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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
    thanks SLC and O1

    Thinking about writing, but I"m frustrated with my fic. Have given half a thought to ditching the whole thing. Bah. Or maybe I'm just being grouchy. Have started the next chapter three times and each time I've axed what I wrote. Pretty pale and uninteresting next to other stuff I've read lately.

    err.. sorry. *gets off self depreciating soap box and shuts up*
    I know the feeling. Writers can be their own worst critics. SOmetimes if you just put something aside, you can finish it later (although hopefullynot a year later like I"ve done!) I've got more stories than I should just sitting there, started, and sometimes, I'll be writing it, get an idea for another story, tell myself I'll be right back and... well, fortunately I can mostly read my notes on what I had intended for certain stories.

    Only trouble is when they languish too long the show's writers do somesthing like kill off a character or contradict something in your story.


      Hello all

      Ohhhh whump pics....Shep whump gaaaaah and squeeeeeeeee

      By Kidwizz

      By JessM


        Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
        Hello all,

        O1's had her haircut......see below!! (And yes it's offtopic......but my hair has been CUT with SCISSORS and a RAZOR so it must have been SHEP)

        Actually I don't know im putting this up but I guess i just really like my new hair SQUEE! I'm in a good mood for once too!! so you can see what i look like

        wow some good shep whumping last night. Im going to try and get the next instalement of painful reminders for you...with more whump (Oh yes! more blood, more drama, the works) and start the A to Z of whump, beginning with AMNESIA i believe

        Man, im hyper today
        Nice haircut! Oh man, I sorta remember when I was that young, too And when my haircolor (well, half of it) wasn't out of a bottle.... blast those genes, although I got my first gray hair when I was young and got a job, so I blame work for premature gray!!

        Don't think I'll be reading or writing fic this weekend what with the NJ con and all, but might bring along in case there are any dull lulls....


          ((HUGS)) Thanks you guys I know I"m being my own worst critic, I always am.
          Have to giggle and nod at your comment, Prion. I had to rewrite a MASSIVE chunck of Demons pt.1 as a result of Radek being able to mine multiple addresses from the DHD in Lost Boys. My theory that was woven into a considerable amount of the story, was that only the last dialed address could be mined from a DHD with it being overwritten the next time the DHD dialed out. Sort of a short term memory storage system. (yeah, formulated that SIX MONTHS before Lost Boys... LOL )

          gah, imagine my surprise. The pillow I kicked after watching Lost Boys made pretty good distance.

          The story I'm struggling with is Darkness, and I think its because of the other great whump stories and writers here. I feel outclassed.

          I'll work on something else and maybe come back to it later. ((HUGS))
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Hello Whumpers!!

            O1 - that is one drop dead gorgeous pix of ya girl!! Green with jealousy... Love the hairstyle - it compliments you really well. Funny, you near how I imagined you to look too....

            Any new fic published? I saw Ali's but cannot read it (yet) until she finishes it first. *sigh* Why do I put myself through this agony????

            How is everyone today? Are the NJ Con goers excited? Are you going to ask a whumpy question??



              Hi GG doing good, hope your doing good as well

              By Kidwizz

              By JessM


                Originally posted by gravelgerdie View Post
                Hi GG doing good, hope your doing good as well
                Hey Gravy!!! I'm doing well. Thanks. Just got home form volunteering at the local food pantry. In the process of deciding which Shep whump ep I want to watch before having to pick up my son in a bit.... its just so hard to choose...


                  It is hard to choose between them... I say watch CG or 38 Minutes.... but then to have to decide between those two... grrrrrr decisions decisions

                  By Kidwizz

                  By JessM


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                    Hello Whumpers!!

                    O1 - that is one drop dead gorgeous pix of ya girl!! Green with jealousy... Love the hairstyle - it compliments you really well. Funny, you near how I imagined you to look too....

                    Any new fic published? I saw Ali's but cannot read it (yet) until she finishes it first. *sigh* Why do I put myself through this agony????

                    How is everyone today? Are the NJ Con goers excited? Are you going to ask a whumpy question??
                    Thanks GG you made me blush!

                    I'm trying to get another chappy of PR finished......and hoping to get the whole story finished soon so i can move onto another story to whump shep good.

                    watch 38 minutes...consistant whump
                    or TDO - always good "I don't have time to argue about this!" *dies of squee*
                    or Lost boys - that way you get to see him being dragged away after he's been stunned and you get to watch the crotch


                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      ((HUGS)) Thanks you guys I know I"m being my own worst critic, I always am.
                      Have to giggle and nod at your comment, Prion. I had to rewrite a MASSIVE chunck of Demons pt.1 as a result of Radek being able to mine multiple addresses from the DHD in Lost Boys. My theory that was woven into a considerable amount of the story, was that only the last dialed address could be mined from a DHD with it being overwritten the next time the DHD dialed out. Sort of a short term memory storage system. (yeah, formulated that SIX MONTHS before Lost Boys... LOL )

                      gah, imagine my surprise. The pillow I kicked after watching Lost Boys made pretty good distance.

                      The story I'm struggling with is Darkness, and I think its because of the other great whump stories and writers here. I feel outclassed.

                      I'll work on something else and maybe come back to it later. ((HUGS))
                      YOU FEEL OUTCLASSED by other writers here? What a load of rubbish! Smack on the wrist for you! *Linz sends big net hugs to SGA and sends psychic brainwaves to make her believe in herself* Silly girl! Your writing is wonderful!!! Enough said.
                      O1 - I love your hair!!!! You look so pretty!


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Hey Gravy!!! I'm doing well. Thanks. Just got home form volunteering at the local food pantry. In the process of deciding which Shep whump ep I want to watch before having to pick up my son in a bit.... its just so hard to choose...
                        Well, after finding out CG was Joe's favourite episode of season 3, I feel even more inclined to watch it on a regular basis...that's my excuse anyway. Nothing to do with the whump content or anything...


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          YOU FEEL OUTCLASSED by other writers here? What a load of rubbish! Smack on the wrist for you! *Linz sends big net hugs to SGA and sends psychic brainwaves to make her believe in herself* Silly girl! Your writing is wonderful!!! Enough said.
                          *winces* Ouch! *feels properly chastized* Thanks Linzi. Like I said, my own biggest critic. Thanks for the hugs though.

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          O1 - I love your hair!!!! You look so pretty!
                          Agreed! I kept forgetting to say so.
                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            CG is always a winner.

                            Hmm.. need to watch that one again myself
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Squee! Just got done watching CG! That episode is most excellent in every way.... Now I'm watching M&MM...oh that beautiful golf swing of his....

                              SGAFan *not too hard slap upside the head* - you are a terrific writer!!! Stop being so hard on yourself.


                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                Squee! Just got done watching CG! That episode is most excellent in every way.... Now I'm watching M&MM...oh that beautiful golf swing of his....
                                *sighs and thinks of both eps...* no whump in M&MM but lovely Shep. *G*

                                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                                SGAFan *not too hard slap upside the head* - you are a terrific writer!!! Stop being so hard on yourself.
                                Thanks GG. I think I just need to sit down and write and stop overanalyzing every word as I go. It frustrates my muse and a frustrated muse is a grumpy and quiet one.

                                Thanks for the support you guys, I appreciate it. Just having some difficulty right now and needed to whine about it.

                                ((HUGS)) and sorry if I chased anyone off!
                                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ

