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John Sheppard Whump

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    Some possibly whumpy stuff on JM's Blog today...
    here's hoping.

    For the script he is currently writing (Remnants)
    First, there’s Sheppard and his mainland troubles.

    and then
    Most of the beats are sound so I don’t expect much scene-shifting. The only one that worries me is what I’ll be doing to Sheppard at the end of the third act. I suspect more than one person in the room will say something to the effect of: “Are you nuts?!” . Should make for an interesting debate
    Last edited by Lythisrose; 04 June 2008, 08:26 PM.


      I'm quite surprised by the mention of Sheppard in JM's blog! I wonder what he's up to.

      Time to go. 37 days to go!


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

        Sounds fair to me One problem, no suitcase.... yet. That's tomorrow.
        Hey, I'll even bring my own suitcase

        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        I'm quite surprised by the mention of Sheppard in JM's blog! I wonder what he's up to.

        Time to go. 37 days to go!
        Well, Remnants is supposed to be the
        Shep centered eppy. Of course, it has 3 different storylines instead of the usual two and the occasional one
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by caty View Post
          Hey, I'll even bring my own suitcase

          Well, Remnants is supposed to be the
          Shep centered eppy. Of course, it has 3 different storylines instead of the usual two and the occasional one
          Actually the Shep centered eppy is/are

          The Atlantis CSI one and maybe Hexed if its ever made. Remnants was supposed to have a lot of Shep 'moments'
          My fanfic-


            CONGRATS TO ALI ON 15600!!!

            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            Flying visit because i'm packing for..... *insert drumroll*

            Vancouver!!!! We got a date and believe it not we're going on Saturday. And having lunch on Wednesday.


            Linz and I will try and get some tidbits for a certain ep, hehe, and we'll try and get online when we get there to say hello. It's been a bit of a whirlwind and we've now got to book flights and a hotel.... Given that most of the hotels are now booked, we may need to purchase the chair JM was selling the other day... or there's always the infirmary beds on set.

            In less than a week - you get to meet JOE!!!!

            *running in circles*

            Have a great time!!

            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            I'm doing really good! I had my second follow-up with doc's and it is absolutely mind blowing to me. I've lost 35 lbs. in 3 1/2 weeks! YES!!
            Wow - go you!!!

            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            I've spent all day trying to remember details of last night's dream. I do remember that I was watching Remnants in season five, and I remember thinking, "I must remember this, and all the other season five episodes I've just seen, so I can tell the whumpers." Annoyingly, all I remember now is that Shep got slashed across the side of the neck by an enraged sunflower, and it injected paralyzing poison in him, and he was still paralyzed by the end of the episode. I suppose it's possible that the sunflower was in league with a cow, though...
            Ok, what have the whumpers been esting before bedtime lately?!?!
            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            Hey peeps

            First off, I gotta share my amazing Search & Rescue whump dream that I had last night
            Spoilers for S&R I guess...
            It was S&R and it started with a view of Just Sheppards hand and wrist poking out from the rubble (with black wrist band to identify it) and Keller got there and that was all she had to work with so she checked his pulse and started an IV, and then had to wait. They slowly started to dig him out so then I got a view of his shoulder and neck and head. They put a collar on him and oxygen and Keller did more checks and then finally they got the rest of him out and onto a backboard (which took ages it was fab, lots of worried people Keller constantly checking the bits she had access to). Then when they pulled him out he crashed and started to bleed out because something in the rubble had been putting pressure on a wound and once he was out he started to just bleed everywhere. They where rushing to get him to the OR on Atlantis..... and then I woke up, it was fab.
            Now that's more like it!

            Holy moly - that 's a dream i wouldn't want to wake up from! I've re-read it a dozen times now - we need that scene!!
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              peggy and linzi have a great time and we are all lloking forward to your reports in greta detail when you return!!
              Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                Thanks for all the good wishes, whumpers.

                Elf - I love your new siggie and am so glad you are doing so well! ((((HUGS))))

                Listy - I want your dream to come true please! What a fantastic scenario for Search and Rescue. If only that could happen! Sigh....

                Kristen - thanks for the info on Remnants. Sounds as if it's going to be an interesting episode!

