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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Runny vanilla ice cream? Eeeeeeeew that is so not nice.
    In the interests of scientific curiosity, I mixed it with strawberry and banana smoothie, just to see what happened, and it was actually surprisingly nice.

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    Serious risk of sock? What Atlantis gets a base commander who makes Shep tie his boots and wear socks with them?
    Of course, my mind is now busy trying to come up with ten ways that Sheppard can be whumped by sock:

    - struggling to pull on socks over damp feet, while in a hurry to get ready for an important mission of saving people, and over-balances and bumps head.

    - Rodneys gets him socks with an embarrassing pattern on as a joke birthday present. He wears them, and then gets captured by bad guys, who laugh.

    - walks 20 miles in the rain, then is captured by bad guys who gag him with his own smelly socks.

    - dye runs on his new red socks. Takes shoes and socks off to paddle on relaxing mission. Rodney sees his red feet and panics, accidentally pushing him into the sea with his concern.

    - er....?


      Originally posted by Boolsheet View Post
      Re that stunning pose of JF near the stargate - I'd like to think he's getting into character, otherwise it's really a mega no-no to have snapped a picture of him at a vulnerable moment. His body language is just so beautiful and poignant, but perhaps the moment should have remained private. (Perhaps this photo is the reason he no longer wants candid shots taken of him on set.) I can't help but love it as it speaks volumes, but at the same time - is it voyeurism? I can't bring myself to delete it, but I honestly would appreciate some history behind it, so I can perhaps not feel quite so guilty admiring the shot, and fitting one of my fave quotes to it:
      'I like to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once'
      It's sooo Sheppy.
      Apparently someone copied a pic from Joe M.'s blog that Joe M. had taken of Joe F. and asked Joe to sign it at a con. From what I was told he was alittle taken back. Whether this is in part why he doesn't want pics taken of him I don't know. Between scene down time is just that 'down time' and one doesn't expect to see a pic of it at a con. At least I wouldn't. Of course I guess I don't have to worry about that since no one would take a pic of me at work and no one definetly would ask me to autograph it for sure.


        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        In the interests of scientific curiosity, I mixed it with strawberry and banana smoothie, just to see what happened, and it was actually surprisingly nice.

        Of course, my mind is now busy trying to come up with ten ways that Sheppard can be whumped by sock:

        - struggling to pull on socks over damp feet, while in a hurry to get ready for an important mission of saving people, and over-balances and bumps head.

        - Rodneys gets him socks with an embarrassing pattern on as a joke birthday present. He wears them, and then gets captured by bad guys, who laugh.

        - walks 20 miles in the rain, then is captured by bad guys who gag him with his own smelly socks.

        - dye runs on his new red socks. Takes shoes and socks off to paddle on relaxing mission. Rodney sees his red feet and panics, accidentally pushing him into the sea with his concern.

        - er....?
        Is in socks looking for boots in a hurry to get to the gateroom and slips, breaking/severely bruising his coccyx (tailbone).


          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
          In the interests of scientific curiosity, I mixed it with strawberry and banana smoothie, just to see what happened, and it was actually surprisingly nice.

          Of course, my mind is now busy trying to come up with ten ways that Sheppard can be whumped by sock:

          - struggling to pull on socks over damp feet, while in a hurry to get ready for an important mission of saving people, and over-balances and bumps head.

          - Rodneys gets him socks with an embarrassing pattern on as a joke birthday present. He wears them, and then gets captured by bad guys, who laugh.

          - walks 20 miles in the rain, then is captured by bad guys who gag him with his own smelly socks.

          - dye runs on his new red socks. Takes shoes and socks off to paddle on relaxing mission. Rodney sees his red feet and panics, accidentally pushing him into the sea with his concern.

          - er....?
          My only suggestion is that the laundry machines are broken so everybody would be whumped by the smell...

