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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
    right now is just chores, laundry, house cleaning, that type stuff. But if I get lucky and get to Gimp, I will share I promise
    ... or if we get lucky
    Have fun with the other stuff too
    I think my egg roll needs a little attention now ... be back soon ...


      Originally posted by Libero View Post
      ... or if we get lucky
      Have fun with the other stuff too
      I think my egg roll needs a little attention now ... be back soon ...

      yummy egg roll!!

      just out of curiosity, and this question is for many websites [not counting GW] do you all go to every day? blogs, forums, news, etc. I am just wondering. I used to go to A LOT, but now I have it down to just 4, but one of those is GW.


        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
        just out of curiosity, and this question is for many websites [not counting GW] do you all go to every day? blogs, forums, news, etc. I am just wondering. I used to go to A LOT, but now I have it down to just 4, but one of those is GW.
        I go to three other sites regularly, not including Gateworld.
        Calgary Puck

        I visit about three others every now and then.


          Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
          Aww, thanks......

          Don't get me wrong, I love hockey, just getting tired of working all the games.
          Sorry if this question is stupid, but....what is your job? I always read hockey but can't imagine what you are doing....

          Originally posted by Twinchy View Post
          We miss you too, Rink.

          Oh, hockey is a fine thing/sport to be busy with.
          Love that smiley!!!

          I'm trying to analyse a scene from "east is East", but looking at all the pictures and reading your posts is much more interesting

          Yay!!!! I got two reviews for my story!!!!!! *reallyreallyreallyhappy*
          And I'm happy you liked my story


            Originally posted by SGATwin View Post
            Sorry if this question is stupid, but....what is your job? I always read hockey but can't imagine what you are doing....
            Not a stupid question at all!

            I work for the Calgary Flames Hockey Club.
            During Flames hockey games I wear skates and move the net out of the way for the machine to clean the ice. During a game I clean up excess snow along the boards infront of the players benches. There are three tv timeouts each period, so I get to skate all game long.
            During Hitmen hockey games I generally open and close the gate for the machine and the other guys I work with who help with the ice.
            When I don't work during a game I help the carpenter with whatever he is working on and do some general maintanence stuff in the building. During the summer I do lawn and garden maintenance for the building.
            I also work during lacrosse games and concerts, but those are easy days with not much to do.


              Speaking of work.....
              I must be off, the Flames play the RedWings tonight.

              Have a good day/night!!!


                Hey Rink *squishyhugs*

                As for the websites

                Online Dictionary

                Library homepage
                Works council homepage
                Service portal of my employer
                Various book selling pages (5-10)


                  Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                  Not a stupid question at all!

                  I work for the Calgary Flames Hockey Club.
                  During Flames hockey games I wear skates and move the net out of the way for the machine to clean the ice. During a game I clean up excess snow along the boards infront of the players benches. There are three tv timeouts each period, so I get to skate all game long.
                  During Hitmen hockey games I generally open and close the gate for the machine and the other guys I work with who help with the ice.
                  When I don't work during a game I help the carpenter with whatever he is working on and do some general maintanence stuff in the building. During the summer I do lawn and garden maintenance for the building.
                  I also work during lacrosse games and concerts, but those are easy days with not much to do.
                  Ok, now I understand!!
                  I'm doing something like that for our local hockey team Skating and moving the goals but just for fun while I am at games.... my main "pupil-job" there is the rink newspaper, but that just every month and as a hobby...Never thought of what you're doing being a "normal" job!


                    Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                    I go to three other sites regularly, not including Gateworld.
                    Calgary Puck

                    I visit about three others every now and then.
                    Originally posted by Libero View Post
                    Hey Rink *squishyhugs*

                    As for the websites

                    Online Dictionary

                    Library homepage
                    Works council homepage
                    Service portal of my employer
                    Various book selling pages (5-10)
                    interesting. some of my not-online friends go to 20-50+ sites A DAY which is what prompted me to ask. I go to three: GW, FB and Pinterest [which should be renamed CRACK]. I sometimes check news, and one other site on the weekends only. I thought I was weird for having so few. I also know some online friends who have accounts here, FF, LJ, YT and 20 other places and it just made me feel inadequate.


