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John Sheppard Whump

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    Huh, I missed that story too. Thanks for the ref. Can't wait for another chapter of Restrained to be posted!! Soon PLEASE!!!


      Originally posted by Linzi
      IWTB, those caps are just stunning. I've snurched, and snurched and snurched! Thanks so much!

      Ali, thanks for that fic rec. I hadn't read that for some reason, and really enjoyed it.
      I think Conversion could have gone a little further with the whump, just a little more and it would have been perfect. Not that I'm complaining - I take what I can get!
      Such is the curse of the whumper. 99% of the time we have to make do with little morsels of whump, spread thinly and hidden in and amongst the various episodes. We hoard those morsels, seeking them out in caps and in obsessive rewatching. Only rarely do we get treated to the glorious nugget of whump that is an episode like 38 Minutes. They are sadly few and far between... *sigh*


        Originally posted by Gate Geek
        Huh, I missed that story too. Thanks for the ref. Can't wait for another chapter of Restrained to be posted!! Soon PLEASE!!!
        Workin on it! Literally! As we speak!


          LOL, I love having a laptop I just leave it up. My room is cleaned, dusted and vacuumed but dang do we need a new vacuum. Argh, anyway, Linzi, snurch away!

          I agree about the whump, just that little bit more, I mean honestly, he's put in a medical coma and left in his uniform LOL!!! Come on people, where's his SCRUBS????


            Oh, and before I go vacuum my living room and put my couch pillows *back* on the couch (the boys built Fort Kids in the middle of my floor *sigh* and staged attacks), did anyone else really like this pic?

            I love the look on his face here, and I never noticed that particular expression/face just watching it. That's the best part of going back and doing caps is you see so much more frame by frame than you see in just sitting and watching the episode in real time. Joe has an amazing range of expression when he acts, really makes it believable.


              Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
              LOL, I love having a laptop I just leave it up. My room is cleaned, dusted and vacuumed but dang do we need a new vacuum. Argh, anyway, Linzi, snurch away!

              I agree about the whump, just that little bit more, I mean honestly, he's put in a medical coma and left in his uniform LOL!!! Come on people, where's his SCRUBS????
              Actually, I can suspend disbelief on that one. The guy's just taken down two security details and stunners don't work on him. You're afraid he'll even tear through the infirmary restraints so you decide to put him in a medical coma. Are you gonna take the time to undress him and put him in scrubs and hope he doesn't wake up before you can get the restraints on and the drugs started? Heck no! Get those wrists strapped to the bed and those IV lines going right now!


                Whooops, I've just hovered my cursor over the post icon for this thread and it's told me I have 1,178 posts in here! Oh, make that 1,179!

                Errrr.. whumpaholics anonymous anyone?


                  Originally posted by IWantToBelieve

                  I agree about the whump, just that little bit more, I mean honestly, he's put in a medical coma and left in his uniform LOL!!! Come on people, where's his SCRUBS????


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    Actually, I can suspend disbelief on that one. The guy's just taken down two security details and stunners don't work on him. You're afraid he'll even tear through the infirmary restraints so you decide to put him in a medical coma. Are you gonna take the time to undress him and put him in scrubs and hope he doesn't wake up before you can get the restraints on and the drugs started? Heck no! Get those wrists strapped to the bed and those IV lines going right now!

                    Yeah, in the first scene, definitely, cause we can see the nurse still working on him...the second scene, maybe not so much, unless, we dont' really get to know exactly how much time has passed so if it's only a matter of an hour or two, then sure, but more than that and they should've changed him...why didn't they change him LOL (yes, I love seeing the boy in white scrubs hehehehe)


                      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                      Yeah, in the first scene, definitely, cause we can see the nurse still working on him...the second scene, maybe not so much, unless, we dont' really get to know exactly how much time has passed so if it's only a matter of an hour or two, then sure, but more than that and they should've changed him...why didn't they change him LOL (yes, I love seeing the boy in white scrubs hehehehe)
                      Yes I agree any possible reason to get him into scubs...they should take it !!!


                        Originally posted by SLC
                        Yes I agree any possible reason to get him into scubs...they should take it !!!
                        Personally I would like to see the scene where they are actually changing him into scrubs... *ahem* *smirk*

                        P.S. 2,504 words and counting... drawing slowly to a close!




                          I am just about to ring SLC to get a caps lesson as I now have an external dvd writer and nero!!!

                          The demon capper will soon be unleashed!!!!

                          sig by SheppyD
                          Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                          I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                          So he just looks crazy


                            Originally posted by McKayRocks!


                            I am just about to ring SLC to get a caps lesson as I now have an external dvd writer and nero!!!

                            The demon capper will soon be unleashed!!!!

                            Arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Run! For for your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives!!!



                              Hey SLC - 9 posts to go for 2,000!!!! I feel a picspam coming on...


                                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                                LOL, I love having a laptop I just leave it up. My room is cleaned, dusted and vacuumed but dang do we need a new vacuum. Argh, anyway, Linzi, snurch away!

                                I agree about the whump, just that little bit more, I mean honestly, he's put in a medical coma and left in his uniform LOL!!! Come on people, where's his SCRUBS????
                                You mean gown, surely... (Yep, I'm weird!) He'd have to have a catheter if he was in a coma, after all... (Nice images here - from the gown, not the catheter!)

