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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Good thanks. Sounds like you had an awesome time! It sounds really exhilerating and adrenalin inducing stuff! I'm envious!!!
    Hey Linzi! Glad your well. It was a real buzz. Unfortunately much of the adrenalin was burned off in the 50 minute search for the car. We parked in blue lot - the response of all the helpful staff we questioned during our hunt was "What blue lot?" Finally we had some wonderful staff sacrifice their own time after they had finished work help us find the damn thing. Apparently there were three main car parks off the main gate, and 1 off a side gate, which just happened to be the blue lot we parked in. The organisers however, failed to tell the staff this. Great day though. I had a great deal of fun.
    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


      Very quiet in here - I think I scared everyone away! Well, I'm off to bed, I'm completely knackered. Night all. Have fun whumping.
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        Helloo whumpers!!!!

        stupid sky isnt working in my room and so im tv less today...whatever am i going to watch now...hmmmmm....

        noticed theres a little bit more info on the 3rd series on the main page.....meh!!
        this bit annoyed me

        The new series has been conceived to be "a completely separate, third entity," Cooper said in an interview -- "much more so than Atlantis was. Atlantis was much more of a spin-off seires of SG-1 and was sort of born out of SG-1."

        then again, they said atlantis was going to a completely seperate entity and look what happened, crossovers, sam on atlantis...gah!!
        il be pissed off if the 3rd series ends up being what atlantis was supposed to be.
        This is pretty much how I feel, I thought his comments were pretty dismissive of Atlantis, perhaps I'm being over sensitive but I can't help feeling that Atlantis is going to suffer if it even makes it past another season.


        I'm not going to think about the new series, just concentrate on enjoying every new episode of Atlantis we get. When we eventually get them.


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Regarding Lorr's great question/suggestion to JM:
          I think the fact that they actually considered her suggests two things:

          (a) Larrin is going to be a pretty kickass character both mentally and physically, I can't imagine GT ever playing some simpering woman who falls for the handsome hero's charms, can you?
          (b) If possible they are looking for someone with a little bit of a name which suggests that Larrin is going to be a recurring character and possibly a major player in events next season.

          I know we pretty much had guessed all of this already but it does make the character more interesting and I still hope we're going to see the "Travellers" be more in that grey area that JM talked about. It'll be good to have another race out there who are on a (almost) equal footing with Atlantis and are not straight forward good guys or bad guys.

          Not sure any of that made sense, brain still hasn't kicked into gear yet today.
          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Well that's a relief - I feel pretty braindead this morning.
          I wish my brain worked this well when I feel braindead. Err, I wish my mind worked this well period!

          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
          Hello whumpers! *waves madly*

          Popped in for a quick chat before bed. Ok.. I also popped in for an OT squee.
          I went to the Avalon Air Show yesterday.. OMG! It was awesome! Right up close at the end of the runway, so the planes were taking of right in front of us! Saw the F-111 - so close the heat from the afterburn washed over us in waves as it took off! And they had a squad of four Hornets do some formation flying and then had pyrotechnics set up so they could simulate bombing the runway. Also had the USAF over with their F-15 Eagle - OMG frelling awesome!!! It was amazing. They also had a bunch of arial stunt teams, unfortunatly I missed the Roulettes (aero stunts in jets, rather than the older slower planes). They also had a B-52 do a couple of fly overs, and had a Black Hawk and a Tiger helicopter do some manouvres (SP??) as well. The day totally, totally rocked.

          How is everyone here?
          I love Airshows!! I miss going to them. We used to go to the one at Andrew's Air Force Base near Washington DC and watch the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds fly!

          Congrats on 7700 Posts SheppyD.



            G'night Lauriel!

            The airshow sounds awesome. I've been to a few, even volunteered in one when I was in the AF (it was kind of a volunteer-or-we'll-make-you-do-trash-detail).

