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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Oh I just got a copy of the Starburst magazine with the Joe interview. I havent read it just scanned it but a couple of paragraphs jump out at me

    Re DG

    " For the first two -thirds of Doppelganer you cant tell which Sheppard is which. It had to be a gradual distinction between the real one and his twin until the latter evolves into complete evil"

    and Travelers

    When asked about specific hopes for s4 of Atlantis Flanigan mentions one, in particular, that he had and that has come to pass. 'I wanted to have a strong female character that was difficult for us to get a handle on, but who Sheppard has to rely on for his own stategic ends" says the actor. "So JM and PM wrote travelers which introoduces a charater who I think is going to become incredibly popular on the show. Her name is larrin and she's this very sexy woman who kidnaps my character beats the c**p out of him, then he beats the c**p out of her. They need each other and have to learn how to deal with one another
    OMG. It really sounds like we're going to get plenty of

    Thanks for posting that SD. I'll have to try and get hold of a copy sometime.

    I'm nearly off out of here now as tomorrow it's vacation time!! Early morning start (I hate those) and we fly directly to the States from Hamburg. (Things are looking up)

    By the time I get back it will be only 1 week to you know what. At least it will be something to look forward to.

    But I will have 20 days of GW and JM's blog to catch up on. Hopefully by then there will be some promo pics and the like. I'm also hoping to see a few trailers for SGA while in the good old U. S. of A.



      First, I have one thing to say...



      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      That's incredible! Beautiful WP!
      Thank you! and thanks to everyone. Glad you all liked it

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      I think Torri smokes too.

      As Linzi said, Joe definitely didn't smell of ciggies at Expo - I would have noticed too. I think he's more the kind of person who has the occasional cigar (no-one really smokes cigars regularly - they tend to be an occasional thing) and cigars are better than ciggies anyway as you don't actually inhale cigar smoke!
      Well, and the way I look at it (just my .02) is that we all have our own little "bad" indulgences to me, he's obviously not a chain smoker (and yes, I seem to remember hearing somewhere that Torri smokes...) and according to my father, who is not a smoker either, there is something very satisfying to a good cigar. I think its a cute pic, but thats just IMHO. YMMV

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Oh I just got a copy of the Starburst magazine with the Joe interview. I havent read it just scanned it but a couple of paragraphs jump out at me

      Re DG

      " For the first two -thirds of Doppelganer you cant tell which Sheppard is which. It had to be a gradual distinction between the real one and his twin until the latter evolves into complete evil"

      and Travelers

      When asked about specific hopes for s4 of Atlantis Flanigan mentions one, in particular, that he had and that has come to pass. 'I wanted to have a strong female character that was difficult for us to get a handle on, but who Sheppard has to rely on for his own stategic ends" says the actor. "So JM and PM wrote travelers which introoduces a charater who I think is going to become incredibly popular on the show. Her name is larrin and she's this very sexy woman who kidnaps my character beats the c**p out of him, then he beats the c**p out of her. They need each other and have to learn how to deal with one another
      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post


      Soooo giddy about that!
      I *love* the idea of it not being clear which is good and bad Sheppy - that definitely explains Lorne pointing the gun at Sheppard and ?Carter relieving him of duty in the promo. Some of the earlier spoilers did mention that the people having nightmares have incredibly vivid dreams and it's difficult to tell what is real and what was a dream etc. Ooooh and just think of all the angst for Sheppy with his friends mis-trusting him and accusing him of things he hasn't done!! *dies*

      I like what he says about Larrin too... that she beats Sheppard up and then he beats her up.. I kinda like the sound of that combative relationship and I like the idea of a strong woman who is not afraid to fight and pushes Sheppard's buttons.

      Is it Season 4 yet? Is it? Is it?!!! *bounces*
      OMG!!!!!!!!!SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Only four more Fridays. ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE (good grief, if I'm like this now, I"m going to be intolerable by ONE MONTH from TODAY! )

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      I thought you might like to see this too from the Starburst

      OMG OMG OMG!! PICCIES!!! OMG!! *Dies*


      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Originally posted by Atair View Post

        Uh, sleepless nights,, just don't worry too much...
        when do you have to go to court??
        I have to set a court date within 30 days. but I want to take the written driving test first and get my American license, so the judge can see that I have been studying Florida road laws since.

        But I really want to get it over with as soon as possible.
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by caty View Post
          I have to set a court date within 30 days. but I want to take the written driving test first and get my American license, so the judge can see that I have been studying Florida road laws since.

          But I really want to get it over with as soon as possible.
          Thats probably a good idea so they can see that you are willing to learn from your mistake.

          Just don't let it bother you too much, I'm sure it'll work out okay ((hugs))


            You can look at my LJ if you want to check out the full interview



              Good Morning! Started my day off with a bang. Literally. Had a squirrel try to commit suicide and blew out the transformer and I was without power. The bang scared the crap outta Geeklet, but I'm so used to that noise, I don't even blink and eye.

              So what did I miss.......

