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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
    Shep Needs Your Help!!

    Shep - Ronon what are ya doing with that gun?
    Ronon - I'm getting rid of the competition, Sheppard, because I wanna win the H & H of Atlantis Members.

    Shep - You can't mean that.
    Ronon - Yes I do. So goodbye Sheppard, it's time to take a long nap.


    I posted this before reading about the potential whump in BT. What can I say other than - SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
    Very good, Astral!
    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    What is that high pitched noise coming from the Whump thread? Could it be excitement?
    Yeah, argh, I believe it is.
    My ears are gonna bleed!

    **woo hoo** happy dances!
    We made Shep's ears bleed with our squeeing?! Woo hoo! Go Whumpers!
    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    Oooooooooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Goooooooooooooooooooood! *thuds* *boinks head on floor* *bleeds to death* *ascends and tries to look into the future .. can it be true?* *gets kicked out for being too snoopy* *comes down hard again* THUDS AGAIN!

    Wooooot!! I really hope this is true!!! Oh, my, well JM said in his blog that

    that BT will deal with the friendship between Shep and Ronon to really intensify, well not in these exact words, but *faints again*


    *nods like crazy* ITA! I guess it´s true then, there were no pics because they would be too spoilerish. *Well, here´s hoping...*

    Astraldust - that was great!

    SQUEE indeed!
    Originally posted by chensuu View Post
    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh this is just the best spoily news ever. I was looking forward to this ep before, but now I can barely contain my excitement! Guilt, angst, whump, hurt comfort...OMG!

    I swear my heart is doing whumpy flip-flops!
    Oh mine did too. I kid you not when I say dogs for miles around were barking at my high pitched squeeing first things this morning. Good job the oiks were at school and hubby was at work!
    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    Thank you! I had to put that tiny mention of blood in, just so I can keep my Shep whumping membership card, and not get kicked out in disgrace.

    *beams happily* That's great! I won't place too many hopes on the "serious", since I've been burnt in the past, but any damage - even if he just causes Shep to stub his toe in a way that really hurts - has such wonderful potential, especially since this episode is supposed to have good Ronon and Sheppard emotional moments. *bounces excitedly*

    Oh, I agree with you here. Shep's not going to be seriously whumped, I'm certain. But I think he'll be beaten around a lot. And I think it'll all be really angsty because Ronon is doing it while Shep is hopefully trying to reason with his friend. Shep could stub his toe, you never know, and it's really painful, I know from experience!

    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
    OT, but has possible whump research uses:
    I did a charity walk on Sunday, which was 27 miles (one end of the Isle of Wight to the other) in full, though I "only" did the second half - 14.5 miles. And, oh! did it whump me! For the last few miles I felt as if my hips and knees were going out of joint with every step. I cried for the last mile, and I just started shaking uncontrollably when I got home, and spent the evening alternating between icy cold and sweltering heat, feeling weepy and queasy and dizzy. I then couldn't sleep, because the pain in my legs woke me whenever I tried to roll over. I'm still seriously hobbling two days later, though am getting a lot better.

    All of which I offer up in the interests of research. It's not just bullets; mere walking can whump people just as badly.
    I did a 12 mile walk some years ago for charity and I got blisters under my big toe nails! They hurt like hell! I hope you feel better soon!


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      OT, but has possible whump research uses:
      I did a charity walk on Sunday, which was 27 miles (one end of the Isle of Wight to the other) in full, though I "only" did the second half - 14.5 miles. And, oh! did it whump me! For the last few miles I felt as if my hips and knees were going out of joint with every step. I cried for the last mile, and I just started shaking uncontrollably when I got home, and spent the evening alternating between icy cold and sweltering heat, feeling weepy and queasy and dizzy. I then couldn't sleep, because the pain in my legs woke me whenever I tried to roll over. I'm still seriously hobbling two days later, though am getting a lot better.

      All of which I offer up in the interests of research. It's not just bullets; mere walking can whump people just as badly.
      Ooow, sounds rough! Hope you recover soon

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I did a 12 mile walk some years ago for charity and I got blisters under my big toe nails! They hurt like hell! I hope you feel better soon!

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Well, this kinda inspired me.....

        Shep and the Whumpers (21) "Just talks"

        s4 pics and BT possibles.....


        Ronon: You´re still serious about this?
        Shep: Yeah, it´s what they want. You´re gonna hurt me real bad! In front of them!

