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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Pheeeewww... I was wondering what that whiff was...
    Yep......thats me!!!

    Originally posted by charlie24 View Post
    That sound good -may I join I am clpm_9 on lj

    That would be good
    You have been approved sweetie!

    Glad to know most people will be hanging around for lots of shumpy goodness and to enjoy whatever the future brings to our wonderful Joe


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      In an attempt to kick my muses ass into gear and probably due to the fact that i've finally lost my sanity....

      In true Rhymer tradition... well it would be if I was Rhymer... *cough*

      Sheppard whump to be sung to the tune of Time Warp... if you don't know it... well I feel really old...

      No spoilers

      Shep's astounding, while he's sleeping
      But whumping takes its toll

      So listen closely, not for very much longer
      As evil takes control..

      Shep remembers doing the TIme Warp
      Drinking those moments when
      The whump would hit him and the confusion would be calling

      Let's do the whumping again...
      Let's do the whumping again!

      It's just a jolt to the left

      And then a bug on his right

      With Sheps hands on your his hips

      Thunkers squee at the sight
      But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives the whumpers insane,

      Oooh look it's buggy Shep again!

      It's been a long day. And i'm having an SGA marathon with 38 minutes and Vegas.... he looks even hotter on a 32 inch screen. *fans self*
      Yup, you are bonkers!...*luffs Peggy even more*.

      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      Giving up on the franchise? I'm not. I'll watch the movies when they come out. I'm still planning on watching the first ep of SGU. I'm hoping for good things. I almost didn't watch SGA (huge SG-1 and Daniel fan - didn't think anything or anyone could ever replace them) and I would have really missed out if I hadn't tuned in (including all of the lovely whumpers!).

      Even if I don't care for SGU, I'll still be hanging around here. You guys are family! *squishy hug*
      *holds hand up*..I was into SG1 first as well and was a HUGE RDA fan at the time, it was that that got me into fan fic reading, I didn't know such stuff existed til then and it was a revelation!!. I will watch the first ep of SGU to see what its like, and then make my mind up after that as to weather to carry on watching or not.

      I luffs my whumper peeps and won't be leaving here, as I have far too many friends to stay in touch with and squee with over new fic and movies and JF's new show when he gets one.

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Glad to know most people will be hanging around for lots of shumpy goodness and to enjoy whatever the future brings to our wonderful Joe

      my fan fiction place


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Yep......thats me!!!

        You have been approved sweetie!

        Glad to know most people will be hanging around for lots of shumpy goodness and to enjoy whatever the future brings to our wonderful Joe
        I've been meaning to tell you about your distinctive odour... but Ali kindly did it for me!

        Oh, I'm staying around too! I'll always adore Sheppard! I'll always be a fan of SGA and I can't wait for the movie! As for Joe? Oh I'd follow him to any show, no question. He's a star in my eyes! I don't know about SGU. We'll see. I am a scifi fan, but certain things have irked me about it.

        I saw Vegas in HD last night, and, um, again this morning! I loved it as much as I did the first two times! Joe was so good in it. AND... we actually got a teaser at the end for EatG, which Sky NEVER do! Wow! The trailer was AWESOME! It had LOADS of Sheppard in it and looked really exciting and incredible and is better than any MGM or Skiffy promo I've ever seen! Sky know who the lead man is! I'm totally tanked up now and can't wait till next Tuesday!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Oh yeah, Sheppy looked hot!


          pegasus love the timewarp pic fic - and yes love the original too as Im old enough to remember it

          saf love the new pic fic!!!
          Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


            Just to add my own two cents regards the franchise. I used to watch the odd episode of SG-1 if i was i and it was on, but Atlantis got me hook line and sinker! (Which led me to buying all of SG-1 as well so i could "catch-up" ) I've never got into a fandom like i have with SGA and i'm not giving up on that just yet - so i'll still be knocking around once S5 is done. Heck we've still got the movie/s to come yet! *crosses fingers*
            And i'll give SGU a go, and i hope it succeeds (more chance of more SGA that way...), but i seriously doubt i'll get into the fandom side of this one...

            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            yeah, it is! for the rest of the 848!! Vegas pictures, go here:

            Courtesy of Cori from the thunk thread. I hope he doesn´t mind!
            Oh my, there goes any idea i had about doing any work today...

            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            In an attempt to kick my muses ass into gear and probably due to the fact that i've finally lost my sanity....

            In true Rhymer tradition... well it would be if I was Rhymer... *cough*

            Sheppard whump to be sung to the tune of Time Warp... if you don't know it... well I feel really old...

