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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

    Hi Guys, still not feeling so great, so hence the not playing. *sends hugs to Sherry* Sorry you're having a rough time hon, hopefully things will get better for you soon and settle down.

    ((((Whumping crew)))) for all those being whumped by RL.
    *hugs* to you. Feel better soon!

    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Thanks! Yes. I was trying find which eps the caps were from. Thanks for the heads on S1. I thought maybe it was but, could not remember. It narrows it down some for me.....
    Ah, misunderstood. I'm pretty sure that pic is from Suspicion.

    A couple more that I picked up along the way from someone much more brilliant than I.


    Now, for some whumpy goodness on a LONG Friday afternoon.


    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
      Fic Rec:

      Stealth Dragon reced this fic a few days ago..its older so some of you may have read it before. I found it to be beautiful in many ways......its full of emotional hurt with a great back story. Its only 3500 words. Give it a try, when you're done click on the 'prompt postcard' link used for it, but don't until AFTER you've read the story or it'll ruin it.

      A Final Awakening
      by Smitty
      Wow! That was beautiful! Thanks for the rec, Kristen!
      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
      Sig and avi by me


        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        Night Sherry! Hope you rest well. Vent anytime you need it!
        Originally posted by strinam View Post
        Hey SherryW... Sorry for the RL Whump! {{{hugs}}}
        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Awww honey, belated hugs from me. Sorry to hear you've been having a crummy day of it and getting more worrying news on top.

        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        I'm sorry to hear this, you must be really worried and stressed. I'm about to join the ranks of the unemployed myself so I sympathise.
        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
        (((HUGS))) sorry things aren't going well for you. That sucks.
        my mother is currently on redundancy number 4 and my dad was made redundant a few years back after 37 years at the same company, then again last year from his new place. He does have another new job now though.
        Hope things look up for you soon.
        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        Morning everyone!!

        Sherry - so sorry to hear about your situation. Here's hoping for the best for you and family. ((HUGS))
        ((hugs)) Thanks everyone. I'm much better today.

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Well crap. My day gets better and better. The candidate turned down the offer. DAmmit. I suspected he was going to but still....

        And my neck and shoulders feel really stiff and achey and can't get comfortable. I think maybe it's from stress....

        Is it time to go home yet?
        Sorry to hear that Ali sounds like you need a hot toddy...did I spell that right?

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        Yep.That's the one. I think there is one that has Whump and Condifence too.
        But, I do have those. THANKS!

        I have been trying to search for them now that I finally have a PB acct. I want to build it up slowly. So, if anyone else knows that would be wonderful.
        I would like to snurch them if I could..
        Ok I think that Prion made a lot of those posters, if I'm not mistaken. I also believe she had them on her LJ. Her user id is Wraithbait, I think. I'm sure Prion will be on later to confirm or deny the pictures.

        Well I better get back to work. Take care whumpers and I'll talk to you tonight.

        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
        AVI by *ERIKA*


          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          ((hugs)) Hope you feel better soon Peg!

          It is getting closer and closer to season 4. Hopefully things will pick up around here.
          Thanks hon, me to, i'm not the greatest patient and am getting on my own nerves. How long have we got now? 70 Days is it? Did you go the dentist yet? I have to say, my squee has been slipping these days even with the new trailer, nothing seems to be working and i'm finding it hard to maintain the squee. We need some yummy stuff again to get us all excited. It just seems like this year is such a long wait. *sigh* ignore me, i'll kick my ass later.

          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Thanks Erika,Listy,Pocus! You know I snurched some of them.

          I sent the Irresposibility one and the One Simple Rule posters to my teacher
          friend who is a V.P. but, she also teaches science. She loved them. She is
          now using "Teh Hair one in her creative writing/expression bulletin board. She
          noticed that a couple of her students reconised Sheppard so, that is why she did it. Who knew!

          Stargate Atlantis: It is not just for entertainment...
          Nice teacher She's obviously got good taste.

          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          I am not responsible for any of the posters - I've never made one.

          Sorry you're still feeling crappy, it seems to be that a lot of us are less than 100% of late.
          Maybe it's cos you make such great icons, I thought that? *hugs* it does seem like the whumpers are whumping themselves an awful lot lately. Must be something in the water... and omg there's so much of it.

