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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Josie
    I know that this is going to seem deeply impatient of me but I have heard several people say...
    (spoilers for Misbegotten)
    ...that they loved the bit with Shep and Woolsey but no one has actually said what happened.
    Woolsey is basically interviewing Sheppy about the current situation - and what he thinks of the decisions Weir has made and how she has or should have handled the situation.

    That's not the awesome bit though - the awesome bit (which all the Schweir shippers are squeeing over - though it's wonderful just from a friendship and character point of view) is that afterwards Shep comes to Weir's office and is quite worked up and asks her, sort of jokingly, how much trouble it would cause if he decked Woolsey. Weir says she never seen him like this and what did Woolsey say to wind him up and Shep tells her Woolsey was questioning every decision she (Weir) had ever made.

    Weir teases Sheppard about getting all worked up on her behalf, sayng "John Sheppard, are you defending my honour?" and Shep is kinda thrown by that and realises that yeah, he probably is a bit so sorta he sidesteps the issue by adding that Woolsey is also questioning his (Shep's) decisions is agreeing with Weir's plans. It's just a lovely character moment. There's a clip up on YouTube but I think you;ve said you can;t watch stuiff on there on dialup?

    What makes me laugh is that the Shep/Weir ship thread is BUZZING about this moment in Misbegotten and all squeeing about how cute and "definitely flirty" it is - and yet half of those same people on there are the ones who have been villifying Shep for flirting and "kirking" over that clip in NML!!


      Originally posted by SGAFan

      I suspected it last week but I'm positive now. Season 3 has a lot more edge to it (and I LOVE it) Shep, lethal in hand to hand with his knife. Did you all see that? Killing blow. Never seen Shep even come close to killing anything without a gun. I liked it, it fit well. And Teyla using lethal force as well. Something never even hinted at in season 2. (although I suspected Teyla was capible of lethal hand to hand moves, not just in skill but in who she is too)
      Gotta agree with this point - I think I even mentioned it in my comments on the ep. I loved that moment where he took the Wraith out with the knife. For two seasons we've seen him carrying that knife around on the back of his belt and hardly ever seen him use it. Only in TDO I think when he was out of ammo and stabbed the Wraith through the hand.

      I loved seeing him go all kinda special ops and take the Wraith down silently and quickly. All kinds of awesome. I'd been saying on the Shep discussion thread that I wanted to see more of Soldier Sheppy, see that he is a trained fighter and has that dark side and can and will kill.

      You're so right as well that we have never seen Sheppy kill other than by firing a gun at something. Coming in close and personal and killing an enemy - BANG! In one swift move - with a knife is definitely darker and edgier. I like it!


        As Shep would say, we have to "stay positive now" so - on with the whump!

        Except I have to go do some ironing now and then am out for a bit later so I will try to whump later!

        Yes any new fic? I keep forgetting to say I have caught up now and it has been the thing that has kept me going through all the nastiness!!!

        You are all fabberlus and I luffs ya!!!!!!!!!!

        (who loves the whump so much she could burst!!)
        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by Alipeeps
          Woolsey is basically interviewing Sheppy about the current situation - and what he thinks of the decisions Weir has made and how she has or should have handled the situation.

          That's not the awesome bit though - the awesome bit (which all the Schweir shippers are squeeing over - though it's wonderful just from a friendship and character point of view) is that afterwards Shep comes to Weir's office and is quite worked up and asks her, sort of jokingly, how much trouble it would cause if he decked Woolsey. Weir says she never seen him like this and what did Woolsey say to wind him up and Shep tells her Woolsey was questioning every decision she (Weir) had ever made.

          Weir teases Sheppard about getting all worked up on her behalf, sayng "John Sheppard, are you defending my honour?" and Shep is kinda thrown by that and realises that yeah, he probably is a bit so sorta he sidesteps the issue by adding that Woolsey is also questioning his (Shep's) decisions is agreeing with Weir's plans. It's just a lovely character moment. There's a clip up on YouTube but I think you;ve said you can;t watch stuiff on there on dialup?

          What makes me laugh is that the Shep/Weir ship thread is BUZZING about this moment in Misbegotten and all squeeing about how cute and "definitely flirty" it is - and yet half of those same people on there are the ones who have been villifying Shep for flirting and "kirking" over that clip in NML!!
          Thanks Ali

          spoliers for Misbegotten
          I kind of got the impression there was something that had made the sparky shippers happy bunnies. Good for them. I have a soft spot for the Shep/Weir relationship myself.

          I've been around internet fandoms long enough that I have a lot of experience of shippers, have even been one myself (hopeless romantic that I am) and I know they can be a seemingly odd bunch and at times downright scary but that extreme is very much the minority.


            Erk. I just made a foolish mistake and gave in to the temptation to have a nosey on the anti-Shep thread. Wow. Just... wow. I didn't think it was possible but the villification and hatred has actually intensified since the latest ep. Oh and apaprently those of us who don't like the Shep-bashing are mindless types who drool and squee over everything he does and like him just because he's pretty and have no capacity for objective criticism. Or something like that.

            They're obviously reading different threads from me as well as watching a different show than me. I'm not even going to go into how much i disagree with the nastiness on that thread in here cos a) we don;t need the negativity and b) I don't want us to get modded again for discussing responses to other threads within this one.

            I just. Words fail me. I can't see how people get enjoyment out of such negativity. If a show annoyed me that much - I'd stop watching!

