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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Aww...thanks Ever!! This pic'll help feed the muse. She's stuck on what gifts Radek should get from his friends. Actually,she left that part to me;she just wants to whump poor Radek. hehe More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O



        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Lovely pic Ever!! Keep going hon! You rock! More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O



            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              *smirks* Ever,you are a cheeky monkey blowing up my poor innocent brain cell. Keep going hon!! Woohoo!! }:O



                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi





                    It's been forever since I've been here. D: Had to pop in and compliment the pictures. I just re-watched Vegas the other night and thoroughly enjoyed it.
                    FireflySunrise on youtube. (:


                      Wicked pix Ever and Rosehawk! Welcome back Snowdrop! Pull up a chair and drool at the delicious Czech pix. *hands over complimentary drool bucket and bib* hehe More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                        Haha, thanks Crimson! I always like coming back here because you guys are so nice. ^^
                        Do you guys like Zelenka/Elizabeth in here? (:
                        FireflySunrise on youtube. (:


                          Originally posted by Snowdrop View Post
                          Haha, thanks Crimson! I always like coming back here because you guys are so nice. ^^
                          Do you guys like Zelenka/Elizabeth in here? (:
                          Some of us like them so much together that they actually have their own thread!



                            Originally posted by Snowdrop View Post
                            Haha, thanks Crimson! I always like coming back here because you guys are so nice. ^^
                            Do you guys like Zelenka/Elizabeth in here? (:
                            I certainly do! Such cuteness!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              *smirks* Snowdrop,you guys are nice. I'm a cheeky monkey with an exploding brain cell. hehe Glad ya came back to visit. Hmm...I've honestly never been into pairs (unless ya count slash pairings) but I think Radek and Elizabeth would be cute together...or Radek and Teyla. On a slightly different note,I've got the next bit o' fic ready for you guys. As always,remember:unbetaed,whump,snark,minor foul language,plot holes,and it came from my brain. lol }:O

                              Two weeks crawl by (according to Radek) but an air of secrecy pervades Atlantis. Despite repeated inquiries, the Czech doesn’t receive any satisfactory answers. Radek resists the urge to stuff a pencil down into his cast to scratch the irritating itch as he walks down to physical therapy. His afternoon physical therapy appointment reunites Radek with Lt. Adam Hamilton.
                              “Ah lieutenant, is good to see you mobile.” The Marine grins from his wheelchair.
                              “Thanks Doc. I heard ya finally got sprung this morning. Congrats.”
                              “Thank you lieutenant…”
                              “Call me Adam…I’m off duty for awhile.”
                              “Adam it is then. Please call me Radek. I wanted to thank you again for saving my life during the cave-in.”
                              “Don’t thank me Doc. Just doing my job.” Adam pauses, grinning at the pretty red head physical therapy assistant when she applies a heating pad across his stiff shoulders. She grins back and moves onto the next patient.
                              “I…uh...wanted to apologize for acting like a prick on DN2-712. Couldn’t quite wrap my head around actually getting to Atlantis then being treated like a wet behind the ears, new recruit.”
                              “No need to apologize Adam. Arriving here is overwhelming for most people. Military experience against Ori or G’ouald in Milky Way means very little to those who’ve battled Wraith and Replicators here in Pegasus.”
                              “Yeah, tell me about it. Guess you squints get off easy huh?” Radek snickers and shakes his head ‘no’.
                              “Absolutely not. We ‘squints’ are even less prepared than those of you who are military. Many of us come from nice cushy labs on Earth where our degrees and egos speak volumes to our intelligence and large pay checks. Here in Pegasus, our degrees line bird cages and our egos are quickly deflated or destroyed outright…of course our Head of Science, Dr. McKay’s ego is firmly intact,” Radek explains with a wink.
                              “So this Dr. McKay is the Head Squint? I bet his ego’s a mile wide huh?”
                              “Perhaps but Dr. McKay’s brilliance and never quit attitude has saved many lives countless times.”
                              “I’ll take your word for it Radek. So..uh…what do you Lantean people do to celebrate birthdays and holidays?” Radek grins excitedly.
                              “We are all Lanteans here Adam. True, we come from different countries on Earth, but Atlantis is home away from home yes? As to your question, we have parties of course. Depending on the reason for celebration, we plan according to any traditions of both Earth and those of our allies here in Pegasus.” Adam nods then groans as the cute red head from earlier strolls over and unlatches the brakes on Adam’s wheelchair.
                              “Gotta go Doc. Rita needs me in an Ancient doodad to help speed up the healing for my arm and leg. Maybe we can talk some more later?”
                              “Of course. Keep getting better Adam okay?” The lieutenant grins and waves as Rita steers him deeper into the Lantean physical therapy department. Radek smirks back then heads for the science labs, grinning that his physical therapy sessions were mostly massage based.


                                I never really liked ANY pairs. I usually never see anything more than what is presented. Especially slash is one thing I will never get. Also, Zelenka had what...three scenes with Elizabeth? I don´t think there was ever anything else but a professional attitude from both of them. They had a cute scene when Radek babbled because of some discovery but I am not going to build a whole pairing around it. But I guess it´s what fans do, right?

                                "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5