          Originally posted by Kristen999 View Post
          Fic Rec:

          Stealth Dragon reced this fic a few days ago..its older so some of you may have read it before. I found it to be beautiful in many ways......its full of emotional hurt with a great back story. Its only 3500 words. Give it a try, when you're done click on the 'prompt postcard' link used for it, but don't until AFTER you've read the story or it'll ruin it.

          A Final Awakening
          by Smitty
          Thanks Kristen

          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Thanks! Yes. I was trying find which eps the caps were from. Thanks for the heads on S1. I thought maybe it was but, could not remember. It narrows it down some for me.....
          If I see it, i'll shout you.

          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Hello Peggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I nearly had to get a boat today to leave my house- all the roads were closed due to flooding South London really got hit hard today - never seen anything like it!
          Hiya hon *grabs SD into a bear hug* I've not spoken to you for ages. How are you? Did you see the Tornado? It's everywhere at the moment, I think someone's stolen the Touchstone Anyone up to building an Ark? Maybe we can borrow the one from the Continuum set, lol.

          Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
          Hello Whumpers! Sounds like life is sucking like a Wraith for some of you here! I hope the Sheppard of Happiness stops by soon!

          Here are a couple of "posters" I did:

          Ooh they're nice, hehehe the shield could come in handy right about now, hehehe

          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          Wow you guys are being whumped by rain. Here it seems like the rain keeps going around us. I watched on the radar yesterday as two batches of rain went past us to the north and south. It was raining less than 5 miles away in both directions. We got nothing. My plants are panting!

          Shep= Sorry Pocus! You can have some of this storm if you need it.

          I'd gladly send soem storm clouds up your way if you want them Pocus. Trust me we're inundated at the moment. What does the sun look like again?

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Thanks Josie

          Ok am off Bye bye everyone bye bye!!!!

          Ali hope your weekend is better than your day today

          Have fun everyone
          Have fun hon, I can't wait to get my HP book. Maybe i'll make time to read it sometime this year.

          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Oh yes I saw the sun earlier - that was a treat!

          Yummy wet sheppy!!!
          Remind me what it looks like again. Ooooooh wet and whumped Shep *drools* We definately need Shep wet more often, and then of course he'd have to strip off so he doesn't get pneumonia. But then if he didn't complications could set in and he could become so congested that his lungs collapse and he'd have to have a chest drain inserted and be intubated to help heal his lungs, so he'd be conscious.... Oh my *drools more*

          *Admonishes self for adding to the flooding*

          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          *hugs* to you. Feel better soon!

          Ah, misunderstood. I'm pretty sure that pic is from Suspicion.

          A couple more that I picked up along the way from someone much more brilliant than I.

          Now, for some whumpy goodness on a LONG Friday afternoon.

          Oh thank hon, those hit the spot quite nicely. I'm trying to stay awake until at least 9PM, so they're much welcome. *g*

          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
          ((hugs)) Thanks everyone. I'm much better today.

          Sorry to hear that Ali sounds like you need a hot toddy...did I spell that right?

          Ok I think that Prion made a lot of those posters, if I'm not mistaken. I also believe she had them on her LJ. Her user id is Wraithbait, I think. I'm sure Prion will be on later to confirm or deny the pictures.

          Well I better get back to work. Take care whumpers and I'll talk to you tonight.

          She had the wind one on her site didn't she? I'm glad you're feeling better hon. Have a good day and dont work too hard.


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

            Hiya hon *grabs SD into a bear hug* I've not spoken to you for ages. How are you? Did you see the Tornado? It's everywhere at the moment, I think someone's stolen the Touchstone Anyone up to building an Ark? Maybe we can borrow the one from the Continuum set, lol.

            Remind me what it looks like again. Ooooooh wet and whumped Shep *drools* We definately need Shep wet more often, and then of course he'd have to strip off so he doesn't get pneumonia. But then if he didn't complications could set in and he could become so congested that his lungs collapse and he'd have to have a chest drain inserted and be intubated to help heal his lungs, so he'd be conscious.... Oh my *drools more*

            *Admonishes self for adding to the flooding*
            I miss chatting to you Peggy!!!!!!