            So. I feel like I need cheering up. Whumpage anyone?



              Afternoon Happy Campers! Congrats to the milestoners and thank you to all the people who posted whump today! After seeing Misbegotten I was a little whump deprived!


                By next week this time and no matter what episode we'll finally see, they'll have found another reason to hate shep. It is almost funny..

                so, my favorite pic


                  I think Shep was kind of a jerk to Carson though. Even though I think that I don't get why all these people hate Shep so much!!!


                    We must make a pact not to go to these threads Ali!
                    Whatever you say and do you will be wrong so it is a waste of breath! You cannot reason with people who have no capacity for open-mindedness. Just because we like a character we are not blind to their faults and if they do things that we don't like we do say so!! We are not mindless idiots - but there is just no point in trying to put your point across cos they are not capable of reasoned thought!

                    Shep/Joe doesn't need us defending him on those threads - he doesn't need defending at all because he has done nothing wrong!!

                    Goodness I am feeling whumped myself now!!

                    Someone post some gorgeous whumpy pics for us all to enjoy!

                    sig by SheppyD
                    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                    So he just looks crazy


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps
                      Gotta agree with this point - I think I even mentioned it in my comments on the ep. I loved that moment where he took the Wraith out with the knife. For two seasons we've seen him carrying that knife around on the back of his belt and hardly ever seen him use it. Only in TDO I think when he was out of ammo and stabbed the Wraith through the hand.

                      I loved seeing him go all kinda special ops and take the Wraith down silently and quickly. All kinds of awesome. I'd been saying on the Shep discussion thread that I wanted to see more of Soldier Sheppy, see that he is a trained fighter and has that dark side and can and will kill.

                      You're so right as well that we have never seen Sheppy kill other than by firing a gun at something. Coming in close and personal and killing an enemy - BANG! In one swift move - with a knife is definitely darker and edgier. I like it!


                      Oh me too!! Just loved it. And Teyla too. Not one second thought about what they did... or a moments hesitation.

                      I love the special ops stuff! I've wanted to see him do more solder stuff too, he IS the military commander afterall *G* and anything that gets at that part of him can do nothing but add to the depth of his character.

                      On the topic of hand to hand killing. Yes, this is the first time we've seen him really use his knife (besides TDO and pullind dogtags off a body in CdE LOL) Kiling with a gun, and killing with your hands are two different beasts. It says something more when you not only have the skills but the ability to kill in hand to hand. I always suspected that he had both skill and capacity to do it (Teyla too) but to see it, again adds to his character. It really shows that complexity of his personality. He's so easy going most of the time, but it hides a darker, edgier side that is very much a part of him. I think I've said this before but if I had to compare him to an animal I'd chose a badger. He's easy going, but if you back him into a corner, he'll open up a can of whup a** on you with an intensity you'd never expect and faster than you can say "Whoops! Maybe I shouldn't have gotten him riled" *G*
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        Originally posted by SGAFan

                        Oh me too!! Just loved it. And Teyla too. Not one second thought about what they did... or a moments hesitation.

                        I love the special ops stuff! I've wanted to see him do more solder stuff too, he IS the military commander afterall *G* and anything that gets at that part of him can do nothing but add to the depth of his character.

                        On the topic of hand to hand killing. Yes, this is the first time we've seen him really use his knife (besides TDO and pullind dogtags off a body in CdE LOL) Kiling with a gun, and killing with your hands are two different beasts. It says something more when you not only have the skills but the ability to kill in hand to hand. I always suspected that he had both skill and capacity to do it (Teyla too) but to see it, again adds to his character. It really shows that complexity of his personality. He's so easy going most of the time, but it hides a darker, edgier side that is very much a part of him. I think I've said this before but if I had to compare him to an animal I'd chose a badger. He's easy going, but if you back him into a corner, he'll open up a can of whup a** on you with an intensity you'd never expect and faster than you can say "Whoops! Maybe I shouldn't have gotten him riled" *G*
                        Firstly, ITA with everything you've said there. Secondly, how much do I love the phrase "open up a can of whup ass on you"?! Just love it!




                            *giggle* Thanks. It seemed to fit.

                            Well that and "He'll hit you with ten different varities of Kick A***..." but the first one is easier to say.
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              oooh, whump pics!!

                              *hugs Shep*
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                Hey, almost page 2 again. And that after I've just read 15 pages to catch up from yesterday. Took me hours, though cause I couldn't resist in reading people's comments on the threads you were talking about. Can't believe what some of them are saying about Sheppy. How can you be so mean? Some even wished him 'death in every episode'. Now that's just mean and made me really sad..
                                Anyway, I'm over that now. These people have NO CLUE and hate him just because he looks good (and that is THE ONLY reason)... That was the last time I've visited any of these threads. I've given up on teh episode threads halfway through the second season, cause these people like to take the whole ep apart until there's nothing left of it and don't realize it's not even meant to be perfectly reasonable, as they would have no show to shoot. Imagine we found a perfect plan to every problem and nothing ever went wrong. Boy, would that show be exciting!

                                We just shouldn't let the bad things said about Shep bother us. All the 'Who is your favorite character'-threads show that Shep gets a lot of votes, and there's always a few who think differently.
                                I've also asked the mods to create a thread that asks if people like the character of John Sheppard. You'll see, the majority of us is gonna vote for him...
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

