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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Gigajules View Post
    Doing a quick fly-by to thank everybody who read the Geekly and laughed. It made my week!
    It was INCREDIBLY funny!!..Thank you for posting it.

    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
    *runs in before she has to run off to work*

    Hi Whumpers! Hugs and smoochies to you all

    anyway, I finished Spirit, and I know a couple people had mentioned that they didn't want to read it until it was done. Well, it is. LOL Last chapter delayed by my injured finger, but considering I'm down to a light bandage now I can type and fullfill my muse's demands.

    Anyway, Spirit complete!

    OOOooohhh!! ficcy to snurch and read..*stashes it away for later*.

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Josie. You were saying you hadn't seen that BamBam comment about GitM? I found it!
    Loving the sound of GitM now, especially after the fulfillment of the first prediction...

    *sigh*...Oh well, off to work now..later peeps...Congrats to the milestoners and HELLOOOO!! to Diane.

    my fan fiction place


      Wow! It isn't even 1:00 am and BT is already up on iTunes!

      Time for me to go. Less than 7 days till DV!


        Good morning world!

        Last week I avoided this thread before watching The Seed but I have read so many spoilers for BT that I feel like I've already watched the episode and, if I'm being completely honest, I've never been a big fan of Ronon-centric stories and the Ronon-Sheppard friendship thing leaves me a little cold so I'm not as excited as I could be all things considered. Still new SGA is never a bad thing and the promo for TDV looks amazing - I certainly will not be spoiling myself for that one.


          I forgot something about Broken Ties
          the humor. There are a few seriously funny gags in this ep. One I almost missed was right at the end, in the conference room. Watch Shep with the coffee. I wonder if that was JF goofing off, not realizing he was in frame or if it was in the script.

          Now I must go to bed. I need to be up in about 6 hours.

          TDV does look exciting.

          Good morning, Great Britain!


            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post

            Multiple comiccon pics from the Stargate panels - oh, and one pic I guess reflects some truth with tonights ep BT - contrast RP and JF.

            These are the big pics I tried to post earlier. JF hand porn?
            Thanks for those, Vecturist.

            Wow it sure is quiet in here. Well, I've watched Broken Ties and I generally liked it.

            Loved the humour and although we didn't get that much whump, what we had was fine. Most of it was emo-whump.

            Here's some pics of the main physical whump. Spoiler for Broken Ties.


            Kneeling before Ronon and the Wraith.

            I particularly loved the way they used Mr. Woolsey in this episode and my fears that he won't fit in have been definitely put aside. The door bit was the best.

            My only complaint:- The interaction between Ronon and Shep was too short. I would have liked something more.



              loved the shep/dex interaction... and
              this shex slasher in me loved that he called out Shep's name when he woke up



                I loved BT. Great episode for Ronon with a wonderful B line story.


                Liked the whump and thought it was about the right level here. Any more and it's have been making Shep look a bit too weak, IMO.

                Good story, loved the B one particularly. Jason was great! Joe was as awesome as ever! SQUEEE!

                Of course I like S and R and The Seed more, but this was a great episode and I really enjoyed it.

                Oh, I'm loving Woolsey!


                  Well I've seen BT and I enjoyed it but it's not an episode I'm ever going to be hugely squeeeful about or probably rewatch much.

                  I love Ronon's character but tbh I love him interacting with the rest of the team, not just Ronon on his own. The Ronon story was interesting enough but even being mostly spoiler-free I could pretty much see where it was going to go. I probably liked the B story of Teyla's choice better. Again though there really felt like there was a real focus on the characters in this episode with lots of lovely character moments - am loving this about Season 5 and hope it continues. Everything from Teyla's choice (and Woolsey's reactions to her indecision and John's (oh and I love the way both McKay and Keller quickly made excuses and exited stage right when they say the conversation brewing! ) too and Kanaan's (and I love TPTB for not making Kanaan the bad guy and putting pressure on her to choose him/the baby etc - nice to actually see Kanaan back to his old self and really, for the first time, see something of the man Teyla fell in love with)) to Sheppard's determination to find Ronon, to McKay staying up all night trying to figure out ideas, to Woolsey's development (loved him kinda making them ask for permission, like kids!) etc etc. I'm liking what they're doing with Woolsey - he's still by the book and pedantic at times (like with the permission thing) but he's also a bit more human than we've seen him in the past - they're portraying him as someone who is stiff and by the book bot for the sake of it or to annoy people but because that's what he believes in and because that is his nature - he is a little stiff and awkward socially etc. The man finds a suit "more comfortable"!

                  So yeah, overall the plot didn't grab me hugely and I kinda felt they dragged out the process of turning Ronon a bit much - I get what you're doing, I don't need to see it over and over to get it. But I suppose that was intended to show the long and painful nature of the process. Jason did do an incredible job but I'm not as emotionally invested in his character as e.g. Shep so it didn't grip me as much.

                  I did like the emotional whump for Sheppard - both his stubborn insistence in the cell that they would get Ronon back (I saw in that scene a glimpse of the Sheppard who defied orders to go back for Holland etc in Afghanistan - his adamant refusal to give up on someone, no matter what the circumstances. Mind you, I do wonder in retrospect if they had already planned the double-cross with Tyre before going into the base - but if so why would Rodney be flapping so?) and his watching Ronon detox. Once again, Joe absolutely sells Sheppard's feelings with the need for words.

                  All in all a good episode but one that just didn't quite grab me overall. Lots of little moments to enjoy though. Oh and some fab humour moments, from Sheppard's "I'm not going to bathe with you" to Teyla leaving Woolsey with the baby etc.

