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John Sheppard Whump

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    nighty-night, Sherry!


      Hi Whumpers! This is the first time I've been able to get on all day, I've been so busy. How're you guys doing?


        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        Me thinking about moving to Vancouver.
        hehe i would like to move there to ...but they do change time

        just my province doesn't... it does explain why it feels like we are still back in 1976 lol

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
          OK what's with the name Harry and wizards??? You say he's in Chicago...hmm maybe I'll downtown and look for him.

          How many books are there and if you had to chose a book to read first which one would it be?
          hehe you live in chicago!? cool, do you know lori? (j/k)

          OT harry dresden talk


          you should read "storm front' first all books are by jim butcher...there are 8 books in the series
          he posts at the the scifi channel site, he's a nice guy to chat to.

          i've read books 1-5 they are fab!

          hehe and yes poor harry is called 'cliche' in the tv show for his name hehe

          gads i adore bob and mouse and mister! and Micheal! ooo ooo and the werewolves!

          *waves* hi puddlejumper!

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Very quiet and getting late. I'm outta here. Good night to the western hemisphere and good morning to the eastern hemisphere!

            A couple of pics...

            The Ark





            Did the non-spoilery whumpers notice I did a couple for them to click on?


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Hi whumpers *waves*

              Sorry to rant so early on, but i'm piddled off and need to get it off my chest!

              OT Rant
              My sister comes once every blue moon to see my mom in hospital, she's been there over a year now and still really poorly. So she stays at my house while she's down, I don't like it (because we don't get on) but I tolerate it, because it makes mom happy, but she's not only been rooting through my personal belinging AGAIN! But the worse thing she could of done, she did. She DELETED my Stargate Atlantis eps, all my faves of Season 3 and she's deleted them off sky. I can't believe it, i'm absolutely livid...
              Sorry had to get that of my chest... I know return you to your regular squee...
              Blimey...that's really awful Peg. I think I'd cry!! Hope we get the s3 DVDs feels as if they're being released later this year. Perhaps I'm looking forward to them too much!

              Talking about the third series...I'll probably give it a go as I do love sci-fi, but, as Shep is my fave scifi guy ever, he's the one I'll be loyal to!!


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                congrats SD, woohooooo you did it And with that I think i'm gonna head off to bad. Darn less hours sleep....

                ETA: Bad? oops, I was obviously thinking about Evil Shep, lol.

                Nite whumpers *waves*
                Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                Congrats SheppyD On Your Milestone!!!squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                Congrats on 7700, SheppyD!!! And, thanks for the picspam celebration!

                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                I give up *throws in towel* - I just can't keep up with all the squeeeing going on in here! I'm so way behind and I'm missing all the squeeee!!

                I'm so excited about S4 that I keep forgetting I still have the back 10 of S3 coming up next month!!!



                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  That's an excellent point. This thread has always looked forward, as well as looking back at the old favourites, but essentially it's about whump. Whumpy ff, or whumpy piccies, or whump that has happened. Season 3, other than CG and perhaps one other eppie, didn't particularly deliver on the whump front for some of us, so therefore, we're looking forward to season 4, where we KNOW we're getting whump already. It is natural to look forward to that whump, I think. Basically any episodes that don't include whump aren't talked about here much, because it's sort of OT, and most are not perhaps interested in non-whumpy stuff too much. Thus there's the JFT for the pretty and episode threads for the episode talk etc.
                  I fully intend to squee with our saints who haven't watched the whump in the rest of season 3 when the episodes air for them. I'm looking forward to that.
                  But, this is a forward looking and positive thread, and though I respect people who have said goodbye to SGA season 4, everyone here pretty much seems to be looking forward to it, and therefore, as spoilers are coming our way, are killing the time between now and when season 4 airs, with squeeing and speculating. If people feel left out, it's sad, but the thread operates on what the the majority wants. That's the way all the threads seem to go.
                  With you all the way there mate!!!

                  I am soooo far behind cause I've got small persons birthday party today, so I'm up to myeyeballs in ballons and loot bags etc, etc...I'll try and catch up later when the hordes of screaming 5 year olds have gone home!!!!

                  my fan fiction place


                    Congrats SheppyD to 7700 posts!!!
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Congrats SheppyD to 7700 posts!!!
                      Thanks Nina!!!


                        I managed to log in to (at last) and upload what I've done



                          Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                          OK I'm back. I had to watch Smallville and then I was watching Scooby Doo with the kids.

                          Who told you what??? Let me at 'em!!!!!