          However, this would mean that the infirmary ran out of scrubs so the next time Shep is in the infirmary he has to be nekkid. (Oddly enough, the infirmary had washed all their sheets right before the machines broke down, so there's plenty of clean sheets.)


            Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
            My only suggestion is that the laundry machines are broken so everybody would be whumped by the smell...

            However, this would mean that the infirmary ran out of scrubs so the next time Shep is in the infirmary he has to be nekkid. (Oddly enough, the infirmary had washed all their sheets right before the machines broke down, so there's plenty of clean sheets.)
            And I just had visions of an Atlantis toga party - sorry, busy grading and feeling a little brain-dead.


              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              But she has caused a small kerfuffle and a little bit of a rumpus - later there may even be a hullabaloo...

              ...can you tell I'm bored?
              *snork* You know Peg very well!
              snickers at kerfuffle

              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Never would any whumper cause mayhem,anarchy or bedlam in any outside threads.We all believe in unity!...
              And whump for all Shepisodes!

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              The other places are scary and people are mean to me, I shall stay in my nice soft cocoon of whump.
              with sharp pointy gnoshy teeth to go after Shep

              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
              Of course, my mind is now busy trying to come up with ten ways that Sheppard can be whumped by sock:

              - struggling to pull on socks over damp feet, while in a hurry to get ready for an important mission of saving people, and over-balances and bumps head.

              - Rodneys gets him socks with an embarrassing pattern on as a joke birthday present. He wears them, and then gets captured by bad guys, who laugh.

              - walks 20 miles in the rain, then is captured by bad guys who gag him with his own smelly socks.

              - dye runs on his new red socks. Takes shoes and socks off to paddle on relaxing mission. Rodney sees his red feet and panics, accidentally pushing him into the sea with his concern.

              - er....?
              ~ trying to put socks on in a hurry and missing his little toe in and bruising it in the process.
              just don't ask how I came up with that one

              **crosses fingers that some whumpers are still here and ready to play**


                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                It is a balmy +16C today although it started out at +4C and frost!

                Other than that, it is alright up here. Actually busy at work today.
                I shold have time tonight to visit, that is after I watch Whispers!

                How is the south today, any news on Ike's path?
                No news of Ike that I've heard but I haven't watched much TV today. It's cooler outside now (it's 86F which is 30C) and it's cloudy. It's supposed to rain a bit in the next couple of days. Got a little Monday Night Football on (it was great to here Hank Jr. singing the theme again) but I really just have it on for background noise while I write. Which I totally intend on doing as soon as dinner arrives.

                Have fun watching Whispers. Can't wait to hear what you thought about it.
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  No news of Ike that I've heard but I haven't watched much TV today. It's cooler outside now (it's 86F which is 30C) and it's cloudy. It's supposed to rain a bit in the next couple of days. Got a little Monday Night Football on (it was great to here Hank Jr. singing the theme again) but I really just have it on for background noise while I write. Which I totally intend on doing as soon as dinner arrives.

                  Have fun watching Whispers. Can't wait to hear what you thought about it.
                  Ike OT

                  After battering Cuba, Ike is forecast to swirl into the southeast Gulf of Mexico late Tuesday or early Wednesday and in all probability, re-strengthen. Its course after that point remains uncertain, but residents, especially all along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts, should stay apprised of this dangerous storm.

                  Whatcha getting for dinner. We just had Chinese delivered.

                  **waits for results of writing**


                    Sock whump???

                    Insert Twilght Zone music.

                    The team ends up in a village where they have to take their boots off before entering the temple. Alas, Shep wore white socks, which, to the local indigenous ravenous feline population, looks like the local albino rats. Sheppard is then savaged by the kitties and his toes bleed copiously all over the place....



                      Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                      I've heard that before too. Personally, I'm curious to know why the network had such a big problem with it. JF didn't seem to mind and it's his hair. (Of course one could also wonder why they wanted Jason to have a wig after he cut his hair, despite the fact that when he first was cast they didn't like the dreadlocks.)
                      network execs get all in a tizzy over the weirdest things. hair, shirt color, you name it, there's probably a hypersensitive stream of emails back and forth "oh god, no, he can't cut his hair!


