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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    I think the technical term for it is buggered!

    It's just knackered - it will let you upload new chapters etc but it's not updating the info on the story pages (numbers of reviews/chapters etc) and it's not letting anyone access ANY fic. You can get as far as the list of stories but every time you try to get into a fic you get "experiencing heavy traffic, come back later etc etc etc".

    The people who run this site - much as I value it as a gret resource - don't seem to pay particularly close attention to it and when it fouls up like this it can be AGES before anyone seems to notice or fix it! And reporting faults is an utter wate of time - I've never had any kind of response to a fault report on ffnet.

    So fed up now. It's been about 24 hours that it's been like this!
    Technical term is buggered, lol!
    I've never known it do all of this rubbish as badly as this before though. Growl!!!!!


      Hmmmm.....favorite Whump episodes:

      1) 38 Minutes
      2) Common Ground
      3) Conversion

      As I watch CG more times, it may move past 38 Minutes......just hasn't yet. Just thinking about those certain CG scenes still makes me feel whumped though......

      Just looking at those shots of 38 Minutes makes me want to watch it again right now!


        I have to head off now.Hubby sprained his ankle badly today while running and so I have to do everything, including drive him to work in the morning, then coming home and taking my eldest to her summer job and the other to to school, then taking my dad to the doctor's - then taking my middle son for teeth extractions so he can have his brace! Yuk!
        Night all! Sweet whumpy Sheppy dreams!


          Originally posted by iheartshep
          Hmmmm.....favorite Whump episodes:

          1) 38 Minutes
          2) Common Ground
          3) Conversion

          As I watch CG more times, it may move past 38 Minutes......just hasn't yet. Just thinking about those certain CG scenes still makes me feel whumped though......

          Just looking at those shots of 38 Minutes makes me want to watch it again right now!

          Actually it is interesting that you mentioned scenes- I still firmly believe that 38 Minutes is my fave epsiode - but it is possible it may no longer contain my fave whump scene. Ummm I need to consider this further!!!


            Originally posted by Linzi
            I have to head off now.Hubby sprained his ankle badly today while running and so I have to do everything, including drive him to work in the morning, then coming home and taking my eldest to her summer job and the other to to school, then taking my dad to the doctor's - then taking my middle son for teeth extractions so he can have his brace! Yuk!
            Night all! Sweet whumpy Sheppy dreams!

            Night Linzi!!!!


              Originally posted by Linzi
              I know. I'm watching it again tomorrow.
              I meant to ask everyone.
              Now CG has aired, what is your favourite whump episode now? Has CG changed your mind in terms of the order of your favourites?
              Mine are:
              1. 38 Minutes.
              2. CG
              3. TDO
              Hmmm.... That's a tough one to answer.

              They each deserve the top spot for different reasons. ACH!! I don't like making decisons like this!!!


                Originally posted by Gate Geek
                Hmmm.... That's a tough one to answer.

                They each deserve the top spot for different reasons. ACH!! I don't like making decisons like this!!!
                I agree, its hard to make a decision on which I like best.. I think they all have great merits to them...

                By Kidwizz

                By JessM


                  Night Linzi....sweet whumpy Shep dreams...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Choose top 3 whump episodes...oh brother...I can't choose... and my Shep clone isn't helping
                    Hrmm I have Common Ground, 38 minutes, The Defiant One, Conversion...uhmmm I can't choose...!!!
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Gnight Linzi! Sounds like you're a busy gal atm!

                      Favourite whumpy eps are probably:

                      38 Minutes
                      Common Ground
                      The Defiant One

                      (It was a tough choice for 3rd place but TDO won through narrowly by virture of Sheppy blood! )

                      38 is still my fave ep purely in terms of the quality and quantity of whump. Sheppy is whumped all the way through... and he is also variously brave, in pain, scared,
                      , gorgeous and dead!

                      CG comes second for quality of whump - there are a good couple of scenes in there that are just awesome, whump of the highest quality, seriously angsty stuff that I thought never to see outside of fanfic.


                        Woo! Ffnet has suddenly fixed itself! For anyone that wanted to read the remainder of my CG tag fic and missed it on LJ, it's on ffnet here.


                          I guess the reason I mentioned the scenes:

                          the first time Shep gets fed on was painful to watch, yet I could not look away. It's almost like you can feel his pain.....that scene was brutal. Even Kolya looked almost shocked by witnessing it and I didn't think anything bothered him!

                          It goes on to

                          I think it was the second feeding when Shep looks at the Wraith out of the corner of his eye, then the tears after the feeding

                          and then

                          the scene of the crew members watching the feeding on the screen



                            Howdy all, well i'm back from some rather unsuccessful flat hunting....i'm stressed, i'm tired and there are so many pages to read that i feel well and truly left out AND to top it off my sister got a clone before hoo

                            Ah well, all is forgiven...

                            Top three whump eps...hmmmmmm.....

                            38 minutes, defiant one and then common ground and reasons????

                            38 minutes...sustained whump and recovery scene and screaming in pain to the entire of atlantis

                            defiant one...admittance of broke ribs at the end, the fact that hes all heroic and shouty

                            common ground.....obvious reasons but falls to three because
                            there is no recovery scenes or admittance of anything..

                            conversion.....its good, theres whump, theres an informary scene but there could have been much much more

                            how is everyone then??
                            Last edited by obsessed1; 05 September 2006, 02:49 PM.


                              Dang! How could I forget The Defiant One?



                                Originally posted by iheartshep
                                Dang! How could I forget The Defiant One?

                                For shame
                                You can't forget TDO... its oh so good

                                By Kidwizz

                                By JessM

