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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
    It took me ages to catch up on this thread today... yet that's nothing new to be honest

    Linzi, I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. Have a warm hug

    This seems to not be the best of weeks (and it's just after Easter...): OT
    Today my bf called to tell me that his little sister suffered a misgiving and is outright depressive now - and who could blame her. That's so terrible for her!

    And on top of that I got an eMail in which a good friend told me that her husband comitted suicide on Easter Sunday!
    And now she is alone with two little kids (3 and 5 yrs old) and doesn't know how get on and how to pay the loan for the house they bought just three years ago...

    I am seldomely speachless but today is one of those rare occasions.

    Sorry, peeps. I don't want to put a damper on the ongoing squee in here but I had to get that out.

    And now I need to give you some whump to make me feel better before heading for bed.

    Spoiler for the poor poor dial-ups:
    Sheppy:"Do you have to punch the living daylights out of me like this?"
    TCB ½:"Sorry, I guess I my hand slipped and I overdid it a bit."
    Sorry to hear about that TCB 0.5 I hope things get better.

    I have to say that I have been punched by a hand that slipped and it didn't feel too good. *kickboxing class*

    Night again! This time I'm really going.

    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
    AVI by *ERIKA*


      Night Sherry, don't let yourself get whumped, girl. Thanks a bunch for your sympathy.
      And all the other whumpers, good night too!
      I'm heading for dream-land now too and see if the new morning bugs me less than today did.
      Sorry, I'm still in a foul mood over all the bad news. So, it's best to run off and knock myself into my mattress anyway!

      I'll light a candle tomorrow to make the world a bit better when I get up.

      And congrats to the milestoners and their achievements I read about today. SheppyD, Peg,
      If I mixed anyone up, I'm incredibly sorry for it. But I think I'm way beyond straight thoughts by now.

      I won't let it slip though without another lovely pic of sleeping Sheppy who went ahead to warm the blankets...
      FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


        TCB 0.5, I am so sorry! That is just terrible for both your family and your friend. I can't imagine what it is like you all.


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          TCB 0.5, I am so sorry! That is just terrible for both your family and your friend. I can't imagine what it is like you all.
          Thanks, Lorr! They all mainly want to be left alone right now. To try and deal with this on their own, and I figured I'd give them some time for themselves. Though frankly, I really don't know what to say ATM anyway.
          FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
            Just popping in. Man is it quiet in here. Has anyone read JM's blog for tonight? No major news concerning Shep, but was a bit surprised by this statement of his..........

            Stolen from JM's 12 April blog....

            hmmm......that makes me a bit worried...........
            spoiler and mini rant.. you have been warned. *G*

            Without Season 4 even airing yet? What kind of screwed up system is that? Hmm... should ask him to extrapolate. For god sake, don't drop a bombshell like that then leave it so vague!

            *sigh* Stupid Nielsons! I figured Season 5 stood a good chance of happening, because season 4 did... (something JF said about tv shows I read somewhere: season 4 usually means a season 5 or something...)

            *sigh* Now I"m worried too... They're airing in the fall lineup against the US networks who are show machines, cranking out new series like some assembly line. (IMHO 99% of what they show is crap, but they have the monopoly on the Nielsons...)

            Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
            SGAFan- Wonderful chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!
            Aww, thanks

            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            I haven't seen the Ronon ones yet. I saw 2 with Shep's name misspelled - one for Phantoms (Shepherd on his team) and one for TOR (Shepherd on McKay). I thought the ads were hilarious. Just wished they knew it was spelled Sheppard. <gah!>
            what are we talking about here? SOrry, as usual I"m behind and have no time to catch up on everything... *sigh*

            SGAFan - loved the new chapter! That's such a great story. Read and reviewed.
            Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.

            TCB .5 I'm so sorry. Sending great big ((HUGS)) your way!
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Wallpapered *G*

              decided to do the next installation in my "quote" series. McKay and Mrs. Miller

              (don't worry! They're Shep! LOL)

              spoiler for MM&M and size...


              and with that, I need to go to bed. sinus infection still has a hold of me, and still nearly deaf in the right ear. Been half deaf for two weeks now and have done two rounds of antibiotics. Calling the Dr. tomorrow to get a referral to a specialist. I'm sick of this and the profound impact it has on my job and my life.

