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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Glowy? That sounds as if he's preggers!
    God, I hope not! I just meant he looks really happy

    Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


      Originally posted by bebop View Post
      Peeps, thanks for a great evening, its been a blast, but my bed is calling me and I must, have a good eveing, night and morning and I'll catch ya all tomorrow...
      Night, Bebop!


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        that could make for an intersting ep

        Ah hon, i can't remember what box number they're u to know, i think it's about 5, i still don't think i've seen all of them though

        I'll pm you for your email addy hon and send it over
        Could you send it to me too, Peggy? Please? *bats eyelashes*

        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Peeps, thanks for a great evening, its been a blast, but my bed is calling me and I must, have a good eveing, night and morning and I'll catch ya all tomorrow...

        'Night, Bebop!

        Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


          Oh man....did I tell you about the bee that was in the house yesterday? *shudders* I hate things flying at me.....and I hate bees too. That poor thing made its last mistake buzzing by my head while I was reading Shep Whump. THE NERVE!

          I'm off in search of dinner. I've been hungry all day.



            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Er, yep, me too. But we've talked about this already!
            I know !!! We are sad really!!!

            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
            OMG....not wanting to date myself or anything....but I remember that "Ironside" episode. I must be a life-long whumper because I can remember liking seeing people get hurt from years ago! I don't want to say how far back I go, BUT......I recently found some DVDs for a TV show I watched as a kid at the library, and remembered liking when one of the characters got hurt ( was in a sub)

            And man.....for Whump you couldn't beat westerns. *would LOVE to see Shep in a western-type setting where he gets shot for REAL*

            That Ironside ep makes me when I see it now!!! But it was fab back then!

            If anyone is having problems with the G4 clip go and look in our LJ !


              'Night, guys. I'm off to bed; I'm so tired I can barely see straight!

              Happy whumping and see you tomorrow!

              Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                Originally posted by Tristen View Post
                'Night, guys. I'm off to bed; I'm so tired I can barely see straight!

                Happy whumping and see you tomorrow!
                night!! im not tired at all damnit.....then again ive always been a night owl sure ill be up until about 3 am!!



                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Ah, just me feeling a little naffed off is all.

                  This has rattled on a bit so better put an OT warning:
                  I was quite excited about the changes at work... this is really quite a big thing for me.. my bosses are really happy with the work I have done and are giving me a big opportunity here and the chance for promotion and all sorts (this is not the kind of opportunity admin staff usually get!).. and I kinda feel like I want to share my excitement.. and no-one seems to sodding care. I tried telling hubby all about it last night when he got home from work and he was walking around the house looking for a torch and reading the electricity meter and writing down the figures etc etc with me following after him trying to tell him this stuff and with him saying, "No, no, I'm listening, go on..." when it was sodding clear he wasn't giving what I was saying anywhere near his full attention and it pissed me off so I stopped telling him. He still doesn't have any idea of the full extent of the change in my role and what it means. So I stupidly phoned my mum tonight, thinking she might be excited for me, and instead got a lecture about how if I want to be succesful in this new career beyond the short term, I really should try and lose some weight because appearance is very important.. maybe not in my current position (oh, thanks mum, so my current lowly job means it doesn't matter if I look like crap, eh?) but if I'm going to be promoted in the future etc etc. In "mum-world" you can only be successful and attractrive if you are a size 14 or less.

                  Sorry. Didn't mean to rant on. I just feel right now like no-one cares that big, exciting changes are happening for me.... This is effectively a promotion (and I've never had a promotion in my life... it's just not something that really happens in admin roles) and nobody is excited and pleased for me... *sigh*... Except you guys.. you've been lovely. *hugs whumpers*

                  Ali, that sucks!!! I know how that feels! My bf is like that. Every time I tried to tell him something about college (which is the biggest part of my life, whether I like it or not) he just doesn't even pretend to be interested. I stopped telling him anything months ago.
                  Then he had his final exams on his job training last week and I called him after each exam and he was so excited to tell me all about it. So after the last one I just said "Yeah, it's nice if somebody cares, isn't it?"

