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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    I love that Sheppard wears the military boots but wears them half-laced and messy looking... it's SO Sheppard, just like the non-reg haircut!
    Every time I see those boots, I keep expecting them to end up on a planet with blizzard. They look like snow boots!

    And speaking of clothing surprised no one has mentioned his yet, but there was one tiny appearance of the boxers - right as Shep picks up the Genii comm device at the end, he bends over and you catch a glimpse.


      Originally posted by JuneBug625
      Hi everybody! This will be my first venture into this particular thread (I have lurked previously but never posted). I usually whump (and thunk) elsewhere, but I couldn't resist posting after seeing Common Ground:

      The acting that JF did in that episode? GOD. So gripping! I agree with everything you all have been saying about acting with the eyes and the way his eyes and his gasping conveyed so much during that first feeding (and the second as well). He acted the pain so well!

      WOW! Absolutely fabulous episode. I think I may have to turn over a new whump leaf

      Cheers, All!
      Indeed. Just incredible isn't it? I mean, obviously I love JF anyway but man he just blew me away in this ep...


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        I'd love to rad everyone's tags but don't want to "pollute" myself before writing mine, if that makes any sense... I really must make a start on it...

        Maybe rewatch edited highlights first just to get myself in the mood...

        I totally understand your approach, Ali. That's one of the reasons I find it hard to read fic while writing! I can't wait to see yours, and read Lauriel's!

        Linzi, was that 6000????? I send congratulations!

        Someone mentioned Irresponsible before, and I must comment
        I don't think Lucius is as comic a character as some are saying. The overall effect of his potion was comical, but the character of Lucius is just as dangerous as any enemy. I thought him selfish and coniving, willing to go to any lengths to get what he wanted. He was more than happy to send people to a Wraith infested planet to get his herb, and turn the people of Atlantis against Sheppard, the one person he couldn't bring under his sway. And, he knew what he was doing was wrong.

        End of rant. Now, I really do need to change laptops and get to work. Catching up from two weeks off has been difficult.


          Originally posted by caty
          Really?? I feel kinda close to Joe now
          I know! Isn't that awesome?! And totally squee-worthy!!

          Someone we kinda "know" and chat too passed on our comments to Joe and he replied.. how freakin cool is that?!! It feels almost like we're talking to Joe!


            Originally posted by Lorr
            I totally understand your approach, Ali. That's one of the reasons I find it hard to read fic while writing! I can't wait to see yours, and read Lauriel's!

            Linzi, was that 6000????? I send congratulations!

            Someone mentioned Irresponsible before, and I must comment
            I don't think Lucius is as comic a character as some are saying. The overall effect of his potion was comical, but the character of Lucius is just as dangerous as any enemy. I thought him selfish and coniving, willing to go to any lengths to get what he wanted. He was more than happy to send people to a Wraith infested planet to get his herb, and turn the people of Atlantis against Sheppard, the one person he couldn't bring under his sway. And, he knew what he was doing was wrong.

            End of rant. Now, I really do need to change laptops and get to work. Catching up from two weeks off has been difficult.
            Yes it was!Thanks! I agree about Lucius.


              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              I know! Isn't that awesome?! And totally squee-worthy!!

              Someone we kinda "know" and chat too passed on our comments to Joe and he replied.. how freakin cool is that?!! It feels almost like we're talking to Joe!
              Yep it does. Isn't that nice! I love BamBam. He's such a nice guy at the best of times, but that was really a lovely thing to do!!!!!!


                A plethora of screencaps from COMMON GROUND can be found at

                Atlantis 3.7 Common Ground screencaps by tehshroom:



                  Originally posted by prion
                  And speaking of clothing surprised no one has mentioned his yet, but there was one tiny appearance of the boxers - right as Shep picks up the Genii comm device at the end, he bends over and you catch a glimpse.

                  Eeeep. *runs off to replay and check for boxer peekage*


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    Eeeep. *runs off to replay and check for boxer peekage*
                    I'm embarrassed to say I did notice when I first watched the episode!!!!!


                      Originally posted by JuneBug625
                      Hi everybody! This will be my first venture into this particular thread (I have lurked previously but never posted). I usually whump (and thunk) elsewhere, but I couldn't resist posting after seeing Common Ground:

                      The acting that JF did in that episode? GOD. So gripping! I agree with everything you all have been saying about acting with the eyes and the way his eyes and his gasping conveyed so much during that first feeding (and the second as well). He acted the pain so well!

                      WOW! Absolutely fabulous episode. I think I may have to turn over a new whump leaf

                      Cheers, All!

                      We are always happy to welcome new Shep whumpers!!!!


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Yep it does. Isn't that nice! I love BamBam. He's such a nice guy at the best of times, but that was really a lovely thing to do!!!!!!
                        That was fantastic! He always does that, he's the best!

                        Belated CONGRATULATIONS on 6,000 Linzi! Wow!
                        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                          *stares at SLC's new sig*


                            It was sweet of Bam Bam to do that, but then it's real sweet of him to take so much time out to post here anyway, particularly when he gets asked so many stupid questions. I'm proud to say that my fellow whumpers always have the good sense to ask him appropriate questions.


                              Originally posted by Josie
                              *stares at SLC's new sig*

                              Very cute...thanks Josie!


                                Okay now regarding Phantoms
                                that is the second time that BamBam has hinted that Ronon shoots at Shep!!! I so hope it means that he actually shots him for real. Although it is very unlikely because with the gun Ronon has he would actually kill him

