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John Sheppard Whump

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    Afternoon whumpers!
    What'd I miss?

    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    Oh trust you!

    Get in line sister...
    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    *plants herself firmly at the head of the line and prepares to fight off all comers*
    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
    *shoves everyone aside*
    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    *points excitedly and yells "OMG! Look everyone! There he is! There's Joe!" and jumps to front of line while everyone looks around*
    Alright, ahem..ladies...don't make me get the hose out!
    There's plenty of Sheppy to go around.

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    This vampire talk is nuts... wonder what Sheppy has to say about that?? Hehe.

    Count Sheppy.... (pic fic)

    Be afraid Shep, be very afraid...

    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Flying visit because i'm packing for..... *insert drumroll*

    Vancouver!!!! We got a date and believe it not we're going on Saturday. And having lunch on Wednesday.

    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Linz and I will try and get some tidbits for a certain ep, hehe, and we'll try and get online when we get there to say hello. It's been a bit of a whirlwind and we've now got to book flights and a hotel.... Given that most of the hotels are now booked, we may need to purchase the chair JM was selling the other day... or there's always the infirmary beds on set.
    Oh Peggy and Linzi I'm so excited for both of you!!

    There you caused me to squee for the first time!
    I know you'll have a wonderful time. Take lots of pics if you can. We need all the details that you can spare. You know we'll all be checking this thread all week waiting for you updates.
    Get a good nights sleep on Tuesday so you'll be well rested and can take it all in. Just think, this time next week you'll be having lunch with the man himself!
    Try or I think it's for a room.

    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Off to read this one too, thanks gater.


      Originally posted by Listy View Post
      Hey peeps

      First off, I gotta share my amazing Search & Rescue whump dream that I had last night
      Spoilers for S&R I guess...
      It was S&R and it started with a view of Just Sheppards hand and wrist poking out from the rubble (with black wrist band to identify it) and Keller got there and that was all she had to work with so she checked his pulse and started an IV, and then had to wait. They slowly started to dig him out so then I got a view of his shoulder and neck and head. They put a collar on him and oxygen and Keller did more checks and then finally they got the rest of him out and onto a backboard (which took ages it was fab, lots of worried people Keller constantly checking the bits she had access to). Then when they pulled him out he crashed and started to bleed out because something in the rubble had been putting pressure on a wound and once he was out he started to just bleed everywhere. They where rushing to get him to the OR on Atlantis..... and then I woke up, it was fab.
      Now that's a dream!

      SQUEE, SQUEE, SQQUUUEEEE!!! for Peggy and Linzi I am so unbelievably excited for both of you!

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by cc_mac View Post

        Off to read this one too, thanks gater.
        No bother hun.

        I really shoudln't come in here when I'm tryin to stay spoiler freeee... you guys make it very hard not to touche le taggy button!
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          Flying visit because i'm packing for..... *insert drumroll*

          Vancouver!!!! We got a date and believe it not we're going on Saturday. And having lunch on Wednesday.


          Linz and I will try and get some tidbits for a certain ep, hehe, and we'll try and get online when we get there to say hello. It's been a bit of a whirlwind and we've now got to book flights and a hotel.... Given that most of the hotels are now booked, we may need to purchase the chair JM was selling the other day... or there's always the infirmary beds on set.
          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I can't believe you phoned me over at my mum's at dinner to say, fancy going on Saturday? I was like OMG! Spoke to family and YESSSSSS!!!!!

          OMG I'm speechless! HEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!
          Have a great time ladies! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return. Do you think he knows what a whumper is? Perhaps you can fill him in when you meet him
          Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            No bother hun.

            I really shoudln't come in here when I'm tryin to stay spoiler freeee... you guys make it very hard not to touche le taggy button!
            Resistance is Futile!....
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              This may seem a little disjointed, because I'm not using all the quotes I'm referencing, but here goes...

              Peggy, Linzi, I hope you have a fabulous time! I hope you have no nervousness, and can relax and enjoy the visit. I'm so happy you're able to do something so fun! Life is all about the experiences.

              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              I'm doing really good! I had my second follow-up with doc's and it is absolutely mind blowing to me. I've lost 35 lbs. in 3 1/2 weeks! YES!!
              Elf, that is such great news! Congrats and keep up the good work!

              Exploding cows and murderous sunflowers. Hmmm, I think certain whumpers have been drinking something they ought not be drinking!

              Listy, I love your version of S&R!!

              More (((HUGS))) coming at you, IHS! It never rains, but it pours.

              Congrats on 15600, Ali!!!


                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                Maybe Shep shares your tendencies?!!