            I have been texting Linzi - who is on her hols at the moment and having a great time!

            I haven't been on here much myself - been too busy with watching all my whump collection ...oh and doing some work too!!!

            Oh my pneumonia sounds fabulous!!!! *faints*


              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
              I miss chatting to you Peggy!!!!!!

              I have been texting Linzi - who is on her hols at the moment and having a great time!

              I haven't been on here much myself - been too busy with watching all my whump collection ...oh and doing some work too!!!

              Oh my pneumonia sounds fabulous!!!! *faints*
              We seem to be like ships in the night these days I do hope you've been researching shumpydoodles. Or have you... lost your squee for Shep whump?

              I text her on Wednesday I think it was and told her no shump on the vid dagnabit we need to get the squee back on the thread. Bless, she was lost without her internet. At the moment it's so quiet here you can hear the crickets,

              Is work whumping you to? See, we need to be ladies of leisure, win the lottery, buy out bridge and just have them make shumpydoodles just for us We could get them to make a web whump webisode How cheap would it be just to have Shep get his butt kicked and the infirmary scene with everyone around him

              I hope that the S4 DG
              Beat down ep has lots of shumpy stuff, and I think i'm setting my sights high on this, and am expecting to see Shep hot and sweaty in bed, angst, blood, hurt feelings from the team ignoring him, a brill infirmary scene with Shep hooked up to machines and IV's and then everyone angsting around him as he fights off evil Shep

              Too high an expectation? Maybe?


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                We seem to be like ships in the night these days I do hope you've been researching shumpydoodles. Or have you... lost your squee for Shep whump?

                I text her on Wednesday I think it was and told her no shump on the vid dagnabit we need to get the squee back on the thread. Bless, she was lost without her internet. At the moment it's so quiet here you can hear the crickets,

                Is work whumping you to? See, we need to be ladies of leisure, win the lottery, buy out bridge and just have them make shumpydoodles just for us We could get them to make a web whump webisode How cheap would it be just to have Shep get his butt kicked and the infirmary scene with everyone around him

                I hope that the S4 DG
                Beat down ep has lots of shumpy stuff, and I think i'm setting my sights high on this, and am expecting to see Shep hot and sweaty in bed, angst, blood, hurt feelings from the team ignoring him, a brill infirmary scene with Shep hooked up to machines and IV's and then everyone angsting around him as he fights off evil Shep

                Too high an expectation? Maybe?
                Oh dont worry I have not lost my squee for Shep whump - that would never happen! But since we have not had any new shump to squee over I have been looking at other stuff to get my quota of intubated and nekkid under the infirmary sheet ....and boy have I had my quota !!!!!

                I have had a lot of work the last couple of weeks. Things should be okay after the end of this month though I hope!

                Oh you may set your expectations high but I want that too so much!!!!!


                  Hey Y'all!

                  I'm back! I had the Dtv tech to install new DVR at my house. It took a while.
                  But you know what the cool thing is:

                  He was a huge SGA Fan! Ain't that a kicker! So, the sweet thing about the whole thing is it did not cost me a thing for install. *bows to SGA*

                  Yes! I saved some mula!! I am so happy! So, it was cool. I love Whump and I
                  SGA! Thank for fellow SGA fans!!!


                  Thanks everybody for the posters! Peggy,Ruffles,Listy, Pocus,Erika and anyone else who posted them too.!
                  Last edited by Elflinn; 20 July 2007, 02:08 PM.
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                    Hello Whumpers! Sounds like life is sucking like a Wraith for some of you here! I hope the Sheppard of Happiness stops by soon!

                    Here are a couple of "posters" I did:

                    Been loving all the posters! They never get old, so witty.

                    Jill, hadn't seen these before, brilliant! The second especially, so good - may i snurch??
                    The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                    l My LJ l


                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      Oh dont worry I have not lost my squee for Shep whump - that would never happen! But since we have not had any new shump to squee over I have been looking at other stuff to get my quota of intubated and nekkid under the infirmary sheet ....and boy have I had my quota !!!!!