              Long and short... still sleeping a lot more than normal. Energy levels aren't what I want them to be.. *sigh*

              *yawn* Night! ((HUGS))
              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                Hey, SGAFan, feel better, and goodnight!

                The possibility that S5 depends on the ratings on the next ten weeks
                (or 11 if there is a break somewhere) may just be a good thing. We have May sweeps, but otherwise, a lot of shows are wrapping up for the season or have a lot of repeats going on. Friday nights are fairly light on the big networks at the moment. If we had to go up against new programming in the Fall, it might be harder to get ratings.

                My big concern is the lack of good promotion by SciFi. Waiting until the last minute to put on ads that really say something is rather sad. I don't get that kind of thinking when they advertise the heck out of the Saturday movie of the week every week, all of which are dreadful pieces of trash.

                Well, I have The Reurn 1 in just to get ready for Part 2 tomorrow! So, I am going to run away.

                TCB 0.5 - just be there for them. Sometimes that is all that's necessary, and sometimes it is everything. Hugs, Sweetie.


                  Linzi - (((HUGS))) Sorry to hear your news

                  Hope there is nothing about the ex, that is so soap opera, not sci-fi


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Hugs to Linzi and family! It is never easy to lose a loved one.


                    My Dad was sick for over a year and his whole personality changed in that time. It was actually a relief to see him finally released from his discomfort, but it hurt and still does after 2 years. He is so much better off now and in my mind and heart I remember what his life meant to me.

                    Back to the whump now...

                    Okay so it is just a little elbow scratch, but I was in the mood for it!
                    Thanks, Pocus. So sorry about your dad
                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    Linzi! ((HUGS))

                    *waves* Hi all. Just wanted to let you all know that I got chapter 4 of Shattered posted. Thanks to Ali for the hint on getting around the document upload mess!

                    Shattered Ch. 4


                    I'm off to wallpaper a bit
                    Now that has cheered me up!!!

                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    Linzi, I am so sorry about your Nan. I am happy to know you have good memories of her. Just from the way you wrote about her, I know you cherish them. That keeps her alive. You and your family are in my thoughts.
                    Thanks, Lorr.
                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    Didn't I say that the pick up for S5 would probably depend on the back half of S3?

                    My question in JM's blog was answered. No real spoilers, but just in case you're worried.
                    I wonder if JF will be living in CB's office to make sure this one ends up like he wants it to (after what happened to Epiphany).

                    Lorr54 writes: “A question regarding the idea Mr. Flanigan pitched and Mr. Binder is writing. When something like that happens, how involved is the person that came up with the idea involved once the writer has it?”

                    Answer: That’s entirely dependent on how much input the first person wants to have.

                    Congrats to the milestoners! There were some biggies today!

                    Now I'm off to read the rest of his blog. I'll be back.
                    I liked your question! I hope JF will stay involved, because his instincts are very good, IMO. In Joe We Trust!!!!
                    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                    Never mind––just going through one of my self-deprecating depressive mood swings, I guess. Been feeling whumped lately.
                    Hugs to you, Ceekay.
                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                    It took me ages to catch up on this thread today... yet that's nothing new to be honest

                    Linzi, I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. Have a warm hug

                    This seems to not be the best of weeks (and it's just after Easter...): OT
                    Today my bf called to tell me that his little sister suffered a misgiving and is outright depressive now - and who could blame her. That's so terrible for her!

                    And on top of that I got an eMail in which a good friend told me that her husband comitted suicide on Easter Sunday!
                    And now she is alone with two little kids (3 and 5 yrs old) and doesn't know how get on and how to pay the loan for the house they bought just three years ago...

                    I am seldomely speachless but today is one of those rare occasions.

                    Sorry, peeps. I don't want to put a damper on the ongoing squee in here but I had to get that out.

                    And now I need to give you some whump to make me feel better before heading for bed.

                    Thanks, TCB! So sorry to hear about your family and friend's awful news. My heart goes out to them.

                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    Wallpapered *G*

                    decided to do the next installation in my "quote" series. McKay and Mrs. Miller

                    (don't worry! They're Shep! LOL)

                    spoiler for MM&M and size...

                    and with that, I need to go to bed. sinus infection still has a hold of me, and still nearly deaf in the right ear. Been half deaf for two weeks now and have done two rounds of antibiotics. Calling the Dr. tomorrow to get a referral to a specialist. I'm sick of this and the profound impact it has on my job and my life.