                  ((((hugs)))) You know we're always here and we wanna know...

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Oh no! On RTL? So did I!!!!!!! I did German 'A' level, yes, be careful those who write in german, because I do understand what you're saying..., and I used to watch it all the time. In fact the later seasons, which have never aired on UK TV, I have only ever seen in German!!! This is soooooo weird!

                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post

                  Is it just me or does Shep/Joe look a bit different .... I can't quite put my finger on it .... I can see his hair is shorter... but something else just seems a bit different... maybe the make up?
                  Originally posted by Tristen View Post

                  Actually, after watching the vid a couple times (ok, more like a dozen times ), it seemed to me that Joe lost weight! I thought his face looked thinner compared to how it looked in the episode clips.
                  I noticed when I saw the pics for the first time that he looks different besides the hair. To me, he has obviously gained some weight, his face looks a little chunkier..
                  *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    Now would that to be either the wolf trap one, the egyptian afterlife one, or the 24 hours to live poison one...?
                    No.. it would be the second of the episodes with Jimmy "The Eraser" in... the retired hitman? In the second ep he's in, the mob finds out he's still alive and go after him.. just when Mac is there telling him his cover's been blown and trying to convince him to let them move him to a new identity etc. There ends up with a hostage situation with Jimmy's daughter and grandson and Mac gets shot and falls off a pier into the water.

                    Oooh, I keep forgetting to say - Blue... I *love* your new avatar!!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                      Oooh, I keep forgetting to say - Blue... I *love* your new avatar!!
                      Yeah, me too! LOVE you new avatar, bluealien

                      Good night *looks at watch* I have to get up in 5 hours
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Originally posted by Tristen View Post

                        Hiya, Peg! Thanks for the links, but ACK! They don't seem to work...

                        Oh, they're flv files, which requires some kind of reader but you can watch the video direct off the G4 site.


                          Hi whumpers! *waves madly*

                          I tried to catch up, but you guys talked so much since last night! And I'm at work so I can't spend too much time in here. Did I miss anything?

                          CONGRATULATIONS TO BEBOP ON 1200 POSTS!!
                          CONGRATUALTIONS TO LINZI ON 12500 POSTS!!

                          I'm feeling awful today - and I can't go home 'cause I've got too much to do. And then when I get home I have a heap of homework that has to be done. All I want to do is curl up in bed with some whumpy fic and read myself to sleep.
                          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                            awww ((HUGS)) for lauriel!



                              Thanks Roo. Just one of those days I'll be happy to see the end of - unfortunately its only 11am.
                              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                I'm just really fed up I can watch shows & DVD's on my computer but I'm getting really fed up with not having a TV now. I don't watch much television but it's so frustrating knowing something you want to watch is on but you can't see it.
                                No TV???? Last year my mom went without power for 2 weeks after a hurricane in Florida - she said she could live with cold showers, no lights and not cooking, it was the lack of TV that sucked!

                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                                Yes The professionals is great too. I was a Bodie girl!!

                                But now I only have eyes for Joe and whumping Shep!!!
                                Me too!! Bodie was the short dark haired one, right?

                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Well me too! I had it on audio cassette in the days before video!!!!
                                I used to do that too. Record on audio cassette. I remember a show where women were in charge and men were enslaved. Tomorrow People? Does that ring a bell? I used to record it and listen to it when no one else was around.

                                Originally posted by Merlin7 View Post
                                You hide your smitten-ness well. Heeeee. Joe is most awesome. I admit, I feel the same about my other tv boyfriend, so I am smitten over 2 of them. But Joe did come first. And that will never change. And I got to be friends with YOU because of him. And friends with so many other wonderful whumpers. Heeeeee.
                                Like me!
                                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007