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      interesting. some of my not-online friends go to 20-50+ sites A DAY which is what prompted me to ask. I go to three: GW, FB and Pinterest [which should be renamed CRACK]. I sometimes check news, and one other site on the weekends only. I thought I was weird for having so few. I also know some online friends who have accounts here, FF, LJ, YT and 20 other places and it just made me feel inadequate.
                      Nah, I think besides all the thunking, whumping, gimping, writing and reading I have to do, there's only so much time left for family, work, life and Libero ...
                      Oh and sleep - sometimes I just have to sleep a bit


                        Originally posted by Libero View Post
                        Nah, I think besides all the thunking, whumping, gimping, writing and reading I have to do, there's only so much time left for family, work, life and Libero ...
                        Oh and sleep - sometimes I just have to sleep a bit
                        and I require A LOT of sleep

                        there are just never enough hours in the day....

                        still curious as to sites others go to.......


                          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                          SO many pages. Can't catch up, I don't have the energy at the moment... Hopefully I"m not missing anything?

                          So much stress. I don't like stress. I'm stressed out and wrung out. I think I'll curl up with a cup of hot tea and watch H50.
                          Well, if you call whumping good ol' Shep "nothing", then you're certainly right; you didn't miss anything.

                          Sorry to hear you are so terribly stressed out, SGAFan.
                          Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
                          Twinchy, love your smilies!
                          Originally posted by SGATwin View Post
                          Love that smiley!!!
                          Why, thank you very much, Sy and Twin.
                          Originally posted by Billie_ View Post
                          Hey Whumpers

                          Wanna start?
                          What a question, Billie... Have at him (not that you needed incentive, obviously)
                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          Let's see....last night we had a pizza.....the veggie kind....THEN I had to eat very cherry Jelly Bellys after that. One step forward....2 steps back....... I have been trying to watch what I eat and so far I'm not doing so well.
                          The way I see it, by your account, you're doing a half decent job of "watching" what you are eating, iheartshep.
                          After that, I began to take a stab at the latest challenge! I got on a roll......then had to stop because we went over to a friend's house. Got home and lost the muse! I shall try again later if I have a chance. I think the story so far makes sense (in a quirky sort of way).

                          Wish me luck for a finish!
                          Here's sending good luck vibes!
                          Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                          I work for the Calgary Flames Hockey Club.
                          During Flames hockey games I wear skates and move the net out of the way for the machine to clean the ice. During a game I clean up excess snow along the boards infront of the players benches. There are three tv timeouts each period, so I get to skate all game long.
                          During Hitmen hockey games I generally open and close the gate for the machine and the other guys I work with who help with the ice.
                          When I don't work during a game I help the carpenter with whatever he is working on and do some general maintanence stuff in the building. During the summer I do lawn and garden maintenance for the building.
                          I also work during lacrosse games and concerts, but those are easy days with not much to do.
                          Rink, that sounds awesome - if I may say so.
                          Originally posted by Libero View Post
                          Oh and sleep - sometimes I just have to sleep a bit
                          Sleep is overrated anyhow...

                          About sites I visit (mostly) daily:
                          eMail account
                          Raising Hell (a Dark Angel FanFic Archive and Forum I'm a co-admin of)
                          a private forum for only my not-online friends (no offence, please)
                          FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                            Quiet day in the library = Libero learned the ABC
                            Thank you taris!!!