            I'm sunburnt! We've got a group of good friends we get together with a lot and we all went out to the Scottish Fair yesterday morning and about mid-afternoon, it was so hot out we all decided why not head up to the lake, so we dashed home and got supplies and wound up staying at the lake till almost 10pm. I'm knackered, as the Brits would say.

            And behind on my story and house cleaning.

            And what's the latest scoop on Travelers, I hear some mention of casting but I'm lost as usual!


              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
              G'night Lauriel!

              The airshow sounds awesome. I've been to a few, even volunteered in one when I was in the AF (it was kind of a volunteer-or-we'll-make-you-do-trash-detail).

              I'm sunburnt! We've got a group of good friends we get together with a lot and we all went out to the Scottish Fair yesterday morning and about mid-afternoon, it was so hot out we all decided why not head up to the lake, so we dashed home and got supplies and wound up staying at the lake till almost 10pm. I'm knackered, as the Brits would say.

              And behind on my story and house cleaning.

              And what's the latest scoop on Travelers, I hear some mention of casting but I'm lost as usual!
              RE Travellers:
              Apparently they are having a hard time casting the role of Larrin (the female commander who captures Shep) Lorr suggested on JM's blog that Gina Torres would be a good choice and he replied saying that they had actually considered her but she is pregnant and too busy with her burgeoning movie career to do it. But it suggests they are looking for a good, strong female actress for the part.


                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                I had to look up the Q7 online to see what it was!
                Well, if it hadn't been my favorite car from the moment I first saw it, I probably wouldn't have known what it was, either
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                  G'night Lauriel!

                  The airshow sounds awesome. I've been to a few, even volunteered in one when I was in the AF (it was kind of a volunteer-or-we'll-make-you-do-trash-detail).

                  I'm sunburnt! We've got a group of good friends we get together with a lot and we all went out to the Scottish Fair yesterday morning and about mid-afternoon, it was so hot out we all decided why not head up to the lake, so we dashed home and got supplies and wound up staying at the lake till almost 10pm. I'm knackered, as the Brits would say.

                  And behind on my story and house cleaning.

                  And what's the latest scoop on Travelers, I hear some mention of casting but I'm lost as usual!
                  You're sunburnt? In March? I'm windswept and wet! Nothing new there.
                  Glad you had a good time, and knackered? You'll be saying 'bloke' next!
                  The casting stuff is about, spoilers for Travelers:
                  The execs finding it difficult to cast Larrin. Lorr had suggested the lovely Gina Torres who JM said they'd love to have, but she's pregnant and has a burgeoning movie career anyway! Still, it makes me hopeful that Larrin won't be some sort of bimbo, and will be a hardass type.


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    RE Travellers:
                    Apparently they are having a hard time casting the role of Larrin (the female commander who captures Shep) Lorr suggested on JM's blog that Gina Torres would be a good choice and he replied saying that they had actually considered her but she is pregnant and too busy with her burgeoning movie career to do it. But it suggests they are looking for a good, strong female actress for the part.
                    I forgot who said it on here, but
                    I think the idea that Larrin is probably a recurring role makes sense.. If if was only a one-time guest spot, I doubt they'd have so much trouble casting her.. Which in turn indicates that the Travelers race could be the new "villain" of Season 4... If they start off with capturing and torturing Shep, they're gonna be my favorite villain ever
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      Originally posted by caty View Post
                      I forgot who said it on here, but
                      I think the idea that Larrin is probably a recurring role makes sense.. If if was only a one-time guest spot, I doubt they'd have so much trouble casting her.. Which in turn indicates that the Travelers race could be the new "villain" of Season 4... If they start off with capturing and torturing Shep, they're gonna be my favorite villain ever
                      JM has confirmed that the race in Travelers are the
                      technologically advanced, are they allies or foe race that are to be introduced in season 4. So, I'd bet Larrin as the leader or commander will be recurring if the character turns out to be successful.


