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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Hi folks!

    I'm just dropping by to say that David Nykl announced in the guestbook on his website that he'll have a blog soon, so that he can chat with the fans some more. Hehe, maybe David Hewlett's blog inspired him.

    So watch out for this! *g*

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      I'll definately keep an eye out for that.
      Aircowhere are you?




          Hi all,

          Thought I'd pop by and see if any of you are coming to Sydney or Melbourne later this month to see David. Aus cons are smaller and more intimate than the bigger cons north of the Equator; much more fun

          For those interested, I've just posted the prologue and chapter one of Stargate Atlantis Exogenesis on my web site (no jacket cover yet, I think it's still with MGM). Radek features prominently in this story - thanks in good part to David being such a great sport (and his helpful Czech translations). And for once,
          Rodney is momentarily in fear of his life from Radek after Radek is almost drowned - thanks to Rodney's wimping out. There are some great Radek and Rodney angst moments in this and a wonderful scene (mostly written by my co-author so I can stand back and say it's wonderful ) at the end between Rodney and Zelenka, a poignant testimony to a deeper, underlying respect and friendship

          David, BTW, swims like a fish. I'm sure most of you know that took him shark diving late last year - shots are up on my web site. Just put my thinking cap on to see what we can do with him this year



            Would love to come sonny1, have always wanted to visit your country but it is just a tad bit too far and expensive to travel, even to see David.

            Be sure to come back and let us know all about it and what fun you have with David, he sounds like a fun person to meet and talk with.

            Thanks for the link to your website. Going to check it out more tomorrow when I have more time on the computer! Nice seeing you on this thread!!!

            Thanks Arlessiar about the update on David's blog. He has a hard time keeping his website updated so it should be fun to see if he can keep a blog going! Nice seeing you on this thread!!!



              Originally posted by Rosehawk
              Thanks Arlessiar about the update on David's blog. He has a hard time keeping his website updated so it should be fun to see if he can keep a blog going!
              I was checking out his site last week and his latest entry at the time was from Sept 2005!

              Rodney and Radek in "The Storm"

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Originally posted by Rosehawk
                Thanks Arlessiar about the update on David's blog. Nice seeing you on this thread!!!
                Thanks, and thanks for the lovely green you gave me, too!

                I've been to the Zelenka translation/thunk thread a few times, and I made caps of Radek and posted them in the times of the LabCoatLove, but I've never posted here in this thread before. I mostly lurk because I normally don't have much time during the week, and it's already hard to keep up with my regular threads.

                But I really like the character of Zelenka, I think he's very important because he acts as some sort of counterbalance for Rodney. And it's also great to see these two geeking out over something. Additionally David Nykl is really cute, and he plays Radek so well!

                Zelenka is also the favourite SGA character of my boyfriend, while I'm mostly a McKay fangirl.

                This isn't the thunk thread, but also not purely a discussion thread, right? Because I saw that people posted pics, so I hope it's alright if I post one, too. Just tell me if it's not allowed.

                Bye, A.
                Last edited by Arlessiar; 03 October 2006, 01:02 AM.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  I don't mind pic posting (not sure about others)


                    Originally posted by watcher652
                    I was checking out his site last week and his latest entry at the time was from Sept 2005!
                    Very nice pic watcher652.
                    His site also says that Psych - Shawn versus the Red Phantom is still in production and the show was aired sometime in August.

                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    This isn't the thunk thread, but also not purely a discussion thread, right? Because I saw that people posted pics, so I hope it's alright if I post one, too. Just tell me if it's not allowed.
                    Nice pic, just love that smile on his face
                    Pictures are not always thunkin
                    I don't think anyone minds if you post pics, we have been known to get the two threads mixed up once in awhile.
                    Come back and join us again! I lurk on the McKay thread myself. I love the interaction between these two characters.

                    As you put it
                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    And it's also great to see these two geeking out
                    Many times these two have some of my favorite scenes.



                      Originally posted by Miss_Atlantis
                      Oh yea, I think it's the best, I study there But I still can't find Zelenka in personnel, strange, maybe they haven't done update lately
                      Let us know if you do find Zelenka, maybe I will find an excuse to earn another degree

                      Okay time for *thunkin*, Zelenka has a really nice smile in this pic!!




                        Here's some from The Pegasus Project (under the tags)


                          Originally posted by sonny1
                          Hi all,

                          For those interested, I've just posted the prologue and chapter one of Stargate Atlantis Exogenesis on my web site (no jacket cover yet, I think it's still with MGM). Radek features prominently in this story - thanks in good part to David being such a great sport (and his helpful Czech translations). And for once,
                          Rodney is momentarily in fear of his life from Radek after Radek is almost drowned - thanks to Rodney's wimping out. There are some great Radek and Rodney angst moments in this and a wonderful scene (mostly written by my co-author so I can stand back and say it's wonderful ) at the end between Rodney and Zelenka, a poignant testimony to a deeper, underlying respect and friendship
                          Sounds great. Thanks for posting that. I ordered it ages ago.

                          Just to let everyone know, if you missed David in Psych, someone has posted it on Youtube

                          Sig made by Suekay.


                            Originally posted by Rosehawk
                            I agree and they are so very helpful and nice and I know we would never ask them not to try their English or American out on us. I think it is great when people want to even try!
                            Sorry. I actually wanted to be positive about the text as a whole but if supposed czech sentence sounds more like Tarzan, it might hurt.


                              Hi all. I have nothing to do with this website or the artist, but I found this and had to share. I ordered the Rodney one, but the Zelenka one is as cute as a bug.

                              Radek just cracks me up. Adore him....
                              Sig by im_meli
                              More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                                Originally posted by Rhodan
                                Sorry. I actually wanted to be positive about the text as a whole but if supposed czech sentence sounds more like Tarzan, it might hurt.
                                I really wasn't upset and I apologize if my response may have upset you. I really do understand that when you are not using your own language that things can seem somewhat like Tarzan when they were not meant to and my attempt at Czech, even using the translator, can do the same for you.
                                Next time I will just be sure I check with a real person and not just a computer for the translation

                                I am glad you read the story. Thanks!!

                                Originally posted by Mercury973
                                Hi all. I have nothing to do with this website or the artist, but I found this and had to share. I ordered the Rodney one, but the Zelenka one is as cute as a bug.

                                Radek just cracks me up. Adore him....
                                Thanks for the link. Those are so cute, I have just got to get me one of the Zelenka ones, wonder what the folks at work would say when it becomes my new tea mug (not a coffee drinker).......
                                Last edited by Rosehawk; 04 October 2006, 02:28 PM.


