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John Sheppard Whump

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    What episode is the boxers in the back from???

    And definitely, I don't care either, so long as he's whumped LOL!


      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
      You know that's the real kicker of that episode is when you stop and really realize (keeping the idea that he's going to live cause he's the male lead of the show) but he was actually dead there, and then on the floor of the jumper while they worked to revive him. One thing that I love is that even though the revive scene has errors, they didn't have his heart start *right back* up, they had to give it a few goes so it added to the tension. *sigh* I love that episode LOL!
      It's one of my favourites. I have watched it so many times, I'm embarrassed about it and know the dialogue by heart!
      How's your cold today? Hope you're feeling a little better?


        Originally posted by lissafoss

        boxers from the back

        i dont mind either way. As long as he's whumped.
        Yay! They're the ones! Nice butt, too!

        Edit: Sorry IWTB: They're from the Storm, when he disarms the two Genii goons sent to kill him at the grounding station.
        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


          Originally posted by lissafoss

          a bit of belly from the front

          boxers from the back

          i dont mind either way. As long as he's whumped.
          Nice examples!

          Most of the views we've had of boxers have been from behind as he's bending over.. we got a teeeeny glimpse of boxer frontage in this cap:

          But in general I think his trousers ride down more at the back when he bends over and that's where we get the true boxer shots... I guess in the 38 Mins frontage shots the boxers are slipping down along with the trousers?

          *has a hot flush*




            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            Nice examples!

            Most of the views we've had of boxers have been from behind as he's bending over.. we got a teeeeny glimpse of boxer frontage in this cap:


            But in general I think his trousers ride down more at the back when he bends over and that's where we get the true boxer shots... I guess in the 38 Mins frontage shots the boxers are slipping down along with the trousers?

            *has a hot flush*


            You're not the only one having a hot flush....


              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              But in general I think his trousers ride down more at the back when he bends over and that's where we get the true boxer shots... I guess in the 38 Mins frontage shots the boxers are slipping down along with the trousers?

              *has a hot flush*


              LOL! Lots of cushions and pillows I hope Ali? We don't want you to damage yourself.
              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                The major boxer-exposure shot was this one - as you can see I at some point in the past felt the need to draw attention to the fact in this version!



                  You know, in that cap from the Storm/Eye, Shep's boxers are so pristine. I know that seems to be a totally weird comment to make, but every time we see a boxer peekage, I'm always amazed how immaculate the boxers are. I mean the man has just killed genii invaders, and his boxers aren't even dishevilled...Ok, I seriously need help, because what I'm saying makes no sense whatsoever...


                    Yes!!! Elyse just sent the schedule for August, and Common Ground is airing on the 25th! Woooooohooooo, so it won't be skipped for that labor day weekend, whatever episode is after Common Ground will be the one delayed an extra week. Oh, that's McKay and Mrs. Miller, isn't, big sigh of relief coming here. If I had to wait till September to see CG I think I would've pulled hair out or something...


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      You know, in that cap from the Storm/Eye, Shep's boxers are so pristine. I know that seems to be a totally weird comment to make, but every time we see a boxer peekage, I'm always amazed how immaculate the boxers are. I mean the man has just killed genii invaders, and his boxers aren't even dishevilled...Ok, I seriously need help, because what I'm saying makes no sense whatsoever...
                      ROFLMAO!! You crack me up Linzi!

                      And Ali- I love the red circles! I think that the DVDs should come with them included.
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                        Yes!!! Elyse just sent the schedule for August, and Common Ground is airing on the 25th! Woooooohooooo, so it won't be skipped for that labor day weekend, whatever episode is after Common Ground will be the one delayed an extra week. Oh, that's McKay and Mrs. Miller, isn't, big sigh of relief coming here. If I had to wait till September to see CG I think I would've pulled hair out or something...
                        I read that too. Excellent news!


                          God you guys posted a ton LOL!

                          The boxer shots are so cute.

                          Linzi, it's moving along...the sore throat part is almost gone which is great because that's what made me so miserable yesterday, now it's just moved into an annoying head cold. It's settled into the boy's chests so I'm sure that's the finally stopping ground before it's gone but head/chest colds don't make me feel near so bad as that initial time when it starts in the throat, blech. I can function pretty good with colds most of the time. I prefer them hands down over stomach bugs. Nothing will make me want to die faster than being queasy, I HATE it with a passion so give me a cold ANYDAY LOL.


                            OKaaaaayyy, belated picspam for Linzi for hitting an impressive 4,000 posts!





                                OMG!! After all that talk of bugs the other day guys, I just sprayed a perfectly harmless twig with flyspray, because I thought it moved.
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