                        Oh I meant to say earlier that I read a season 4 spoiler concerning Adrift/Lifeline. Not to do with Shep, but thought you might be interested anyway.

                        As many of us suspected, Weir undergoes brain surgery for her injuries sustained in FS. N.John Smith told con goers in Vancouver


                          Originally posted by caty View Post
                          I forgot who said it on here, but
                          I think the idea that Larrin is probably a recurring role makes sense.. If if was only a one-time guest spot, I doubt they'd have so much trouble casting her.. Which in turn indicates that the Travelers race could be the new "villain" of Season 4... If they start off with capturing and torturing Shep, they're gonna be my favorite villain ever
                          JM has previously said that this new race will be more ambiguous and we wouldn't really know whether they were friend of foe. I hope they keep to that, the Stargate universe needs to be less black and white. I'm just assuming that the "Travellers" are the new race, it seems unlikely that they would introduce two new advanced civilisations at the same time.

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Oh I meant to say earlier that I read a season 4 spoiler concerning Adrift/Lifeline. Not to do with Shep, but thought you might be interested anyway.

                          As many of us suspected, Weir undergoes brain surgery for her injuries sustained in FS. N.John Smith told con goers in Vancouver
                          Brain surgery? Do you think we're going to see another example of an altered personality? Or is it just going to be a case of her being left disabled in some way? They keep saying Weir is going to be part of an arc but I'm really struggling to see where they can go with this.


                            Oohhhh, interesting spoilers!!!

                            Gina Torres would've been cool but I can see why it wouldn't work out, but yeah, the fact that they are having a hard time casting the role would indicate it's likely to be recurrent.

                            My hope, this race will be the villians. We need someone to step up and be another nemesis for Sheppy.

                            Linzi, it was a high of 85 or so yesterday, hot! The water at the lake was still cold as heck though, those kids were brave. There were 9 in all (one was a friend of a couple that wasn't there). They swam and then used drag nets and snagged fish.

                            We're all red this morning, but most of the damage was from the fair (they had bagpipes everywhere, it was great fun). About the time we headed to the lake some cloudcover rolled in and we also put on the sunscreen I'd left at the house earlier, whups!

                            We haven't had rain for ages, it's annoying but I'm glad yesterday was beautiful out because we had a blast. The kids were so exhausted they crashed on the drive home.


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              JM has confirmed that the race in Travelers are the
                              technologically advanced, are they allies or foe race that are to be introduced in season 4. So, I'd bet Larrin as the leader or commander will be recurring if the character turns out to be successful.
                              Oh, he has?? Cool! But I don't know about this
                              neither friend nor foe thing.. We had that with the Genii and they really need to do this good for it to work and not be too similar to the Genii storyline, if you ask me.

                              I think I'd be perfect for the role of Larrin...
                              I can be pretty mean to Shep
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                                Oohhhh, interesting spoilers!!!

                                Gina Torres would've been cool but I can see why it wouldn't work out, but yeah, the fact that they are having a hard time casting the role would indicate it's likely to be recurrent.

                                My hope, this race will be the villians. We need someone to step up and be another nemesis for Sheppy.

                                Linzi, it was a high of 85 or so yesterday, hot! The water at the lake was still cold as heck though, those kids were brave. There were 9 in all (one was a friend of a couple that wasn't there). They swam and then used drag nets and snagged fish.

                                We're all red this morning, but most of the damage was from the fair (they had bagpipes everywhere, it was great fun). About the time we headed to the lake some cloudcover rolled in and we also put on the sunscreen I'd left at the house earlier, whups!

                                We haven't had rain for ages, it's annoying but I'm glad yesterday was beautiful out because we had a blast. The kids were so exhausted they crashed on the drive home.
                                It sounds wonderful, IWTB. Kids are so stoic about cold water. I suppose I was once upon a time...but not any more. I'm too old!!! But, sunburn? Ouch! I haven't had any in years, and with my dreadfully and unaturally pale skin that's probably a good thing!