                    Long and short... still sleeping a lot more than normal. Energy levels aren't what I want them to be.. *sigh*

                    *yawn* Night! ((HUGS))
                    Fantastic WP's, SGA, as usual! Sorry your ears are still giving you hell. Get better VERY soon.
                    Originally posted by Celtic Wizard View Post
                    Linzi - (((HUGS))) Sorry to hear your news

                    Hope there is nothing about the ex, that is so soap opera, not sci-fi

                    A big thanks to everyone who expressed sympathy about my nan. I haven't probably mentioned you all here, and have missed some posts, but your kind thoughts are much appreciated.


                      Linzi and TCB - sending you both a big hug. Sorry to hear your news.

                      Oh dear, it really doesn't pay to miss a day or two on here 'cos there are so many pages to catch up on.

                      I loved the pic of Joe JM posted yesterday, the fact that Joe has pitched an angsty episode and how JM got loads of comments the day he posts a Joe pic! Heh! It's really fabbo to see all the Sheppy support over there.

                      Now...I'm going to try and catch up with this thread!


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        At last!! At long frelling last!! I just saw a real commercial on SciFi for SGA. It showed a bit of the last scene of one of the eps, but at least it was something. GAH!!!
                        They've been advertising the heck out of SGA on Spike the last couple of weeks.


                          Fly by post as I have to be in work in an hour *sigh* but I did have a Shep dream last night to help me through the day And to top it all off it wasn't one Shep it was 3 and two were whumped they were apparently (no idea where this came from) clones from a magical mystery tour inside some castle....very strange. But how can you go wrong with 3 Sheps, lol

                          Quick...very quick round up before I go. Thanks for the pix everyone and *sends the group a virtual hug for RL crap*

                          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                          Linzi! ((HUGS))

                          *waves* Hi all. Just wanted to let you all know that I got chapter 4 of Shattered posted. Thanks to Ali for the hint on getting around the document upload mess!

                          Shattered Ch. 4


                          I'm off to wallpaper a bit
                          Excellent stuff i'll hopefully get a chance to read it tonight...still not read Bebop's fic yet... sorry hon. Loved the WP's their almost lifesize!

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Just popping in. Man is it quiet in here. Has anyone read JM's blog for tonight? No major news concerning Shep, but was a bit surprised by this statement of his..........

                          Stolen from JM's 12 April blog....

                          hmmm......that makes me a bit worried...........
                          I know, and the thing is, there's nothing anyone else can do apart fromt the US...bloody Skiffy. You wonder who hires these jokers.

                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Didn't I say that the pick up for S5 would probably depend on the back half of S3?

                          My question in JM's blog was answered. No real spoilers, but just in case you're worried.
                          I wonder if JF will be living in CB's office to make sure this one ends up like he wants it to (after what happened to Epiphany).

                          Lorr54 writes: “A question regarding the idea Mr. Flanigan pitched and Mr. Binder is writing. When something like that happens, how involved is the person that came up with the idea involved once the writer has it?”

                          Answer: That’s entirely dependent on how much input the first person wants to have.

                          Congrats to the milestoners! There were some biggies today!

                          Now I'm off to read the rest of his blog. I'll be back.
                          Great question Lorr so lots of layers for S4 *wonders if Shep's layers are removable*

                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          I saw your question. SQUEE!!! You come up with some good ones.

                          I sincerely hope JF will take a very active role in his story. Then its bound to be very good.

                          I still would love to see JFs original idea for Epiphany.
                          Me to, maybe if/when he comes to P3 he'll tell us *still got my fingers and toes crossed for P3*

                          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                          Hello whumpers. I finally caught up.

                          OK OK OK, my mom's a nurse and works on special unit for patients who have breathing tubes and I'm sure I can get something from her. I'm also going to be going to Florida in June so I could make a slight detour.

                          I agree with you Roo....IMO I don't think Shep kirks. There was only one time where he was interested, the rest they were after him. Well who the heck wouldn't be?

                          I also agree with what you
                          said about the relationship stuff. I don't think Joe would pitch something like that. I think that if Joe pitched it, it will probably have a lot of action in it.

                          Linzi sorry to hear about your nan. Looks like you had a lot of support here on the whumper thread today. Here's another hug.