                        Evening Whumpers!

                        Still watching Ike. Still thinking of moving elsewhere so we don't have to keep going through this agony from June to November. *sigh*

                        I have a bunch of pages to get to today!

                        Before I go, I'd like to make a request. Does anyone have this picture, and could you please put it up for a weary hurricane watcher? I'd rather watch this instead: Spoiler for Whispers:
                        Does anyone have a pic of Shep and the turtleneck? I read about this and would love to see him in it.



                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Sock whump???

                          Insert Twilght Zone music.

                          The team ends up in a village where they have to take their boots off before entering the temple. Alas, Shep wore white socks, which, to the local indigenous ravenous feline population, looks like the local albino rats. Sheppard is then savaged by the kitties and his toes bleed copiously all over the place....


                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          Evening Whumpers!

                          Still watching Ike. Still thinking of moving elsewhere so we don't have to keep going through this agony from June to November. *sigh*

                          I have a bunch of pages to get to today!

                          Before I go, I'd like to make a request. Does anyone have this picture, and could you please put it up for a weary hurricane watcher? I'd rather watch this instead: Spoiler for Whispers:
                          Does anyone have a pic of Shep and the turtleneck? I read about this and would love to see him in it.

                          Good luck with Ike!! It could be nasty

                          Just for favorite pic from Whispers


                            SQUEEEE!!!! Thanks POCUS!!!!
                            the turtleneck of Yum plus gun porn. Niiiice!

                            Since I have been trying to not think about that storm our there, I was thinking......Re: LISTY's list again:
                            Know how those pesky Wraith Queens always get Shep to KNEEL, but then nothing more happens to our intrepid hero because they always get interrupted? WELL.......what if.........nothing comes between the Queenies and Shep once? What would they do to him? Discuss!



                              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                              SQUEEEE!!!! Thanks POCUS!!!!
                              the turtleneck of Yum plus gun porn. Niiiice!

                              Since I have been trying to not think about that storm our there, I was thinking......Re: LISTY's list again:
                              Know how those pesky Wraith Queens always get Shep to KNEEL, but then nothing more happens to our intrepid hero because they always get interrupted? WELL.......what if.........nothing comes between the Queenies and Shep once? What would they do to him? Discuss!

                              Oh good question....hmmm

                              I would hope for lots of brain squeezing trying to get Shep to do something or reveal information. I wouldn't mind last minute interruption as long as he continues to have problems. Some slowly increasing in pain migraines that eventually require an infirmary stay and maybe a bit of surgery to heal the damage inside. Just not a big area of surgery so the hair remains untouched.

                              Oh and of course the Queen's fingernails could leave a cut along his jawline that gets infected making for a high fever.

                              Edit to add: What happened to our tags. Lots of them are green sheets *pouts*


                                Bedlam, kerfuffle (always wondered how that particular word was spelled), sock whump, hurricanes and fleas. This place has been all over the map today. I think there had better be some whump of the Shep persuasion on the ep this Friday, otherwise, who knows what the topics will be next week!

                                Sorry about the flea bites, Squonk. I'm allergic to them, too.

                                IHS, and anyone in the hurricane path, I hope everything turns out alright.

                                Originally posted by prion View Post
                                network execs get all in a tizzy over the weirdest things. hair, shirt color, you name it, there's probably a hypersensitive stream of emails back and forth "oh god, no, he can't cut his hair!
                                It seems TEH HAIR got to a few TV execs, as well! At least someone knew a good thing when they saw it! They probably remembered the gnashing of teeth that occured when Keanu Reeves turned up with a buzz cut for Speed. The studio had a true conniption over that, even though it worked really well.

                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                                Good luck with Ike!! It could be nasty

                                Just for favorite pic from Whispers
                                I love that pic. Thanks!