                            ABC of Whump

                            Acrid smoke filled the lab when Rodney finally set down the fire extinguisher.
                            Blue clouds were dancing above the console in the middle of the room, most of the crystals at least blackened while others were melted beyond recognition.
                            Crystals … what were I to …, he wondered.
                            Dumbfounded Rodney stared at the one intact crystal on the ground beneath his feet – the one he'd used to open the locked lab door.
                            Every single hair on his neck rose when he recalled the last minutes.
                            Fire alarm, irritating delay until he could figure out the place, then running through endless corridors of the abandoned ship, calling out for his friend, hoping against hope that he'd made it outside in time, finding the door sealed, frantically overriding the closing mechanism, wasting more valuable minutes searching for the extinguisher and getting the fire under control.
                            Grabbing the collar of his uniform jacket, he pulled it up and held it in front of his mouth.
                            "Hey Sheppard, you still in here?"
                            It was quiet apart from some sizzling noises coming from the console, where the extinguishing foam disappeared between the crystal formations.
                            Just when Rodney turned his head and started to walk over to the workbench, he heard another slight noise, it sounded like scraping and it seemed to come directly from the bottom of the console.
                            Kneeling down, he held his hand onto the fundament which was hot, rough and … flexible!
                            Layers of ash and extinguishant were obscuring something that felt like a doorknob – so this wasn’t the same as the control panels in the Atlantis’ labs but it might be some kind of storage room.
                            Might be possible for a slender man to fit into the space, Rodney thought.
                            Nervously he let his collar go, pulled out his sleeves to protect his hands and began fiddling around with the door handle.
                            Oh, come on …, Rodney growled, pulling with all his might.
                            Pain rippled through his arms and he knew he couldn’t go on much longer, but in the same moment, the door swung open with a loud screech.
                            Quavering he looked into the black smoking hole and suddenly he heard the same scraping noise only a little bit louder and mixed with another eerie sound: someone was whimpering in agony!
                            Rodney crawled forward, felt his way carefully and finally reached his hidden friend.
                            Sheppard – hey, buddy … it’s ok … I got you!”
                            Tugging gently at his friend’s jacket, he managed to drag John into the light.
                            “… u … fff.. ound … mmme, R’dney … ggoo… dd … m … collld …”
                            Very slowly Rodney moved him to the hallway where he could ascertain at least John’s visible injuries: bleeding head wound, burned hands and obviously broken leg.
                            Wouldn’t leave you behind, my friend … no chance!”
                            X-rays would probably show some broken ribs too, if Rodney was interpreting his friend’s labored breathing correctly, but first things first, he had to call for the troops and then, home at Atlantis, Carson would patch Sheppard up.
                            You … ‘re a … a good mm … man, R’dney … th … thanks for sa … ving my as … ss.”
                            Zip it, man and save your breath - we’re going home!”

                            And thank you Joanie
                            Last edited by Libero; 04 February 2012, 10:53 PM.


                              Originally posted by Libero View Post
                              Quiet day in the library = Libero learned the ABC
                              Thank you taris!!!


                              ABC of Whump

                              Acrid smoke filled the lab when Rodney finally set down the fire extinguisher.
                              Blue clouds were dancing above the console in the middle of the room, most of the crystals at least blackened while others were melted beyond recognition.
                              Crystals … what were I to …, he wondered.
                              Dumbfounded Rodney stared at the one intact crystal on the ground beneath his feet – the one he'd used to open the locked lab door.
                              Every single hair on his neck rose when he recalled the last minutes.
                              Fire alarm, irritating delay until he could figure out the place, then running through endless corridors of the abandoned ship, calling out for his friend, hoping against hope that he'd made it outside in time, finding the door sealed, frantically overriding the closing mechanism, wasting more valuable minutes searching for the extinguisher and getting the fire under control.
                              Grabbing the collar of his uniform jacket, he pulled it up and held it in front of his mouth.
                              "Hey Sheppard, you still in here?"
                              It was quiet apart from some sizzling noises coming from the console, where the extinguishing foam disappeared between the crystal formations.
                              Just when Rodney turned his head and started to walk over to the workbench, he heard another slight noise, it sounded like scraping and it seemed to come directly from the bottom of the console.
                              Kneeling down, he held his hand onto the fundament which was hot, rough and … flexible!
                              Layers of ash and extinguishant were obscuring something that felt like a doorknob – so this wasn’t the same as the control panels in the Atlantis’ labs but it might be some kind of storage room.
                              Might be possible for a slender man to fit into the space, Rodney thought.
                              Nervously he let his collar go, pulled out his sleeves to protect his hands and began fiddling around with the door handle.
                              Oh, come on …, Rodney growled, pulling with all his might.
                              Pain rippled through his arms and he knew he couldn’t go on much longer, but in the same moment, the door swung open with a loud screech.
                              Quavering he looked into the black smoking hole and suddenly he heard the same scraping noise only a little bit louder and mixed with another eerie sound: someone was whimpering in agony!
                              Rodney crawled forward, felt his way carefully and finally reached his hidden friend.
                              Sheppard – hey, buddy … it’s ok … I got you!”
                              Tugging gently at his friend’s jacket, he managed to drag John into the light.
                              “… u … fff.. ound … mmme, R’dney … ggoo… dd … m … collld …”
                              Very slowly Rodney moved him to the hallway where he could ascertain at least John’s visible injuries: bleeding head wound, burned hands and obviously broken leg.
                              Wouldn’t leave you behind, my friend … no chance!”
                              X-rays would probably show some broken ribs too, if Rodney was interpreting his friend’s labored breathing correctly, but first things first, he had to call for the troops and then, home at Atlantis, Carson would patch Sheppard up.
                              You … ‘re a … a good mm … man, R’dney … th … thanks for sa … ving my as … ss.”
                              Zip it, man and save your breath - we’re going home!”