                      I have had a lot of work the last couple of weeks. Things should be okay after the end of this month though I hope!

                      Oh you may set your expectations high but I want that too so much!!!!!
                      Oh thank goodness, Shep being replaced! Oh no can't have that now, can we! hehehe, as long as you're getting something. I've asked Mr M if we can have Marty G write the missing ep that way at least there's a good chance of you getting nekid under the infirmary blanket And we'll have to rely on Mr M to get you your intubated scene. Make sure you don't work too hard, remember whump Shep not self!

                      At this moment in time, I'd settle for a bump on the noggin

                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      Hey Y'all!

                      I'm back! I had the Dtv tech to install new DVR at my house. It took a while.
                      But you know what the cool thing is:

                      He was a huge SGA Fan! Ain't that a kicker! So, the sweet thing about the whole thing is it did not cost me a thing for install. *bows to SGA*

                      Yes! I saved some mula!! I am so happy! So, it was cool. I love Whump and I
                      SGA! Thank for fellow SGA fans!!!


                      Thanks everybody for the posters! Peggy,Ruffles,Listy, Pocus,Erika and anyone else who posted them too.!
                      You're welcome Is that one from the long goodbye? I've not seen that pic before, he looks all angsty

                      Don't forget to put your CG one in spoilers hon.

                      Posters Some CG


                        Peggy- Yes. it is from Long Goodbye!

                        Jill- Love the posters. May I snurch also?
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Oh thank goodness, Shep being replaced! Oh no can't have that now, can we! hehehe, as long as you're getting something. I've asked Mr M if we can have Marty G write the missing ep that way at least there's a good chance of you getting nekid under the infirmary blanket And we'll have to rely on Mr M to get you your intubated scene. Make sure you don't work too hard, remember whump Shep not self!

                          At this moment in time, I'd settle for a bump on the noggin

                          You're welcome Is that one from the long goodbye? I've not seen that pic before, he looks all angsty

                          Don't forget to put your CG one in spoilers hon.

                          Posters Some CG

                          Oh you really do not know ho happy I will be if we really get the nekkid under the infirmary sheet and intubated...just like this...

                          Spoiler for OT


                          But I agree - I will be happy with whatever we get!!!!


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            Peggy- Yes. it is from Long Goodbye!

                            Jill- Love the posters. May I snurch also?
                            I have an urge to go watch TLG

                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Oh you really do not know ho happy I will be if we really get the nekkid under the infirmary sheet and intubated...just like this...

                            Spoiler for OT


                            But I agree - I will be happy with whatever we get!!!!
                            Hehehe, i'm impressed your research is paying off *wants that for Shep to* Well we know that when you have any kind of operation you're stripped to your birthday suit. I'd love for the TPTB to do some research on real life ER documentaries and take note, because from what i've seen in the US, as soon as they go through the doors they're clothes are cut off them, and the poor dears are just left with a loin cloth.. *wants that for Shep to*

                            I think the only thing that's really ticked me off was the scene in conversion when Shep's in a medically induced coma! Clothed, fully, not in scrubs, no intubation, nothing! We wuz robbed! So i'd say we're due some penance for that scene, we should ask Mr M


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              The third episode featuring Carson was dropped. If it ever happens at all it won't be this season.
                              Oh, it was??
                              As for the whole Teyla arc
                              I've said it time and time again as much as I'm looking forward to seeing Teyla finally get a good storyline I'm going to be seriously fed up if the only emotional scenes we get for Shep revolve around her.
                              Well, if we finally start
                              getting ANY emotional scenes from Shep, I for one do not care at all who it revolves around. We know that the writers find it hard to have Shep be emotional about his own life, but any start is a good start if you ask me.. Maybe they'll find a liking in emotional Shep-scenes and start taking it to new levels we haven't seen before...
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                Originally posted by caty View Post

                                Well, if we finally start
                                getting ANY emotional scenes from Shep, I for one do not care at all who it revolves around. We know that the writers find it hard to have Shep be emotional about his own life, but any start is a good start if you ask me.. Maybe they'll find a liking in emotional Shep-scenes and start taking it to new levels we haven't seen before...
                                I agree with you on that...
                                Sigs by Scifan

