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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oh, I can't wait to see what you do for the challenge Ali!

    By GG! Awesome pics!

    I'm off to focus more on this fic so I can get it done in time, ack.


      this is a flyby post to let you all know that i am alive, i am still writing and catching up on your gosip and i am most defnately squeeing about travellers!! Just busy with work -which i love btw- and life....grrrr!!!!!


        btw Barogy's new fic on is fantastic. check it out if you havent already


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          I am also spending at an inordinate amount of time watching O1's latest vid. I am absolutely engulfed by it. I love her choice of song with Adrenaline and the editing of the clips is just beautiful. I'm all breathless just thinking about it! GUH!!!
          awww now isnt that sweet!! ill have to tell her!!

          Originally posted by Elinor View Post
          I just love the sound of the word
          'interface'. Yes, hooked up to the ship against his will.
          Mega whump potential looking good!!
          Sure is SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          hmmm no one really here, doesnt matter i need to carry on working on my presentation without too many distractions!! of course ill still be checking in though!!



            Originally posted by Josie View Post

            Still not feeling too good but am trying to cheer myself up, I've dyed my hair and it's come really nice and JM replied to my comment on his blog again which is always good.
            New hair is always a new start..thats what my mum always says!!! I hope you feel better soon.

            my fan fiction place


              Originally posted by Josie View Post

              Still not feeling too good but am trying to cheer myself up, I've dyed my hair and it's come really nice and JM replied to my comment on his blog again which is always good.
              Hope you feel a bit brighter soon sweetie. I saw your comments on JM's blog.

              I've just asked a whumpy question over there! Hee hee! Isn't it silly?! I felt really nervous doing it!! It's not like I'm ever going to meet him or anything! I said that we're all looking forward to 'Travelers' and was wondering if we can expect more of Shep 'pushed to his limits' type episodes and that we felt he's never been whumped quite as much as O'Neill or Mitchell!! It's taking me ages to think of something original to ask. Hope we get an answer!


                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                Oh, I can't wait to see what you do for the challenge Ali!

                By GG! Awesome pics!

                I'm off to focus more on this fic so I can get it done in time, ack.
                I highly doubt I'll get mine done in time... You know me - I still haven't finished Ill Wind which was the challenge from last November!

                I'm just glad I remembered the cool idea I had for this fic - though I haven't actually worked out a full plot yet which I really should do...

                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                this is a flyby post to let you all know that i am alive, i am still writing and catching up on your gosip and i am most defnately squeeing about travellers!! Just busy with work -which i love btw- and life....grrrr!!!!!
                Nice to see you around O1, however briefly! Glad that you are still enjoying work...


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I highly doubt I'll get mine done in time... You know me - I still haven't finished Ill Wind which was the challenge from last November!
                  Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.


                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.
                    Josie that would be such a shame. You are an INCREDIBLY talented writer and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Even if you think personally that your writing doesn't cut the grade, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it does...and I know I would miss your stories! Take heart and don't give up..PREEEEEEZZZZ

                    my fan fiction place


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.
                      You probably have more written than I do I keep forgetting about writing it


                        Originally posted by Josie View Post
                        Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.
                        I've really enjoyed your fics Josie...but if it's making you feel a bit stressful, maybe just leave it for a while. You can always come back to writing when you enjoy it again.


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.
                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Josie that would be such a shame. You are an INCREDIBLY talented writer and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Even if you think personally that your writing doesn't cut the grade, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it does...and I know I would miss your stories! Take heart and don't give up..PREEEEEEZZZZ
                          ^Wot she said!

                          I think the main thing is that you don't stress yourself and try and force it. Write when you feel up to it and take a break if you're not feeling up to it. I've written hardly anything in the past few months.. just really struggled to get into the right mood/mindset for writing. Just one of those things I guess. The thing is, hon, your writing is good - really good. And you know I don't say that lightly. Just don't let expectations put pressure on you - much as we may joke about wanting you to be writing etc, we are happy to wait and enoy your wonderful writing as and when you are happy enough with the final product to publish it. At the end of the day I know for a fact that all your fans would much rather read just one excellent story by you in a whole year than to not have any of your fics to read!

                          I've found myself that WIPs are putting too much pressure on me and -aside from the WIPs I currently have and need to finish - have decided to stop psoting WIPs and get a story written in full before I start posting it.


                            IWTB - if you're still popping in here today I have a bone to pick! WHY didn't you tell me how awesome the fifth ep of The Dresden Files is? Yes, thanks to you I've given in and watched all the eps now (I figured it was silly to have skipped ahead to 6 and not watch 5 too! ) and you were raving about ep 6, which I did love, but you mentioned *nothing* about 5!

                            Spoilers for The Dresden Files - Bad Blood:
                            It's got whump, it's got flashbacks, it's got whump, it's got naked chestage, it's got whump, it's got angst... and did I mention the whump?!

                            P.S. I can't wait to find out more about the TV-verse's backstory of what happened with Harry's uncle....


                              Hey peeps am loving RL today its left me be to get on with stuff i like, have just got through a monkey business smoothy from Zoomo, I love smoothies!! and my football team got a last minute goal so didn't get their butts kicked and now I can catch up on here for a little while before I go out clubbing tonight in my chavtastic town - I really don't see the appeal to going out getting blotto and starting fights, its not my idea of a good night out but seems to be the case for many people in this town

                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Or what about ......

                              Sheppy in a straight Jacket?
                              hmmm yes in a straight jacket with a head wound from trying to get out of it.

                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              I've been a busy little bee this evening and am now the proud owner of a Chapter Eight...I'm also wupped, its been a very full day today, so I'm bedwards. later peeps.