                              And thank you Joanie
                              Brilliant hon! I just loved this. Honestly - this really is clever stuff and a great story too - good job!


                                Originally posted by Libero View Post
                                Quiet day in the library = Libero learned the ABC
                                Thank you taris!!!


                                ABC of Whump

                                Acrid smoke filled the lab when Rodney finally set down the fire extinguisher.
                                Blue clouds were dancing above the console in the middle of the room, most of the crystals at least blackened while others were melted beyond recognition.
                                Crystals … what were I to …, he wondered.
                                Dumbfounded Rodney stared at the one intact crystal on the ground beneath his feet – the one he'd used to open the locked lab door.
                                Every single hair on his neck rose when he recalled the last minutes.
                                Fire alarm, irritating delay until he could figure out the place, then running through endless corridors of the abandoned ship, calling out for his friend, hoping against hope that he'd made it outside in time, finding the door sealed, frantically overriding the closing mechanism, wasting more valuable minutes searching for the extinguisher and getting the fire under control.
                                Grabbing the collar of his uniform jacket, he pulled it up and held it in front of his mouth.
                                "Hey Sheppard, you still in here?"
                                It was quiet apart from some sizzling noises coming from the console, where the extinguishing foam disappeared between the crystal formations.
                                Just when Rodney turned his head and started to walk over to the workbench, he heard another slight noise, it sounded like scraping and it seemed to come directly from the bottom of the console.
                                Kneeling down, he held his hand onto the fundament which was hot, rough and … flexible!
                                Layers of ash and extinguishant were obscuring something that felt like a doorknob – so this wasn’t the same as the control panels in the Atlantis’ labs but it might be some kind of storage room.
                                Might be possible for a slender man to fit into the space, Rodney thought.
                                Nervously he let his collar go, pulled out his sleeves to protect his hands and began fiddling around with the door handle.
                                Oh, come on …, Rodney growled, pulling with all his might.
                                Pain rippled through his arms and he knew he couldn’t go on much longer, but in the same moment, the door swung open with a loud screech.
                                Quavering he looked into the black smoking hole and suddenly he heard the same scraping noise only a little bit louder and mixed with another eerie sound: someone was whimpering in agony!
                                Rodney crawled forward, felt his way carefully and finally reached his hidden friend.
                                Sheppard – hey, buddy … it’s ok … I got you!”
                                Tugging gently at his friend’s jacket, he managed to drag John into the light.
                                “… u … fff.. ound … mmme, R’dney … ggoo… dd … m … collld …”
                                Very slowly Rodney moved him to the hallway where he could ascertain at least John’s visible injuries: bleeding head wound, burned hands and obviously broken leg.
                                Wouldn’t leave you behind, my friend … no chance!”
                                X-rays would probably show some broken ribs too, if Rodney was interpreting his friend’s labored breathing correctly, but first things first, he had to call for the troops and then, home at Atlantis, Carson would patch Sheppard up.
                                You … ‘re a … a good mm … man, R’dney … th … thanks for sa … ving my as … ss.”
                                Zip it, man and save your breath - we’re going home!”

                                Shep: "You've got to be kidding me?!"

                                Terrific ideas, Libero.
                                Last edited by Twinchy; 31 January 2012, 11:43 AM.
                                FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair

