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John Sheppard Whump

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    Argh. Is anyone else having trouble logging into Hotmail? It's bounced me out this morning and now won't let me log back in - it keeps telling me "Windows Live Hotmail was not able to sign in to your account at this time. Please try again later."


      Hello all!

      Hope the whumped whumpers are feeling better!

      Great WP SGAFan!

      And miniSalty is getting better!

      And the cigar was quite ewwww for me, still, JF was hot as ever.
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        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Argh. Is anyone else having trouble logging into Hotmail? It's bounced me out this morning and now won't let me log back in - it keeps telling me "Windows Live Hotmail was not able to sign in to your account at this time. Please try again later."
        No problem for me.
        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
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          Originally posted by prion View Post
          A spoilerish angsty tidbit from CASUALTIES OF WAR, the latest SGA novel...

          "I didn't really want to give this to you in front of everyone, though, so..." Elizabeth held an envelope out to him, clearly watching for his reaction.

          Puzzled, John took it from her and examined the postmark. Some tiny crumb of memory told him that he should recognize that address--

          Then he got it, and his chest tightened painfully. Looking up at Elizabeth, he found sympathy in her express eyes. That was just about the last thing he wanted, so he forced a smile. "I appreciate it."

          For once, she seemed hesistant in her response. "John, I'm sure she's still hurting. If she lashes out at you in that letter"


          You know, I'm not so big on the
          emotional angst - unless of course it causes Shep to be distracted and then gets physically whumped.

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          OMG! That is one huge
          Get your minds out of the gutter! I love JM's caption, though.

          thanks for the book review, Prion. I'm off to read it now.
          I showed hubby the pics and read JM's caption - hubby says "yeah, all guys claim it keeps the mosquitoes away" Explains all the cigar butts lying around after his big party two weeks ago!!
          Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Oh absolutely - his choice entirely. But like you, i am totally anti-smoking, thank god for the smoking ban! I can now enjoy a night out without smelling like an ash-tray and wheezing for the next two days (which is why it annoys me so much that one of the doctors at our practise is convinced i smoke and keeps telling me to cut down! )

            You gotta love BamBam
            Totally agree with all of you on the smoking issue. Somehow I doubt Joe is a cigarette smoker although I could be wrong. As Ali said, maybe just the occasional cigar. According to JM he was using it as a mosquito deterrent. I think in that situation I'd even turn to smoking myself. (I do not smoke). Great picture of Joe though.


              Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
              Totally agree with all of you on the smoking issue. Somehow I doubt Joe is a cigarette smoker although I could be wrong. As Ali said, maybe just the occasional cigar. According to JM he was using it as a mosquito deterrent. I think in that situation I'd even turn to smoking myself. (I do not smoke). Great picture of Joe though.
              Without doubt - a quite lovely picture!
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                Totally agree with all of you on the smoking issue. Somehow I doubt Joe is a cigarette smoker although I could be wrong. As Ali said, maybe just the occasional cigar. According to JM he was using it as a mosquito deterrent. I think in that situation I'd even turn to smoking myself. (I do not smoke). Great picture of Joe though.
                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                I showed hubby the pics and read JM's caption - hubby says "yeah, all guys claim it keeps the mosquitoes away" Explains all the cigar butts lying around after his big party two weeks ago!!
                Yup. JM's remark was just joking. People don't use cigars to repell mosquitoes; it's cuz they like to smoke 'em. I'm hoping Joe is just the occasional cigar smoker and doesn't touch cigarettes.

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                I think Torri smokes too.

                As Linzi said, Joe definitely didn't smell of ciggies at Expo - I would have noticed too. I think he's more the kind of person who has the occasional cigar (no-one really smokes cigars regularly - they tend to be an occasional thing) and cigars are better than ciggies anyway as you don't actually inhale cigar smoke!
                Yeah, think I read Torri smokes.

                Nah, you just fill the air with smoke for everybody else to inhale

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                So BamBam could've been talking about any of them too, I guess? Good for him though for saying 'tough for smoking' Typical BamBam, says it like it is. I like that!
                Loved BamBam's response (somewhere else on this thread). Yup, if a person smokes and whines about having to work (run, etc.) too much, tough luck.

