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John Sheppard Whump

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    well guys im off for teh weekend.
    have fun and keep safe


      Bye mayo, have a nice weekend.


        happy whumping



          Yes, I know, it's not ten o'clock yet. I'm really not supposed to be on here, but I wanted to vent because it's healthy - or so I've been told.

          I don't like those fics that make Sheppard out as a pervert. More than that - Holy crap, do they have to go into such explicit detail! There I am, reading along innocently without a care in the world when something rather unecessarily descriptive concerning things I'd rather not read of jumps out at me from no where, and since I'm reading from the computer and not a book in my hands I can't toss it across the room. And this isn't romance I'm reading or anything rated Mature. It's general stuff and usually just one part easily skipped, but by the time I realize it's a part I need to skip, it's a little too late what with how detailed the writer likes to be. I'm innocent minded, consarnit, and I want to stay that way!

          Keep in mind, I'm not talking of any of the fics people in this forum have written. People here know how to warn.

          Okay, I feel better now. I don't complain directly to the writers because it's there work and 'm not going to tell them how to write. Neither do I let it keep me from reading the rest of the story so long as there's nothing else to worry about. But it does bother me, mostly because it really does come out of no where.

          Okay, I'm done now.
          Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


            Rant away CC, it's annoying when you're reading a fic and you suddenly come across something really random that you weren't expecting and didn't particularly want to read - I've had a few images put in my head that I really could have done without.

            Anyway it's late so it's off to bed for me, I shall see you all tomorrow no doubt.

            G'night all!


              Originally posted by Josie View Post
              Rant away CC, it's annoying when you're reading a fic and you suddenly come across something really random that you weren't expecting and didn't particularly want to read - I've had a few images put in my head that I really could have done without.

              Anyway it's late so it's off to bed for me, I shall see you all tomorrow no doubt.

              G'night all!
              Yeah it bugs me when fics are poorly labelled as well... even if it's not for sensitive topics etc but even just stuff you don't want to read/don't find interesting/don't think will be done well... I started reading a supposed SGA fic on ffnet the other week and within moments (because I happen to know the other fandom too) realised it was an unlabelled (and poorly done, I have to say) crossover between SGA and X-Men! I'm not a huge fan of AU crossovers and really wouldn't have bothered even looking if it had been labelled properly...

              I'm still fighting with my vid. Stopped for dinner (Chinese takeaway, yum yum!) and made some good progress just now until another crash.. *sigh* Talk about a labour of love...


                *runs in and saves the Whump thread from dropping off page 1*

                Where is everyone?!
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  I was off reading some fan fics. Then I checked over at JFT. Seems quiet in here tonight!



                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    *runs in and saves the Whump thread from dropping off page 1*

                    Where is everyone?!
                    Still vidding. I keep popping in here whenever my vid programme crashes (i.e. every 5 minutes!) but it's very quiet tonight...

                    Sooooo close to finished with this damn vid now!


                      Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                      Yes...she's good! I'm working my way through Terry Goodkind's 'Sword of Truth' series. Wow...the hero really gets whumped good in those books!

                      ooo i'll have to check that out

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Waiting for the programme to reload my file again - somebody talk to me?


                          I'm heading off for the night. I hope to see you tomorrow!



                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            I'm heading off for the night. I hope to see you tomorrow!

                            Gnight chica...


                              Wooo. I think I've finally finished the damn vid! Thank goodness! It's telling me it's going to take about 15 mins to save the damn thing as a movie file but after that I might be able to actually load it up somewhere and have you folks tell me what you think of it..


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Wooo. I think I've finally finished the damn vid! Thank goodness! It's telling me it's going to take about 15 mins to save the damn thing as a movie file but after that I might be able to actually load it up somewhere and have you folks tell me what you think of it..
                                oh yeah!!!me wanna see!!! I posted a new one on atlantis vids tonight
                       - gratuitous repost