        Shep: I bet they´re gonna pass out over me lying all bleeding on the floor!
        Ronon: You think? What makes you think they´ll stop asking for it if I do that? Besides.... they know we´re friends.... I would never do that. Would be totally out of character.

        Shep. Well, then we just have to make it LOOK like you´re gone mad or something. Load up on the Wraith Enzyme like Ford... they´ll totally buy that!
        Ronon: Why would I do that?!

        Shep: Well, I guess it´s time for our guest star to reappear, what´s his name? Tyre! Give him a call, he´s on for a part in season 5!! Oh, and he´s got to force you into it... you guys are friends....
        Ronon: I can do that! But you do know, that it will hurt, right?

        Ronon: If I do this, I´ll go right at it, no holding backs, no bars, no restraints and I can´t promise you to make it through without broken bones and a potential coma. I´m out of control in that way, especially on the Enzyme!
        Shep: Hm, well if you put it like that....

        Shep: Yeah, forget it! I mean it´s not like they even know about this yet. No need to get mad about something they don´t know about.
        Ronon: If you say so....

        Shep: You have NOT told this to anybody yet, have you?!
        Ronon: Would never do that! You´re my friend, buddy!
        Shep: If this was leaked....they would just DEMAND it to happen, you know that!
        Ronon: I did not tell this to anybody. Really, this stays between us!

        Shep: Good! I guess I just have to trust you on this!
        Ronon: Yep.

        Very happy whumper here....

        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


          The hills are alive with the sound of music...... no wait thats not what I wanted to say...... oh I remember

          The thread is alive with the wonderful fab sound of Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          OMG You have no idea how much I wanted to come home to chat on here and let my squee out. Linz told me the fabby TB news and I was at work so had to be well behaved, however my colleagues did seem to be quite intrigued at the fact I seemed to be working really hard and suddenly let out a "OMG NO WAY!" rather loudly see I restrained myself I held in my squee for a whole day!!!!

          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          Fic rec: The Youngest Son by rhymer. Not any real whump (OK, a mention of blood), but it's hysterically funny.

          *squishy hug*
          LOL that was funny

          Originally posted by caty View Post
          *sneaks in* Hi whumpers!! Long time no see! *sneaks out*
          OMG Caty Hello!!!! hope you are doing ok hun!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          OMG SQUEEEEE!!!!!!

          READ THIS! Thanks to Morjana, with spoilers for Broken Ties!

          Excerpt, BT.

          Also look for the return of the Wraith-worshipping Satedan Tyre (Mark Dacascos) in an episode in which he captures Ronon (Jason Momoa) and attempts to sacrifice him to the Wraith. Ronon is given so much Wraith enzyme in the episode that he gives in completely to his dark side and apparently does some serious damage to Sheppard (Joe Flanigan).
          Spoilers for squee and BT stuff!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!
          OMG this going to hurt in more ways than one for poor Sheppy. I mean the phsyical and emotional potential is unreal!! Not to get totally over excited.....ok I am so who cares, I am so full of squee, but just imagine how good his could be, I mean Ronon is big and strong and tough and will beat Sheppy up I mean look what happened in the past when they where just sparring or playing games. Plus Sheppard is just going to want to defend himself while reasoning with Ronon trying to ask him to stop and realise what he is doing. What happens if it gets to the point where he has no choice but to fight back or be really hurt imagine how bad it will have to get to get to that point and how difficult it would be for Sheppard to fight back, I mean I assume at the end of the day he would fight back in that situation and not just take it all. The potential fall out from this is immense I mean will they be the same afterwards, will Shep just shrug it off and carry on or will their frienship be affected, I am so intrigued by this ep. I mean yeah realistically its never gonna be that full on, but lets face it Ronon's play fighting is rough imagine how rough he is when he really means it.......OMG I hope he really means it!!!!!


          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post



          WHUMPER DOWN!!!!!

          excited?? me?? nooooooooooo

          ROO, I am so sorry you didn't get that job, what a big pile of pants!!!!


            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            ...what a big pile of pants!!!!
            *giggles hysterically*

            I know what that means in Brit speak, but that means "laundry" to me.
            Sig by Luciana
            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


              SQUUEEE!!!!!! I'm home from work!!!! I bugged out early cause the boss called in sick today. looking forward to quiting. Besides with gas prices at nearly $4.00 gallon - the 70 mile a day commute is draining the pocket book...when that money should be spent on whump.