                Originally posted by knightie View Post
                So did you like it? (without spoilers)
                Re book: yes.


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Yup. JM's remark was just joking. People don't use cigars to repell mosquitoes; it's cuz they like to smoke 'em. I'm hoping Joe is just the occasional cigar smoker and doesn't touch cigarettes.
                  Strange you should say that but during my stay in Canada, a few years ago now, I can clearly remember my uncle and his pal sitting outside in the woods puffing away at cigars while all around them the mosquitoes buzzed. I ended up with legs covered in bites even though I was wearing jeans. They walked away with not one bite and when I asked them why they replied, cigars - mosquitoes don't like the smoke. So I guess it worked for them.


                    Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                    Strange you should say that but during my stay in Canada, a few years ago now, I can clearly remember my uncle and his pal sitting outside in the woods puffing away at cigars while all around them the mosquitoes buzzed. I ended up with legs covered in bites even though I was wearing jeans. They walked away with not one bite and when I asked them why they replied, cigars - mosquitoes don't like the smoke. So I guess it worked for them.
                    As far as I know jeans atract mosquitoes. I know because I live in a area with a few.
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                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I think Torri smokes too.

                      As Linzi said, Joe definitely didn't smell of ciggies at Expo - I would have noticed too. I think he's more the kind of person who has the occasional cigar (no-one really smokes cigars regularly - they tend to be an occasional thing) and cigars are better than ciggies anyway as you don't actually inhale cigar smoke!
                      Well, they're better for your lungs, but shame about the risk of mouth cancer! Though that's far more treatable than lung cancer...
                      I'd like to think he's just casually smoking too, but just because, as I said, I worry for anyone who smokes anything! Actors do tend to smoke though, I've heard. Torri does indeed smoke, I've read interviews where she's talked about it. I hate the damn things. I feel chest whumped when I go in a room with smokers. My chest is sensitive to the smoke, and I end up hacking up a lung or two...
                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      Oh absolutely - his choice entirely. But like you, i am totally anti-smoking, thank god for the smoking ban! I can now enjoy a night out without smelling like an ash-tray and wheezing for the next two days (which is why it annoys me so much that one of the doctors at our practise is convinced i smoke and keeps telling me to cut down! )

                      You gotta love BamBam
                      I do love BamBam. He's so cool!
                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Argh. Is anyone else having trouble logging into Hotmail? It's bounced me out this morning and now won't let me log back in - it keeps telling me "Windows Live Hotmail was not able to sign in to your account at this time. Please try again later."
                      I permanently have trouble with it!
                      Originally posted by Salty View Post
                      You know, I'm not so big on the
                      emotional angst - unless of course it causes Shep to be distracted and then gets physically whumped.

                      I showed hubby the pics and read JM's caption - hubby says "yeah, all guys claim it keeps the mosquitoes away" Explains all the cigar butts lying around after his big party two weeks ago!!

                      You know what? I like emo angst, but only when it's accompanied by the physical stuff! I can't help it. I just adore physical whump and if it causes angst, that's great, but I do really need the physical aspect for it to really grab my attention. Angst alone, just doesn't give me the same enjoyment. Oh goodness, I sound like a complete sicko!

                      Prion - thanks for your book review. Would you say Sheppard features quite prominently in it, or not? Say, as much as Reliquary?


                        Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                        As far as I know jeans atract mosquitoes. I know because I live in a area with a few.
                        Really I've never heard of that. We have plenty of mosquitoes here (little ones) and it's a pain trying to keep them out of the house at this time of the year.

                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Well, they're better for your lungs, but shame about the risk of mouth cancer! Though that's far more treatable than lung cancer...
                        I'd like to think he's just casually smoking too, but just because, as I said, I worry for anyone who smokes anything! Actors do tend to smoke though, I've heard. Torri does indeed smoke, I've read interviews where she's talked about it. I hate the damn things. I feel chest whumped when I go in a room with smokers. My chest is sensitive to the smoke, and I end up hacking up a lung or two...
                        Same here Linzi. You're lucky because you now have the smoking ban in the UK. Here in Germany they are still taking about it and it's supposed to come next year. Nothing annoys me more than going into a restaurant for a nice meal and people on the next table are all puffing away.


                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          Really I've never heard of that. We have plenty of mosquitoes here (little ones) and it's a pain trying to keep them out of the house at this time of the year.

                          Same here Linzi. You're lucky because you now have the smoking ban in the UK. Here in Germany they are still taking about it and it's supposed to come next year. Nothing annoys me more than going into a restaurant for a nice meal and people on the next table are all puffing away.
                          Mosquitoes are annoying. Luckly, there are few on winter.

                          I so hate smoking. It's hateful that my brother smokes (and quits from time to time) and I just have to stand that horrible smell on him. Even if he smokes only outside, it just gets everywhere!
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                            Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                            Strange you should say that but during my stay in Canada, a few years ago now, I can clearly remember my uncle and his pal sitting outside in the woods puffing away at cigars while all around them the mosquitoes buzzed. I ended up with legs covered in bites even though I was wearing jeans. They walked away with not one bite and when I asked them why they replied, cigars - mosquitoes don't like the smoke. So I guess it worked for them.
                            Well, any kind of smoke repells insects, and people, too. Found this on the web:

                            All smoke discourages mosquitoes, whether it’s from a wood fire or a big old Cuban cigar,” says Jonathan F. Day, a professor with the University of Florida’s mosquito research laboratory. “And the mosquitoes prefer to stay upwind, where most of the people are sitting anyway, because they don’t like the smoke either. You’re only keeping the mosquitoes away in one quadrant.” (1) “Every year news stories appear touting the mosquito-repelling benefits of ingesting mega-doses of B vitamins, brewer’s yeast, garlic, beer, whisky, cigars, and cigarettes. While some of these remedies may render the user temporarily immune to the effects of mosquito bites (alcohol) or may temporarily protect the user (and friends) from a down-wind attack (smoke) none have ever been shown in controlled scientific studies to protect users from biting insects.” (2)

                            Uh, and this infomercial could come in handy for an SGA whump story....


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Well, any kind of smoke repells insects, and people, too. Found this on the web:

                              All smoke discourages mosquitoes, whether it’s from a wood fire or a big old Cuban cigar,” says Jonathan F. Day, a professor with the University of Florida’s mosquito research laboratory. “And the mosquitoes prefer to stay upwind, where most of the people are sitting anyway, because they don’t like the smoke either. You’re only keeping the mosquitoes away in one quadrant.” (1) “Every year news stories appear touting the mosquito-repelling benefits of ingesting mega-doses of B vitamins, brewer’s yeast, garlic, beer, whisky, cigars, and cigarettes. While some of these remedies may render the user temporarily immune to the effects of mosquito bites (alcohol) or may temporarily protect the user (and friends) from a down-wind attack (smoke) none have ever been shown in controlled scientific studies to protect users from biting insects.” (2)

                              Uh, and this infomercial could come in handy for an SGA whump story....
                              I hope they only repel mosquitoes and not Iratus bugs.
                              My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                              Sig and avi by me


                                Oh I just got a copy of the Starburst magazine with the Joe interview. I havent read it just scanned it but a couple of paragraphs jump out at me

                                Re DG

                                " For the first two -thirds of Doppelganer you cant tell which Sheppard is which. It had to be a gradual distinction between the real one and his twin until the latter evolves into complete evil"

                                and Travelers

                                When asked about specific hopes for s4 of Atlantis Flanigan mentions one, in particular, that he had and that has come to pass. 'I wanted to have a strong female character that was difficult for us to get a handle on, but who Sheppard has to rely on for his own stategic ends" says the actor. "So JM and PM wrote travelers which introoduces a charater who I think is going to become incredibly popular on the show. Her name is larrin and she's this very sexy woman who kidnaps my character beats the c**p out of him, then he beats the c**p out of her. They need each other and have to learn how to deal with one another