                Why did I get all tingly feeling at this pic?

                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                Flying visit because i'm packing for..... *insert drumroll*

                Vancouver!!!! We got a date and believe it not we're going on Saturday. And having lunch on Wednesday.


                Linz and I will try and get some tidbits for a certain ep, hehe, and we'll try and get online when we get there to say hello. It's been a bit of a whirlwind and we've now got to book flights and a hotel.... Given that most of the hotels are now booked, we may need to purchase the chair JM was selling the other day... or there's always the infirmary beds on set.
                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                I can't believe you phoned me over at my mum's at dinner to say, fancy going on Saturday? I was like OMG! Spoke to family and YESSSSSS!!!!!

                OMG I'm speechless! HEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!
                Lunch on Wednesday!!!

                I am so excited for you two!!! You are going to have so much fun!!!

                Elf - yeah for you!!! I am glad you are feeling better and things seem to be going so well.

                Rhymer - you always make me laugh. Thanks for that!

                Now a bit of whump before bed. Maybe I will have good dreams (that don't involve exploding cows or poisonous sunflowers)

                I hear some whumpers are traveling here to Vancouver to meet me.
                Where can I hide?


                  I can't sleep now! That whumpy display of Shep has got me wide awake!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    I can't sleep now! That whumpy display of Shep has got me wide awake!
                    Sorry (sort of)


                      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post

                      I agree. Just a fine man in his prime.

                      Congrats on 3900 BTW!

                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      CONGRATS TO ELF ON 7500!!
                      CONGRATS TO PISCES ON 3900!!
                      Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                      Yay! Congrats people!
                      Thanks everyone.

                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      Time for me to go. 38 days and counting!

                      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                      Flying visit because i'm packing for..... *insert drumroll*

                      Vancouver!!!! We got a date and believe it not we're going on Saturday. And having lunch on Wednesday.


                      Linz and I will try and get some tidbits for a certain ep, hehe, and we'll try and get online when we get there to say hello. It's been a bit of a whirlwind and we've now got to book flights and a hotel.... Given that most of the hotels are now booked, we may need to purchase the chair JM was selling the other day... or there's always the infirmary beds on set.
                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      I can't believe you phoned me over at my mum's at dinner to say, fancy going on Saturday? I was like OMG! Spoke to family and YESSSSSS!!!!!

                      OMG I'm speechless! HEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!
                      OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

                      I was just thinking yesterday about when you would be able to go. I'm sooooo extremely happy for you both and very jealous. Best to confess about being whumpers at the end, don't want to give the poor man a heart attack.

                      Could you ask Joe what ever happened to him making the movie "Shattered". I hope it's still on the agenda.

                      I'm off to watch 38 mins and do some capping.
                      Chicago Con Attendee 2011
                      Chicago Con Attendee 2010
                      GateCon Attendee 2008
                      Vancouver Con Attendee 2007


                        Oh Man Listy!!!

                        I wish I had dreams like that.

                        I'm so SQUEEEEEing for you Linzi and Peggy!!! These are for you guys. Have fun and savor every moment.


                          You are so not sorry, and neither are we thanks for these Pocus.

                          Like the second one verrrryyyy much, these should make for very good dreams .

                          Countdown to THE LUNCH! 6 DAYS!!!


                            *head is spinning 360 degrees* - couldn't find a smiley that does that...

                            Peg & Linzi, Would you do me the BIGGEST FAVOR and ask Joe if he still has my book of silly manips I gave him in Melbourne at Armageddon?? I would be blown away if he still has it!!

                            *HUGS* to you both and have a great time!!! (if you take a couple of aspirin before you go, the nerves should calm out!! Somewhat!!)

                            Don't forget - PICTURES!! WE WANT LOTS OF PICTURES!!!
                            My Manips & other artwork!


                              Hey Peggy and Linzi!! Talked to my friend who had breakfast with Joe this year in New Zeland. She was lucky as it was only her and six people. She said he was the chattiest when talking about normal every day stuff. They actually didn't talk about the show very much at all which they think was the reason why he was so easy to speak with.

                              I don't know what I'd do if I ever met him. I'd be torn with wanting to get the dirt on the new season and just being normal and stuff.

                              I envy you both! I'm not sure if I could refrain from acting like some crazy fan! I'd just be too stunned who I was eating lunch with!!!

                              You two have fun!!!! So happy for both of you!!!

                              If you run into JM maybe we'll get the mysery solved about his weird void of all things Joe on his blog the past few months. lol
                              My fanfic-


                                Hey Peg and Linzi - have fun and report all and I mean ALL the details...

