remember cringing at his fall in that ep! Poor baby.
                              I was half cringing and half laughing. I know it wasn't suppose to be funny but the look on Zelenka's face before he went down.....just couldn't help it and I was also so giddy that he finally got to save the day without Rodney!

                              Originally posted by belevision
                              That's a hilarious tongue shot! I'd be cracking up too. And you got an actual hug from your *THUNK*, you lucky girl!
                              They rush the photo ops so fast...and all I saw was tongue and totally lost it - poor David, I don't think he quite understood why, at least not at that moment. I laughed so hard I ended up closing my eyes for the photo shot but it still turned out pretty good.
                              Yeah, I got my hug from my *THUNK* *sighs as remembers the moment* Fangirls can be so silly sometimes!

                              Originally posted by belevision
                              Can I see the pic with Chuck? *offers you cupcakes*
                              Chuck's pic is going to be a tad bit difficult. It was a hug, cheek to cheek shot - he was giving all the women hugs. Let me see what I can do, it will take me a bit. I have to head out for a bit, my daughter needs a ride to a friends house.

                              BTW, I like chocolate cupcakes!



                                Okay under the cut is the first little part of my Halloween Radek and his brother story. Please feel free to add suggestions.

                                Radek was always suspicious of his younger brother Tomas and he was even more so when Tomas returned home after school and went straight to his room without eating. Closing his book, Radek heaved a heavy sigh and mounted the wooden stairs up to where he and Tomas had their rooms.

                                “Tomas?” he called, gently tapping on his brother’s door.

                                “Leave me, Radek.” Tomas said.

                                He was even more concerned now and opened the door anyway. Tomas was flopped on his bed starring dully up at the ceiling.

                                “Tomas, please tell me what’s going on. If you broke something again, I can fix it.” Radek coaxed. His brother had an unerring ability to find expensive things and break them. He personally had become adept at cleaning up his little brother’s messes and figured it was more of the same.

                                Tomas swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up as he buried his face in his hands. “I didn’t break something, Radek...I almost wish I had. It would be so much easier...”

                                “So much easier than what?!? Tomas, you are locked up tighter than Father’s liquor cabinet! Out with it already!”

                                His younger brother heaved a dramatic sigh and Radek wondered if Tomas had missed his calling to be in theater. “I was talking to Janos Nevrelka...”

                                Radek rolled his eyes. Janos Nevrelka was nothing more than a bully who loved to pick on people and lord his superiority because his family had connections to royalty somewhere in their family. However, as Radek’s father was fond of saying, one could not eat a family pedigree chart and the Nevrelka’s were just as bad off as they were.

                                “What did he say?”

                                Tomas fidgeted. “He said that I was a coward and that I would never be brave.”

                                “What did you say back?” Radek asked cautiously. Tomas could be a bit of a hothead and he hoped his brother hadn’t said something to Janos.

                                “I said that I was brave and that I would do he gave me something to do.” Tomas finished, looking slightly ill.

                                “What did he ask you to do, Tomas?”

                                “He told me to go to the Charles Bridge at midnight on All Saint’s Night and I said I would do it..” the younger boy whispered.

                                Radek’s eyes widened. “Tomas, you cannot do that! It is dangerous enough to sneak out at night but the Charles Bridge! What were you thinking?!?”

                                Tomas hung his head. “I have to do it, Radek.”

                                “Oh no you don’t. You sneak out and I will tell Father.” Radek warned.

                                “Radek, I have to! If I don’t, Janos will tell everyone and then...” Tomas trailed off.

                                “And then you will be a coward in front of Cristina.” Radek finished.

                                His brother flushed red and Radek sighed. “At least try and be smart about it, Tomas. Let me help you plan, all right?”

                                Tomas nodded eagerly, then smiled. “Come with me, Radek!”

                                “Oh no no no no!” Radek said rapidly, throwing his hands up in the air. “An emergency on YOUR part does not make an emergency on mine!”

                                Tomas set his jaw in a stubborn expression Radek was all too familiar with it. It was the same look that his brother had when he lit the 10 matches that had burned the house down. “I will tell Mother and Father that you helped me and you will be in worse trouble.” Tomas threatened.

                                Sometimes, Radek hated how right his brother was. Since he was older, he would indeed be in far worse trouble than Tomas would.

                                “Fine. I will come with you, brat.” Radek spat.

                                “I knew you would.” Tomas said with breezy confidence.

                                “Tomas, if we get caught and I suffer for this, I will do far worse to your reputation than Janos Nevrelka ever could.” he told his brother in an ominous voice. “Am I clear?”

                                Tomas gulped and nodded. “Whatever you say, big brother.”

                                Leaving Tomas’s room, Radek didn’t believe him for a second but at least Tomas would take what he had to say seriously. In the meantime, he had plans to make...
                                Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                                I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                                Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)