                          You soo don't have to lurk. Come on you love to whump Shep...right??? Well their is absolutely no reason to be lurking when you can be whumping right alongside all of us.

                          OK so I was I didn't start any fires.

                          Travelers Speculation
                          What if Sheppard was sent by Rodney to do some scans of the satelites themselves. Perhaps they saw the satelites during a mission and they came back to check them out. During the Sheppard's scan the traveler ship comes out of hyperspace to capture our poor unsuspecting Colonel and then the whumping starts.
                          Oh that sounds wonderful and very logical, Sherry. Here's to hoping you're speculation is accurate!!!
                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          Hey there Sherry!

                          I don't know how Hubby does it, but we seem to have Star Trek on a lot. He just finished watching an ep from the original series.

                          I am loving all the speculation about Travelers.
                          I want a grumpy, pms-ing, chip on her shoulder leader who is out to do what is best for her people even if it means hurting Shep to do it.
                          I'm hoping for that sort of a character too!
                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Well crap. I just went and made a hot toddy to try and head this cold off at the pass... put it down on the desk, went to sit down in my chair and tipped the damn mug over all over the keyboard, desk, floor... everywhere. And I hadn't even had a sip. So as well as cleaning it all up, I've had to go and remake it from scratch. *sigh*

                          And the clocks have gone forward to it's now 3:30am and I'll be losing an hour this weekend... *gah*. Life does not like me at the moment...
                          Ouch! I hate it when that happens. All that sticky liquid everywhere....YUK! I've done it so many times myself I've lost count!
                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          See, Pocus, you're not alone! I am nearby and drop in all too frequently!

                          Re: Travelers:
                          I suggested Gina Torres on JM's blog for Larrin - that is the female leader, isn't it? She is one of the few women that can play a smart, strong woman and be a serious bad-a**, too. I know they couldn't get her, but she'd be great.
                          That was a great suggestion, Lorr. Shame it can't happen
                          Originally posted by Salty View Post
                          I give up *throws in towel* - I just can't keep up with all the squeeeing going on in here! I'm so way behind and I'm missing all the squeeee!!

                          I'm so excited about S4 that I keep forgetting I still have the back 10 of S3 coming up next month!!!

                          I'm looking forward to hearing your views on the rest of season 3! It'll be fun to talk about the eppies with you and GG!
                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Ali, I think it is time for a new keyboard! LOL It takes a lot of typing to wear off the letters. I hope your toddy works and that you feel all better.

                          I can't think of any other actress to play
                          Larrin. I'm just happy that my suggestion wasn't way off base. Whoever they pick should have presence, including physical stature. Most actresses are petit because so many actors are 5'10" or under.
                          I agree!
                          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                          Blimey...that's really awful Peg. I think I'd cry!! Hope we get the s3 DVDs feels as if they're being released later this year. Perhaps I'm looking forward to them too much!

                          Talking about the third series...I'll probably give it a go as I do love sci-fi, but, as Shep is my fave scifi guy ever, he's the one I'll be loyal to!!

                          I think if it were my sister I'd have been arrested for actual bodily harm!!!!! GRRRRRR! SGA is sacred!!!!

                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          With you all the way there mate!!!

                          I am soooo far behind cause I've got small persons birthday party today, so I'm up to myeyeballs in ballons and loot bags etc, etc...I'll try and catch up later when the hordes of screaming 5 year olds have gone home!!!!
                          Birthday parties??? EEEK, as I've got three kids, I have had my fill of birthday parties. I HATE THEM!!!! lol!
                          Originally posted by Stricken View Post
                          I managed to log in to (at last) and upload what I've done

                          Oh goody. Will bookmark to read ASAP!!!


                            *fly by post*

                            Pocus... those eyes *drowns in its thuddiness*. Thanks for the pic

                            Originally posted by Stricken View Post
                            I managed to log in to (at last) and upload what I've done

                            Woohooooo great minds think alike

                            I've just uploaded Chapter 2 Brothers in Arms

                            Just goign off to see mom, so i'll be back later to play and squee *vbg*


                              Congrats to SheppyD on 7,700!!!!


                                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                                *fly by post*

                                Pocus... those eyes *drowns in its thuddiness*. Thanks for the pic

                                Woohooooo great minds think alike

                                I've just uploaded Chapter 2 Brothers in Arms

                                Just goign off to see mom, so i'll be back later to play and squee *vbg*
                                Woo hoo!!!! Off to read as well!!!