                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  I forgot something about Broken Ties
                  the humor. There are a few seriously funny gags in this ep. One I almost missed was right at the end, in the conference room. Watch Shep with the coffee. I wonder if that was JF goofing off, not realizing he was in frame or if it was in the script.
                  Oh absolutely! I burst out laughing in that scene and had to rewind and show hubby what I'd seen!

                  I said to hubby, "Watch Sheppard in this scene - I think he's just taken a sip of his coffee and realised it's cold!" Such a lovely little touch, just brilliant. I've no idea if it was scripted or Joe ad-libbing but it was fab!

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                  Liked the whump and thought it was about the right level here. Any more and it's have been making Shep look a bit too weak, IMO.
                  I'm with you there.

                  I realise I may have to hand in my whumper credentials for saying this but I think any kind of serious whump for the third episode in a row would have been too much. There's a fine line between portraying Sheppard as the stoic hero who battles on despite injury and as a reckless or clumsy guy who manages to get himself injured every time. I liked the whump here - both the punch to the face which must have stunned him a little as the Wraith dragged him off, holding him up, and the very nice kick to the back of the legs to drop him to his knees. There was of course also lovely emo whump both when he was - again - on his knees facing a Wraith (jeez, even the boy Wraith like Sheppard on his knees, not just the queens! ) and of course with all the process of Ronon's recovery.

                  So what's next week's episode then? The Daedalus Variations? Does it look good?


                    The Daedalus Variations looks great, I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying it looks like a great team action/adventure ep and its one of the episodes I've been most looking forward to.

                    As for Broken Ties:
                    I was rather bored by this and found myself paying more attention to painting my nails than actually watching the screen. As Ali said above Ronon is at his best when interacting with other people. I'd take that further, IMO on his own he's actually rather dull - sorry! I do like Ronon but prefer him in his more comedic moments. And all that business about "Satedan honour" - they made them sound like Klingons.

                    I did however love Teyla in this episode, I thought it was well played out and I liked that Kanaan is being so supportive of her - I hope that we get to see their relationship played out a little more. I actually rather like the idea of one of the main characters being settled down, its why I didn't mind Rodney/Katie and I have to confess I think Rodney/Keller is kinda sweet , it just adds another level and breaks the mould of TV heroes a little bit.

                    The scene where Sheppard confronts her about making her mind up was well done, a nice little bit of acting by both Rachel and Joe.

                    And I have to hold my hands up and say that they are doing a great job with Woolsey, he's officious and matter of fact but also compassionate. I think his scenes with Teyla were lovely and I liked that they showed him to be concerned for not only Ronon but Tyre.



                      My thoughts on Broken Ties are on my LJ.

                      The next episode looks interesting.
                      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                      Sig and avi by me


                        Morning all! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. I won't be on much today or tomorrow so I look forward to reading what everyone has to say later.

                        And I just got my first red (I have no idea why though). I'm not sure if I should be proud or insulted.
                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          Morning all! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. I won't be on much today or tomorrow so I look forward to reading what everyone has to say later.

                          And I just got my first red (I have no idea why though). I'm not sure if I should be proud or insulted.
                          I never got a red. I guess I'm too much of the good girl. *wants a red*
                          My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                          Sig and avi by me


                            Poor ruffles! You didn't get an explanation then? Or for which post it was? I've never given anyone red I think.. never gotten one either. I'm just as good as Erika

                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            Hi whumpers!

                            How are you holding up until Broken Ties, in.. less than 2 hours, right?!
                            Well, for most of you, that is...

                            Something to pass the time....

                            Shep & Whumpers pic fic (16)


                            incl S&R and The Seed spoilers(pics)
                            I was laughing so hard at the end

                            Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                            Gotta be quick...Dr Who is on, but had to show off the new Common Ground sigs that Cazz made me!!! Two!!!


                            Very nice cc!!! Gorgeous as always Cazz

                            Just seen BT together with Putschki. I gotta say, it's really nice watching it with a fellow SG fan, who happens to like the same characters as I do.

                            Broken Ties
                            I was personally blown away by it. I knew nothing, except Tyre would be in there and Shep on his knees So I was surprised so many times! Jason was fantastic! I had tears in my eyes twice, which I don't have quickly. When Ronon speaks to Tyre, and at the end with the sword.. *sniff* and goosebumps a few times as well. I was saying to Schki I was expecting it to be good-Ronon against bad-Tyre, so I was amazed. I think the acting was phenomenal in this one.

                            I also really liked the others in this. Woolsey was great, I totally understood Teyla with her struggle, loved Kanaan, Rodney with his bath tub , Shep on his knees..

                            No mega physical whump, but I can live with it. Now the emo whump! Oh my.. And I even liked Keller in this one again. So that's looking good as well

                            No idea about next week's ep. Is it The Daedalus Variations? I know nothing, and will keep it that way
                            Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                            Save Our Seeker!
                            LotS on LJ.


                              Reds are an occupational hazard of posting in gen discussion threads... some folks just can't accept, no matter what, that other people are entitled to have - and express - a different opinion to them.


                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                Morning all! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. I won't be on much today or tomorrow so I look forward to reading what everyone has to say later.

                                And I just got my first red (I have no idea why though). I'm not sure if I should be proud or insulted.
                                Huh! Wear it with pride! You're fortunate the person didn't give a rude message, because it's a pain having to get a mod to get rid of it!

                                Daedy Variations looks totally and absolutely AWESOME! I can't wait!