              Where is Ali's Shep whump action figure???

              Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
              And he's not a whumper or an Atlantis fan so he has that added sadness in his life too
              OMG!!! I read that and laughed so hard I started crying. Glad to see my life isn't really all that bad.

              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              oh god i know...I'm going nuts here...i am bored out of my tree.....and i just found out i didn't get that job i had the interview it sucks....

              so dare i squee about the new snippet about know what, we havent had anything to squee about in a im gonna squee....yeh you heard me right.....well maybe ill jsut squee a little not to get my hopes up.


              ahh feels good lol
              ((HUGS)) to Roo! so sorry to hear about not getting the job hon. that's pants or whatever you Brits say.

              Glad to see a little Squee from ya. It's been such a long time.

     to get out of these darned dress clothes and into something more comfy..jeans and sweatshirt! be back in a flash!


                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                *giggles hysterically*

                I know what that means in Brit speak, but that means "laundry" to me.
                well thats equally as bad, I hate laundry


                  Originally posted by Listy View Post
                  well thats equally as bad, I hate laundry
                  Me too! I had a mental flash there of a basket filled with dirty blue jeans and khakis. Which of course reminded me of the clothes in my dryer that I need to fold and put away when I get home.

                  I don't suppose I can convince anyone that's already home to pop in a DVD and provide commentary. *bats eyelashes* I'm not even picky about the ep.
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    well thats equally as bad, I hate laundry
                    I LOVE laundry!! I put it in the wash..put it in the dryer which gives me an hour of free time...then watch whump as I fold the clothes. Putting them away though...that's a whole nother story............

                    LAUNDRY = WHUMP WATCHING!!!!


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                      I LOVE laundry!! I put it in the wash..put it in the dryer which gives me an hour of free time...then watch whump as I fold the clothes. Putting them away though...that's a whole nother story............

                      LAUNDRY = WHUMP WATCHING!!!!
                      Hey thats not a bad idea


                        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                        *giggles hysterically*

                        I know what that means in Brit speak, but that means "laundry" to me.
                        Well just imagine how many times us Brits end up giggling when you use the word "pants" in conversation - and don't get me started on the way you use the word "fanny".

                        Last edited by pilgrim soul; 20 May 2008, 10:16 AM. Reason: Because this stupid site won't let me use the word s******




                          Oh that felt so good. And you know what? CG is on to top up the whumpy squee.

                          *doing my happy dance*

                          You lot do realise you've had me bouncing in my seat all afternoon with all this whumpy talk,

                          I agree with what everyone's said


                          At first you can see them as they normally are when they get captured a lil bit angsty, but confident, they've been there before with the Wraith so the situation is nothing new to them. But when it's one of their own. *sniff* did you hear the bit about Ronon breaking the infirmary bed? I wonder if Shepp and Ronon are in there together and Shep tries to calm him down? Oooh i'm getting really excited now.... it could be also that i'm watching CG and got a peek of sheppy's chest to and he's about to be fed on..... squeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Where was I??? Oh yes, whumpy squee, oh goodness, can you imagine how hard it's going to be on their friendship initially and that awkwardness between them. And whilst their on the ship Shep trying to calm Ronon down, but he won't listen and is to busy trying to hurt him... his friend.... oh I may need tissues. *sniff*

                          Roo sorry about your job hon *hugs*

                          CATY!! Welcome back hon great to see you and squeeing to

                          Rhymer great job on the charity walk Ali good luck for yours

                          Thanks to Astral and SAF for their fab piccy stories. I luff the nutty whumpers, they make me feel sane.


                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                            Well just imagine how many times us Brits end up giggling when you use the word "pants" in conversation - and don't get me started on the way you use the word "fanny".

                            I can only imagine especially since I had no idea they were slang terms to you until I came here. We also call trousers slacks. Does that have any significant meaning?
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              I can only imagine especially since I had no idea they were slang terms to you until I came here. We also call trousers slacks. Does that have any significant meaning?
                              No slacks is fine, that is occasionally used over here too. Its amazing how quickly the two languages have deviated from one another.


                                We have slackers.

                                Ooooh Sheppy has just about lost his temper and has found out its the wraith whose been feeding on him. have I mentioned I love how high his voice goes when he gets anxious hehe. And now He's exhausted and collapsed in the cell. *sniff*

                                Oooooh no the wraith is coming back to feed on Sheppy!!! He's licking his lips... Sheppy that is not the wraith.