                          Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's with Sherry, lol, wait till SD hears about the intubation kit, lol, it might actually tip her over the edge, lol And i think Joe's ep will be dark, actiony and angsty.

                          In Joe we trust!

                          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                          *waves* Evening Whumpers!

                          Did you enjoy? I only managed to get through CG tonight.

                          Mini-rant: Did you notice in a couple of the ads for SGA they spelled Sheppard wrong (Shepherd)? What was that? You can't spell the name of the lead character correctly? Not sure what idiot made that mistake (twice), but one would think SOMEONE would have caught it before airing. <deep breath> OK, rant over.

                          Woo hoo!!! *runs off to read*
                          CG squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we need eps like that in S4 and i've a feeling we're gonna get some

                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                          Night Sherry, don't let yourself get whumped, girl. Thanks a bunch for your sympathy.
                          And all the other whumpers, good night too!
                          I'm heading for dream-land now too and see if the new morning bugs me less than today did.
                          Sorry, I'm still in a foul mood over all the bad news. So, it's best to run off and knock myself into my mattress anyway!

                          I'll light a candle tomorrow to make the world a bit better when I get up.

                          And congrats to the milestoners and their achievements I read about today. SheppyD, Peg,
                          If I mixed anyone up, I'm incredibly sorry for it. But I think I'm way beyond straight thoughts by now.

                          I won't let it slip though without another lovely pic of sleeping Sheppy who went ahead to warm the blankets...
                          Thanks hon.

                          *sends big hugs to whumpees*


                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                            Linzi! ((HUGS))

                            *waves* Hi all. Just wanted to let you all know that I got chapter 4 of Shattered posted. Thanks to Ali for the hint on getting around the document upload mess!

                            Shattered Ch. 4


                            I'm off to wallpaper a bit


                            Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                            Just popping in. Man is it quiet in here. Has anyone read JM's blog for tonight? No major news concerning Shep, but was a bit surprised by this statement of his..........

                            Stolen from JM's 12 April blog....

                            hmmm......that makes me a bit worried...........

                            Makes me a little worried too!!!

                            Also re JM's blog
                            he talks of Millers crossing and a vulnerable McKay - from what he says it sounds like this is an ep where McKay changes...surely there cant be two about him like this? Also DG - he says NOAS -any suggestions what this means - N= Nightmares S = Sheppard?

                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            Hello whumpers. I finally caught up.

                            OK OK OK, my mom's a nurse and works on special unit for patients who have breathing tubes and I'm sure I can get something from her. I'm also going to be going to Florida in June so I could make a slight detour.
                            Woo Hoo !!!!


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              I'd still like to know who these Neilsen people are. Because I sure and heck don't know any of them and my friends don't know any of their friends who are Neilsen people either.
                              They're not allowed to tell anyone. If you have a Neilsen box, you're not allowed to let anyone know.. so you could know people who are... but they can't tell you.

                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                              This seems to not be the best of weeks (and it's just after Easter...): OT
                              Today my bf called to tell me that his little sister suffered a misgiving and is outright depressive now - and who could blame her. That's so terrible for her!

                              And on top of that I got an eMail in which a good friend told me that her husband comitted suicide on Easter Sunday!
                              And now she is alone with two little kids (3 and 5 yrs old) and doesn't know how get on and how to pay the loan for the house they bought just three years ago...

                              I am seldomely speachless but today is one of those rare occasions.

                              Sorry, peeps. I don't want to put a damper on the ongoing squee in here but I had to get that out.
                              So sorry to hear the bad news about your friend and family Twinchy. As others have said, all you can do is to be there for them when they need you. *hugs*

                              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                              They've been advertising the heck out of SGA on Spike the last couple of weeks.
                              What is Spike please? I've heard it mentioned elsewhere...


                                Morning all!

                                JM's blog:
                                Anonymous #5 writes: “ "On the production schedule, Rob is first up with 'Doppelganger,' a.k.a. N.O.A.S., assuming both writing and directing duties on this one."
                                What does NOAS stand for?”

                                Answer: When you find out what the episode is about, it will become obvious. I think. Alternately, knowing what it stands for will pretty much tell you what the episode is about.

                                If you ask me NOAS = Nightmare on Atlantis Street. You know how these guys love their movie references and to play on words, I can see them picking that for a working title/nickname.

