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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    *smirks* Good one Hiccups! I'm off to bed and Radek's on the dream schedule. hee hee
    More Nykl news,pix,and cookies please! Woohoo!! }:O


      I guess I don't have to say, "Sweet dreams" then do I.


        Ok ladies, are you ready for the latest Zelenka dream???

        The setting was a very, very small office kind of like you'd find in an old building of a university. A woman, a secretary, was going through the outgoing departmental mail. There were a lot of negatives from several staff members being sent off to be developed (yes, I know, I'm showing my age), and she noticed an envelope with the name "Zelenka." Her heart raced. She wondered if she should open it and peak or wait until the pictures come back. If she held his envelope back, he would be suspicious when all the other pictures came back, so she held all the mail. But, before she knew it, the mail piled up and she was overwhelmed with mail until it crashed off her desk and under the door. Suddenly, Zelenka walked in and she couldn't hide it even though she tried. "Are those the negatives I gave you to send out on Friday?" he asked growing angry. She couldn't deny it. What could she tell him? "I would have had those back by today if you had taken them like you were supposed to!" He was angry and went on and on. His pulse quickened. The biggest problem for him was that he was angrier with himself for being angry at her. She tried to calm him. "You're right." He continued to spout not knowing what else to do with his emotions. She grabbed his arm. He nervously tried to pull away. She could feel his pulse grow more and more rapid as she touched him. "You have every right to be angry" she continued. His mouth was still going as if it were an entity of it's own. She was running out of options. Should she do it? She was scared. She wanted to. She had always wanted to, but should she? It could push him away forever. Should she risk it? She had to do something, so... she forcefully pulled on his arm and put her lips on his! When she moved away and let go of his arm, he breathed and said, "Get a box, I'll help you take these over to the mail room."

        Ok, that was the dream. What do you think?


          Hiccups,I think you need to share what kind of coffee you're drinking. hehe Sounds like an episode of The Zelenka Files. Yeah,got off 3rd shift at 8:45 AM local time and didn't make it home til after 1PM local time. My excuse,sticking to it. More Zelenka stories and pix please!! Woohoo!! }:O


            I don't drink coffee. I'm just glad I had the dream in the middle of the night instead of anywhere near 6, 7, or 8 AM when there would have been a 100% chance of me not being able to finish it due to a cute little wake up call I call the J Man.


              Hiccups,I don't drink coffee either (I'm daft enough as it is thank you very much) but I'm glad ya got to enjoy your dream before your wee man woke you. I look forward to your Nykl Adventures when you share them with us. You rock and so does David!! More Nykl News,Pix, and Adventures please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                Originally posted by Hiccups
                Ok, that was the dream. What do you think?
                That you really like a pi$$ed off Zelenka!



                  Nah, but it is better to kiss a guy when he's steamed. Then, how can he possibly stay mad? Besides, I love the smile that creeps on to his face afterward or at least that he forgets what he was doing.


                    Rosehawk,I just found your Youtube vids. Wicked work my dear!! Hiccups, you have a wonderful imagination. Thanks for the sharing with the rest of us. More Hot Czech stories,vids,and pix please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                      Rosehawk,I just found your Youtube vids. Wicked work my dear!! Hiccups, you have a wonderful imagination. Thanks for the sharing with the rest of us. More Hot Czech stories,vids,and pix please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                      Thank you! It was fun to make and I had the best subject matter to work with!



                        *nods sagely* David's a great muse isn't he? Can't wait for more fanvids Rosehawk!! More Hot Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                          Did you check out my Sheppard and Siler video's too? I won awards from Creation for both of those as well! Even got an e-mail from Dan on his video once he saw it on YouTube as he wasn't really paying to much attention at the convention when it air'd! The guy is just a great big ball of hyperactivity!

                          I need a good song to make another Zelenka video - it is going to be tough to top the last one - though I do have an idea.......

                          Actually I loved to make a good Zelenka McKay video and/or a Zelenka Shepard video - you know - how it would have been if Zelenka would have been Sheppard's sidekick instead of McKay! I really like the creative energy between David N. and Joe and would love to see them do a movie or TV show together!

                          I need some me with picking out songs and I will see what I can do! The videos are fun to make!



                            i would have loved to have seen Zelenka with Ronon i think it would have been brill


                              You cheeky monkeys blew up my brain cell with the Ronon and Zelenka vibe and Shep and Radek. Songs huh Rosehawk? My cheeky brain's got plenty of songs if the pairings were slash (big surprise huh?) but can't think of any songs that wouldn't have a slash element to them. *puts on thinking cap* I'll be back in a bit. More cheeky Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                                Originally posted by pookey View Post
                                i would have loved to have seen Zelenka with Ronon i think it would have been brill
                                There isn't enough of Zelenka and Ronon together to make a decent video of the two. I'd love to do one with Zelenka and Weir but there's not enough with the two of them either!

                                Well Crimsonravenwolf, if you can think of a song, let me know....I won't do slash video's but I will do friendship ones!

                                I do have a few thoughts in mind....