                (((((Hugs to all the whumpers)))))))


                  Peggy and Linzi - I just read your news...oh wow!

                  Have an absolutely fantabulous time...I'm really excited for you both!


                    Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                    Peggy and Linzi - I just read your news...oh wow!

                    Have an absolutely fantabulous time...I'm really excited for you both!

                    I'll second that.

                    OMG! You lucky pair, Peggy and Linzi. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful time meeting Joe and seeing the sets etc.. I wonder what episode they will be filming? Hopefully one with an insight to you know what. Not that I want Joe's pearly whites damaged in anyway.
                    Looking forward to hearing all about your trip.

                    As for JM's blog.
                    As long as Shep isn't permanently damaged, he can do what he likes with him. Well within reason.


                      Good morning!!!

                      OMG! Peg and Linz!!! So soon! I was just thinking about it yesterday! Tell us all the details!!!

                      ((ELF)) I'm glad to know everything is working out for you.

                      Listy, that was a awesome dream! I wish I could have dreams like that!!!

                      And killer sunflowers! It had to be Rhymer's dream!

                      I'm so happy because I just got two more classes! The other teacher has found another job and can't continue at the school anymore. I just started yesterday, and I think it was a way better first class than my previous ones. I'm just learning so much. *wants to give up Dentistry*
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Hey, just read all the new posts and what good news:
                        Hey Peggy and Linzi, you are soooooooo lucky, as a newbie I wish you a good and safe trip, have a wonderful time with Joe and don't forget PICTURES and all the details, please remember every word he said, look for us in his beautiful eyes and maybe on his chesthair if you can (grey or not).
                        I bet you are very excited, I know I would. Don't faint (I would believe me, I think I would forget everything). Have a vvvvvery gooood time, best wishes from germany!!!!!!!

                        Oh, about the chest, I got here pictures of 38 Min., have a look:
                        Fabulous Siggie made by my dear friend Luciana


                          Originally posted by ardunnia View Post
                          Hey, just read all the new posts and what good news:
                          Hey Peggy and Linzi, you are soooooooo lucky, as a newbie I wish you a good and safe trip, have a wonderful time with Joe and don't forget PICTURES and all the details, please remember every word he said, look for us in his beautiful eyes and maybe on his chesthair if you can (grey or not).
                          I bet you are very excited, I know I would. Don't faint (I would believe me, I think I would forget everything). Have a vvvvvery gooood time, best wishes from germany!!!!!!!

                          Oh, about the chest, I got here pictures of 38 Min., have a look:
                          WELCOME TO THE WHUMP FAMILY ARDUNNIA!

                          [COLOR="Black"I love the whumpy pic spread! 38 mins. is one of my fave eppies!!

                          Where is Cazz with her awesome Whump welcome banner.....hmmmm..[/COLOR]
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Well cool Sci!

                            Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
                            Actually the Shep centered eppy is/are

                            The Atlantis CSI one and maybe Hexed if its ever made. Remnants was supposed to have a lot of Shep 'moments'
                            He did say a couple of days ago that at the moment he 'supposed' Remnants was Sheppy's tour de force

                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            WELCOME TO THE WHUMP FAMILY ARDUNNIA!

                            [COLOR="Black"I love the whumpy pic spread! 38 mins. is one of my fave eppies!!

                            Where is Cazz with her awesome Whump welcome banner.....hmmmm..[/COLOR]
                            I do believe I've already welcomed the lovely ardunnia!

                            I'll post this instead, that I made for Peggy and now Linzi too

                            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                              Come to think those stupid exams almost made me miss your posts!!!

                              Peggy and Linzi, have a complete blast in Vancouver!!!


                              Sorry, had to get that off my chest

                              I'm so happy for you girls, have the bestest of times!!!!

                              Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                              Save Our Seeker!
                              LotS on LJ.


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Well cool Sci!

                                He did say a couple of days ago that at the moment he 'supposed' Remnants was Sheppy's tour de force

                                I do believe I've already welcomed the lovely ardunnia!

                                I'll post this instead, that I made for Peggy and now Linzi too

                                That's really great Caz!!! A very yummy Flan! Flan is actually my favorite dessert.
                                My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                                Sig and avi by me