                              protective instincts chapter 8
                              yeah!!!!! bookmarked to read later, I have been so bad lately have bookmarked loads and now can't remember which ones I have read and reviewed am such a scatter brain!!

                              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                              oooh i like that idea too!!!

                              lots of angst potential!!! what if
                              tehy force him to do something really bad and he cant stop himself (although hes tries, whumping himself in the process) and he has to like fire upon a a planet with innocent people on it or something (testing out the weapons or something)...major guilt for killing innocent people AND of course they might get pissed that hes trying to resist and beat the beep out of him!!! hehe more whump!!!
                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Oh yes that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yes strapped into
                              a machine that forces him to do stuff that he doesnt want to but cant stop woo hoo!!!!!!
                              OMG that would be so good, just think of the emotions Shep will have to go through!!

                              Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                              Thats more like it!!!!!

                              You know I think that in travelers
                              we are going to get some really extra awesome acting from Joe - I can just imagine all of the emotions we are going to see in his wonderful eyes- even though they are going to be black and swollen!!!!
                              That would be just fantastic, JF is a very talented actor and I always think he conveys the emotions so beautifully I really feel his pain!!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Thanks GG! Ok, I'm barmy and a maniac. But maybe you're just a little bit manical too? No? How about nuts, then? No? Well, at least I don't tell stories about those naughty old Ancients and their drug habits!!! I'm still laughing at that!!! Valuable lesson though. Taking drugs and getting high = losing battle for survival against the wraith in the Pegasus galaxy. There's a very valuable lesson to learn there And they say Science Fiction isn't valuable to society...
                              LMAO - that would be fab i would love to watch that show!!

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              you have a whump pillow??? all I got is a flattened thunk pillow. Where do I get a whump pillow.......really, if anyone should ahve one, it should be me.
                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Oh, I need one, sweetie. It's big and fluffy and a bit like an infirmary pillow. It's got bottled scent of Shep on it too. Not that that helps when I pass out. It just makes me swoon all the more!
                              Oh if only they sold those on ebay!!!

                              Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                              you really need to sit in on a presentation of mine sometime. you'll be laughing your arse off. Today, I was actually humming the Stargate tune when the kiddies were flying through the 'black hole'..and I forgot to turn off my mic....yup, everyone heard the Stargate theme.....poorly done.
                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I'd love to come! It sounds fantastic! You could do all these Stargate jokes and we'd be the only one to understand them!!! The Stargate tune while zooming through a black hole? Yep, sounds like great fun to me! Lucky kids!
                              Maybe that should be the location for a whump convention, all the whumpers together it would be hilarious!!

                              Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                              Never read Halcyon, but I couldn't get into The Chosen. I've had my copy since Christmas and I'm still not done with it.
                              I realy liked the whump in The Chosen. I have read it over and over. I get to this point...(spoilers for end of Chap 17 of The Chosen)
                              The Major was almost completely free of the tar when one of the ropes snapped and struck Sheppard in the temple. He fell forward in a boneless heap......(mmm head wound)
                              and I get so over excited, at what I know is coming up!! love it!! I quite often just start reading at chapter 17 if i haven't got time to read it all.

                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Chestnut - which is pretty close to my natural colour but it's just given it a lift (and covered up a few grey hairs) and it looks really natural too.

                              As for JM's blog:

                              Pilgrim writes: “I'm a big Michael Marshall Smith fan and am hopelessly in love with his novel One of Us make sure you put that on your reading list too.”

                              Answer: I fully intend to.

                              Pilgrim also writes: “Do you go into writing the season with a clear idea of where you want to be come the season finale? Or is it a more organic process allowing the stories to develop and seeing where they take you?”

                              Answer: Definitely the latter although, usually, by the time we hit episode 15, we pretty much know where we’re headed. And, of course, the show’s ratings will impact the type of story we’ll tell.

                              Nothing Shep related but I'm genuinely interested in how they work and I am on a mission to make as many people as possible read that book because it's one of my favorites.
                              Glad to hear you are trying to pull yourself out of the badness ) keep going hunny. Oh I love dying my hair, haven't done it for such a long time, have been soo many different colours, a lovely shade of pink once although that wasn't the intention

                              I thought that was you I might just have to check that book out have never heard of it.

                              Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                              this is a flyby post to let you all know that i am alive, i am still writing and catching up on your gosip and i am most defnately squeeing about travellers!! Just busy with work -which i love btw- and life....grrrr!!!!!
                              Hellooo!!! Glad to hear you are ok RL totally bites sometimes doesn't it!!

                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              Under The Surface was for the same challenge and I just can't get along with it at the moment no matter how hard I try. I have a bunch of other ideas and a partially written unpublished story but I'm really starting to think I'm not cut out for writing and once I've finished UtS I should just give up trying.
                              Your writing is very good hunny, we all love reading it, you can tell that we love it by the fact we bug you to see if the next chapter is up, something we wouldn't do if we didn't enjoy it, but you need to enjoy it and if yoy feel you don't then its not fair on you to sit trying to write and not have fun doing it. Keep your chin up hunny, its all good in the end

                              Am just gonna lay here for a while now and watch echoes, I have a plot bunny dancing around but not sure its that good, seems a bit wishy-washy. Gonna think about it for a while see what it does.


                                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                                Glad to hear you are trying to pull yourself out of the badness ) keep going hunny. Oh I love dying my hair, haven't done it for such a long time, have been soo many different colours, a lovely shade of pink once although that wasn't the intention
                                I tried to dye my hair pink once.. it didn't work.

