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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nerual
    I'd really like to see an episode that has a lot of Zelenka. Maybe he gets captured by the Genii or something-forbid-and the team have to find him, it would put a lot of strength into the character. Don't worry he wouldn't get too hurt.
    I'd like to see Zelenka and McKay double-teaming the bad guys without *anyone* getting hurt. Brains over brawn, a little reality for a change? Honestly, if people beat each other up as much in real life as they do in fiction, people would be so sick of it they wouldn't beat each other up, y'know?

    The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

    Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


      Maybe one day I'll follow up Rodney's comment in Siege 2 about how the military expect the scientists to clear up their mess


        Yeah I agree, the military start all the messes in the world up and then expect scientists and citizens to sort everything else out. What if they don't want to sort everything out, then the military are in trouble...

        Wouldn't it be cool that if Zelenka was caught by someone and then set upon in a fight, he could actually kick a lot of behind because he has be training in his time off from work?

        Last edited by Nerual; 11 March 2006, 07:28 AM.
        Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

        eirual + nerrad = nerual


          I work in a military hospital (I'm a civilian)


            Oops, have I been offensive? (Checks the posts from before and goes pale).

            I know I said citizen instead of civilian, which would be my bad...

            I think that any mistakes I have made are down to food deprivation, there's nothing in the house LOL. Soup is going to be ready soon though.

            If I have been offensive please tell me, half the time I don't know what I'm on about...

            Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

            eirual + nerrad = nerual


              No you haven't been offencive, I just put in that I work for the military here in the UK so I do know something of which you speak. As it was back at the end of the Falklands War (I wasn't in Gosport at the time) the hospital I work for worked it's a$$ off tending the wounded, including those Welsh Guards from the Sir Tristram or was it the Sir Galahad, it was 24 years ago now. Last year our council gave the Falklands Vets the freedom of the borough and the head of the Vets thanked the people of Gosport for not turning their backs on them. Do you know over 500 Falkland Vets have commited suicide since 1982. The politician who came to the 20th Anniversary service was Lady Thatcher, disgusting is what I call it.

              Sorry for the rant


                Hmm what can I say from here up in the North West of the UK?

                Well my Mum used to work at the Queen Alexandra in Cosham, Gosport and my Dad is a member of the Navy. He's worked in a number of places including the Falklands, he's still here though. (No offence to those lost).

                You could say my Mum is the scientist in the family while my Dad is the military. I'm kind of like little poor Radek in the centre of it all. Just a little civilian that is trying to cope with both sides, and is smarter than both of them put together LOL.

                I might think of that while I'm at college now. I'm the little Radek. LOL.


                P.S. Everyone needs to have a rant every now and again, it's natural. Thankfully I pretty much understand where you're coming from.
                Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                eirual + nerrad = nerual


                  Where's you dad been based down here, I work at Haslar and my other half works at HMS Sultan.

                  I did say forgive the rant but things like that mean a lot to us down here


                    Here's my story so far called There's a Doctor at the Gate


                      That story is fantastic, I really like it. I burst out laughing at some of the comments between McKay and the Doctor. Well done.


                      P.S. I like the Zelenka/Rose idea.
                      Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                      eirual + nerrad = nerual


                        Thanks, I think Zelenka would look on Rose like a little sister whereas the others look on her as a Little Sister in the Ry Cooder sense


                          Brilliant idea.

                          Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                          eirual + nerrad = nerual




                              I'm still up for the Zelenka that nobody sees, the bottom-kicking one.

                              Make McKay and Zelenka spar, for a bit of comic relief. The chances are that Zelenka will win. Hahahahahaha

                              Rockett_Series inspired by the funniest thread on the interweb/(under construction)

                              eirual + nerrad = nerual


                                I have an idea for Zelenka showing another side of his character later in the story when he and Rose come face to face with an old enemy