            No spoilers
            Bwahahahaha!!! That is just too funny

            Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
            And I can just see Shep as Dr Franknfurter.... ok, maybe not
            Oh good god no.... that is too disturbing! lol
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              Just to add my own two cents regards the franchise. I used to watch the odd episode of SG-1 if i was i and it was on, but Atlantis got me hook line and sinker! (Which led me to buying all of SG-1 as well so i could "catch-up" ) I've never got into a fandom like i have with SGA and i'm not giving up on that just yet - so i'll still be knocking around once S5 is done. Heck we've still got the movie/s to come yet! *crosses fingers*
              And i'll give SGU a go, and i hope it succeeds (more chance of more SGA that way...), but i seriously doubt i'll get into the fandom side of this one...
              Well I've done this fandom thing a few times before, I've tended to drift away a little bit but I've nver lost my passion for the shows. I'm still an active member of the TrekBBS despite there having been no series on the air - though I can't remember the last time I actually posted in one of the Trek related forums.


                I'm not planning on going anywhere, either. As for the franchise, I've never watched SG-1. It was actually attracted to SGA by seeing Sheppard in lots of icons on LJ, and my heart was won by seeing him in a repeat of The Defiant One - my first episode. Like many others, my love is for SGA, not the franchise.

                However, I do intend to give SGU a go. I remember being really biased against Firefly when it first aired - thought the premise sounded silly and that the characters sounded trite - and didn't bother watching it, until I heard good things about it, watched it a year later... and could have kicked myself for giving it a miss first time round. Every show I've been fannish about (a very short list) are ones I came to several years late, and I'd hate to avoid SGU at the start, only to find out two years later that I could have loved it. However, I rather suspect that my emotions will kick in, and I'll always resent it for not having Shep in it. I've always had problems enjoying a new series of novels by a favourite author, if my heart has already been given to the hero of a previous series.

                But at present... No plans to go anywhere, and lots of Shep whump stories still to tell...


                  ^I'm currently frustrated because I have so many Shep stories I want to tell (the book I've just finished has filled me with all kinds of wonderful whumpy scenarios) but I've really lost my confidence when it comes to writing so I'm not sure any of them will ever come to light.


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    ^I'm currently frustrated because I have so many Shep stories I want to tell (the book I've just finished has filled me with all kinds of wonderful whumpy scenarios) but I've really lost my confidence when it comes to writing so I'm not sure any of them will ever come to light.
                    How about you just write them for yourself, and then if you're happy with it you can post it for general consumption

                    Vegas sig, too spoilery to use me thinks

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Anyone want to request a story or give me a prompt? I'm between stories at the moment, and I really don't like the feeling. I do have an idea for a long story, but its subject matter is such that I want to see the final episode before I do any serious planning. (Yes, I know I could just go and watch the episode whenever I liked, but I very much want to wait.)

                      So I'm up for prompts for a short Shep whump story I can write in a few days - ideally something nice and indulgent that will help cheer me up, since several things (of which the end of Atlantis is definitely one) are making me sad at the moment.


                        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                        Anyone want to request a story or give me a prompt? I'm between stories at the moment, and I really don't like the feeling. I do have an idea for a long story, but its subject matter is such that I want to see the final episode before I do any serious planning. (Yes, I know I could just go and watch the episode whenever I liked, but I very much want to wait.)

                        So I'm up for prompts for a short Shep whump story I can write in a few days - ideally something nice and indulgent that will help cheer me up, since several things (of which the end of Atlantis is definitely one) are making me sad at the moment.

                        How about something with a hopped up, wide-eyed, crazy, hyperactive Shep?


                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          ^I'm currently frustrated because I have so many Shep stories I want to tell (the book I've just finished has filled me with all kinds of wonderful whumpy scenarios) but I've really lost my confidence when it comes to writing so I'm not sure any of them will ever come to light.
                          I seem to have completely lost my writing mojo. I have unfinished WIPs and plenty of ideas but I just don't seem to have any motivation or enthusiasm to write. I can't even face opening up Word and trying.


                            ^I'll have a flurry of activity and write a few chapters of something then read it back through decide its all a big pile of poo, cry, delete it all and declare I'm never writing anything again - only for the whole cycle to start again a couple of weeks later. I have stories screaming to make it out of my head but I just can't do the ideas justice.


                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              How about you just write them for yourself, and then if you're happy with it you can post it for general consumption

                              Vegas sig, too spoilery to use me thinks

                              That's beautiful, Cazz. Thanks for sharing!


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                Anyone want to request a story or give me a prompt? I'm between stories at the moment, and I really don't like the feeling. I do have an idea for a long story, but its subject matter is such that I want to see the final episode before I do any serious planning. (Yes, I know I could just go and watch the episode whenever I liked, but I very much want to wait.)

                                So I'm up for prompts for a short Shep whump story I can write in a few days - ideally something nice and indulgent that will help cheer me up, since several things (of which the end of Atlantis is definitely one) are making me sad at the moment.
                                How about Sheppard being with someone who doesn't think highly of him (like Landry or some new Marines) and Sheppard's injured but no one including Sheppard realizes how serious it is and so everyone keeps pushing Sheppard to suck it up?

