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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hmmmmm I think I've about finished the intro to my challenge fic but, oddly, for once I don't think I'm gonna post it straight up. I actually feel like trying to get a bit further with the story and kinda get more of it written before I start posting it up. I don't wanna get ahead of myself again and end up having huge long gaps between updates.....


      Afternoon everyone!

      Nice to see you all so excited about next weekend. You do realise that even if you don't have internet access you will be able to send SMS & MMS messages to me. *hint* *hint* If any of you have camera phones and were to send me a pic I could put it online really easily.

      On the subject of hair dying, I don't bother, I keep hoping the grey will stop people mistaking me for being 10 years younger than I am, it hasn't worked thus far.


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Hmmmmm I think I've about finished the intro to my challenge fic but, oddly, for once I don't think I'm gonna post it straight up. I actually feel like trying to get a bit further with the story and kinda get more of it written before I start posting it up. I don't wanna get ahead of myself again and end up having huge long gaps between updates.....
        Good luck with that!

        It's terrible though isn't it, you get into the groove the writing's going really well and you want to share, so you post it and then hit a brick wall. Horrible!


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Good luck with that!

          It's terrible though isn't it, you get into the groove the writing's going really well and you want to share, so you post it and then hit a brick wall. Horrible!
          I think it's more that I've actually *gasp in shock* planned this one out a little. I've actually written a point by point list of what's going to happen in ths fic (well, at least up to a certain point - still haven't planned exactly how I'm going to end it) which is pretty much unheard of for me. PLus I am kinda trying to do something a little different in this fic. I tend to dive straight into the meat of the story - i.e. the whump - and don't really take time to build the story slowly. I'm very envious of fics - like yours and Sholio's - that do that so I am kinda trying to go for that style myself and build a proper story and let the tension build as the story develops rather than just going.... "Lookit! Sheppard gets whumped! Wheeeeeee!"


            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            I think it's more that I've actually *gasp in shock* planned this one out a little. I've actually written a point by point list of what's going to happen in ths fic (well, at least up to a certain point - still haven't planned exactly how I'm going to end it) which is pretty much unheard of for me. PLus I am kinda trying to do something a little different in this fic. I tend to dive straight into the meat of the story - i.e. the whump - and don't really take time to build the story slowly. I'm very envious of fics - like yours and Sholio's - that do that so I am kinda trying to go for that style myself and build a proper story and let the tension build as the story develops rather than just going.... "Lookit! Sheppard gets whumped! Wheeeeeee!"

            Well I'm rather going in the opposite direction with my current one, it was straight into the whump and there's no real plotline whatsoever.

            It goes against the grain a little bit for me but it seems to be working so far, I just hope I don't disappoint, I've really got to get writing but I've been so sleepy the last few days I've not got very far.


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              I think it's more that I've actually *gasp in shock* planned this one out a little. I've actually written a point by point list of what's going to happen in ths fic (well, at least up to a certain point - still haven't planned exactly how I'm going to end it) which is pretty much unheard of for me. PLus I am kinda trying to do something a little different in this fic. I tend to dive straight into the meat of the story - i.e. the whump - and don't really take time to build the story slowly. I'm very envious of fics - like yours and Sholio's - that do that so I am kinda trying to go for that style myself and build a proper story and let the tension build as the story develops rather than just going.... "Lookit! Sheppard gets whumped! Wheeeeeee!"
              Hey, I like reading the 'lookit, Sheppard's whumped' style of ficcies!!!!


                I'm going to show my greediness here - I like both!
                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  Hey, I like reading the 'lookit, Sheppard's whumped' style of ficcies!!!!
                  Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                  I'm going to show my greediness here - I like both!
                  Well me too - but I think it does no harm as a writer to try and mix things up a little and try something new now and then...


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Well me too - but I think it does no harm as a writer to try and mix things up a little and try something new now and then...
                    I agree! I like both sorts of stories, though there is something immensely satisfying about instant and gratuitous whump


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Well me too - but I think it does no harm as a writer to try and mix things up a little and try something new now and then...
                      Well, I'm in my writing infancy, I admit, but I'd have to agree with you. Besides the first commandment - Let there be whump - I'm having fun trying different things with what I've written so far. I must admit, I really enjoyed using the first person present in All Bets Are Off, and I really enjoyed writing the comedy too, although I don't think I'll ever be a professional comedian.
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Oooh I just had an advert for Stargate SG1 showing on Sky 1 appear on my Hotmail page! Guess they are at least doing some advertising then! I've not seen a single advert for either of the Gates on Sky 1 and have heard it mentioned in the commentator voiceovers about twice and that's it.


                          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                          Well, I'm in my writing infancy, I admit, but I'd have to agree with you. Besides the first commandment - Let there be whump - I'm having fun trying different things with what I've written so far. I must admit, I really enjoyed using the first person present in All Bets Are Off, and I really enjoyed writing the comedy too, although I don't think I'll ever be a professional comedian.
                          I'm the same I think I've tried to do something a little bit different with each story I've written, it may not be something you notice as a reader but it's there. It's fun to try out different styles of writing and it's a way of finding out what your own "style" is and improving your writing as a whole - well that's the theory anyway, not sure it works in practise.


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Oooh I just had an advert for Stargate SG1 showing on Sky 1 appear on my Hotmail page! Guess they are at least doing some advertising then! I've not seen a single advert for either of the Gates on Sky 1 and have heard it mentioned in the commentator voiceovers about twice and that's it.
                            Oh the announcer they had on Wednesday night! Was the normal guy sick so they let the work experience kid do it? God he was awful, really stilted and mis-pronounced almost everything.


                              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                              Well, I'm in my writing infancy, I admit, but I'd have to agree with you. Besides the first commandment - Let there be whump - I'm having fun trying different things with what I've written so far. I must admit, I really enjoyed using the first person present in All Bets Are Off, and I really enjoyed writing the comedy too, although I don't think I'll ever be a professional comedian.
                              LOL! The first commandment 'Let there be whump' - I like that. I actually prefer writing whump with humorous stuff in the tried and tested one-shot format. However, I seem to have a habit of rabbitting on and on...and writing serious stories too, with quite a few chapters.
                              I'm a novice writer as well, and I learn quite a bit with each story I write. One thing I do know about my likes and dislikes though, is that I really only like reading Sheppard centric stories. If a story doesn't have much Sheppard in it I do get bored very and embarrassingly quickly.
                              There's a story that's been mentioned here quite a bit, and it's incredibly well written, but I couldn't get into parts of it because much of it wasn't about Sheppard. I really am a one man woman! Lol!


                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                Oh the announcer they had on Wednesday night! Was the normal guy sick so they let the work experience kid do it? God he was awful, really stilted and mis-pronounced almost everything.
                                Heh. Musta missed that. Don't think I watched any TV on Wednesday.

                                Oooohh.. I popped out to the supermarket for essentials like bread and Pepsi and came back with..... treacle toffee... Mmmmmmmm....