              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              Oh I just got a copy of the Starburst magazine with the Joe interview. I havent read it just scanned it but a couple of paragraphs jump out at me

              Re DG

              " For the first two -thirds of Doppelganer you cant tell which Sheppard is which. It had to be a gradual distinction between the real one and his twin until the latter evolves into complete evil"

              and Travelers

              When asked about specific hopes for s4 of Atlantis Flanigan mentions one, in particular, that he had and that has come to pass. 'I wanted to have a strong female character that was difficult for us to get a handle on, but who Sheppard has to rely on for his own stategic ends" says the actor. "So JM and PM wrote travelers which introoduces a charater who I think is going to become incredibly popular on the show. Her name is larrin and she's this very sexy woman who kidnaps my character beats the c**p out of him, then he beats the c**p out of her. They need each other and have to learn how to deal with one another

              Holy Squeeing!!! That's great news!!! I'm getting even more excited for these episodes now.

              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              I thought you might like to see this too from the Starburst


              Nice pix....but the boots... ARGH!!!!! I hate them!!!


                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                Yeeeeeeeees, gotta say - BAD Joe! I doubt he's a heavy smoker, though i do wonder if he's one of ones BamBam was talking about his interview in Stargate Magazine not so long ago. When he said some of the actors smoke and start coughing and want a break and he just says "Not my fault you smoke" and makes them carry on. GOOD BamBam!
                None of the times I've met Joe has he smelled of cigarette smoke - so no, I don't think he's a smoker. Plus he's so athletic and has 3 little boys so I can't see him polluting his body or his house like that. I know plenty of men who smoke cigars on occasion but never cigarettes.
                However, Jason DOES smoke and put his cigarette out after apologizing to us on the set

                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Oh I just got a copy of the Starburst magazine with the Joe interview. I havent read it just scanned it but a couple of paragraphs jump out at me

                and Travelers

                When asked about specific hopes for s4 of Atlantis Flanigan mentions one, in particular, that he had and that has come to pass. 'I wanted to have a strong female character that was difficult for us to get a handle on, but who Sheppard has to rely on for his own stategic ends" says the actor. "So JM and PM wrote travelers which introoduces a charater who I think is going to become incredibly popular on the show. Her name is larrin and she's this very sexy woman who kidnaps my character beats the c**p out of him, then he beats the c**p out of her. They need each other and have to learn how to deal with one another
                I have one thing to say....

                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                  Originally posted by Salty View Post
                  None of the times I've met Joe has he smelled of cigarette smoke - so no, I don't think he's a smoker. Plus he's so athletic and has 3 little boys so I can't see him polluting his body or his house like that. I know plenty of men who smoke cigars on occasion but never cigarettes.
                  However, Jason DOES smoke and put his cigarette out after apologizing to us on the set

                  I have one thing to say....


                  I agree with you about Joe not being a regular smoker - I just cant see it- and he does not smell like he does at all!!!!

                  Squeeee-a-licious indeed!!!!


                    *tackles SheppyD*

                    THANK YOU!

                    I loved everything and the pics were awesome!!!

                    My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                    Sig and avi by me


                      I wanna smell Joe so I can be part of this conversation
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Originally posted by caty View Post
                        I wanna smell Joe so I can be part of this conversation

                        SheppyD- thanks so much for putting up the interview!!!!!
                        I really enjoyed it and can't wait to get my copy !!!


                          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                          I thought you might like to see this too from the Starburst

                          This needs reposting!!!
                          I see a trip to Barnes & Noble in my near future!

                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          OMG. It really sounds like we're going to get plenty of
                          whumpage!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

                          But I will have 20 days of GW and JM's blog to catch up on. Hopefully by then there will be some promo pics and the like. I'm also hoping to see a few trailers for SGA while in the good old U. S. of A.



                          Just keep the TV tuned to SciFi!!
                          Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                            ((HUGS caty)) I'm sure everything will work out for you. I'm also having a few problems, but I don't let them get to me and I'm actually able to sleep soundly at night. Such a big problem. I found out Wednesday that I have a debt in my name, in a credit card I never made and my name is on the organ that protects credit saying that I don't pay debts (I don't know how it's called in English...). I called to the company and they said I have this big debt that I didn't pay for a loan I supposedly took... I found out that my documents (stolen from me in the burglars thing) were used to create this debt and now I have to fix it... running around yesterday and today and I have to go there on Monday personally... Why people do these things???
                            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                            Sig and avi by me


                              Originally posted by caty View Post
                              I wanna smell Joe so I can be part of this conversation
                              Me too!!!
                              My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                              Sig and avi by me


                                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                                ((HUGS caty)) I'm sure everything will work out for you. I'm also having a few problems, but I don't let them get to me and I'm actually able to sleep soundly at night. Such a big problem. I found out Wednesday that I have a debt in my name, in a credit card I never made and my name is on the organ that protects credit saying that I don't pay debts (I don't know how it's called in English...). I called to the company and they said I have this big debt that I didn't pay for a loan I supposedly took... I found out that my documents (stolen from me in the burglars thing) were used to create this debt and now I have to fix it... running around yesterday and today and I have to go there on Monday personally... Why people do these things???
                                Aww, I'm sorry to hear that Erika. Did you report the theft (or even the stolen documents)? There's gotta be a way for you to get out of this without paying for something you didn't do...
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

